The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 208: Chapter 207 - Negotiations

The next morning, the whole Tribe was in a pleasant mood, where Iandra, very happy and excited, received Adriana and Vanessa.

"Good morning!" Vanessa bowed her head slightly as she spoke in their language.

Iandra smiled and said. - "Good morning!" - In the language of humans.

This as a show of respect, naturally Adriana taught both, where even one of her Clones, consciousness at least, is in her mental world, writing a book to help with the future translation, without her being here.

"The conversation we had yesterday was very enlightening for me, allowing me to have an even greater vision of the world we live in and I am more inclined to accept a peace treaty, of course, with the necessary requirements!" - Said Iandra smiling slightly and Adriana translated.

"That is good to hear, I assure you that your race will prosper, as in a very common way, we are willing to take a small number of your people to learn in our academies, to facilitate the future integration and coexistence of the races, as well as I will send farmers , doctors and other workers to help in the development of these lands!" - Said Vanessa, Adriana translating and in Iandra's doubts, she answered.

"Very good to hear that, I am even more excited, but understand that I am leader of only 1 of the 4 Great Tribes, I cannot say that the negotiation will be the same for the rest, I am not afraid to say that of the 4 of us, I am considered the most peaceful!" - Said Iandra laughing bitterly.

Vanessa frowned, but with a laugh she said. - "It doesn't matter, managing to bring proper peace between our peoples and helping them to develop, creating trade routes and of course, improving their lifestyles, the other Tribes will be jealous and obviously will come running to try to benefit."

"Haha ha! So you're so confident like that, but unfortunately we only see strength as something absolute, very likely that they're envious and will try to take everything from me and you!" - Iandra said, Vanessa's eyes turning cold.

"Then we can show that our cooperation cannot be broken by simple-minded women who wish to live in the past!" - Vanessa said, Iandra was smiling.

The rest of the negotiation went well, where it was being decided how many would be sent to the Kingdom of Valeeior, as well as the financial support to structure the land and teach them how to cultivate.

Iandra was very receptive, as for some reason she trusted Adriana, in fact it is obvious that she has hidden agendas.

But in the midst of negotiation, just as they were exchanging information, Vanessa asked about the Demon Race, talking about some of its characteristics and

"Those filthy things? Yes, from time to time they cause problems, we manage to chase them away most of the time, but they always appear like pests!" - Iandra was furious, where Vanessa spoke about them.

Iandra looked pensive upon hearing this, for her, the Demons were annoying insects, who tried to enslave them, but more often than not, ended up killing many of their people.

Of course, in retaliation, Centaurs from various tribes joined together to chase them away, it always worked.

Knowing that these pests are attacking their allies as well gives them even more reason to cooperate!

So Iandra gave information about the different types of Demons they have already faced, as well as their black magic, which allows them to summon grotesque beings with mouths in their stomachs, monsters with tentacles and much more.

She also let you know where most of the Demons come from, something Vanessa will take extra note of.

So after a long day full of conversations, much of it being very smooth, they went to rest after having all this written down.

The next day the negotiations continued, showing that it will not be something that can be resolved in 1 or 2 days.

After 4 days of negotiation, with both parties satisfied, Adriana and Vanessa would leave the next morning, escorted by some Centauras.

But that night, Adriana was on a hill, looking over the village of the Centaurs, simple but pleasant.

She was drinking alcohol while talking to her wives, but had to say goodbye to them as someone came in from the side carrying a box under her arm.

"Can I seat?" - Asked Iandra smiling, Adriana gave a slight smile along with a nod.

Iandra sat beside her, looking down on her tribe with pride.

"What do you think will happen when the changes start?" Iandra asked.

Adriana looked, then said.

- "The terrain is very uneven, I've seen some of you almost tripping several times, this must be solved, so it will be the creation of some roads, to facilitate locomotion, some large tents, made of solid material that cannot be moved except if destroyed they will be created to store your supplies, the many plains that surround us, lands so magnificent, will soon have a golden glow or big green plants, giving you tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and much more!


With such incredible land to cultivate, if we could concentrate all your species, unify them in one city for Centauras, we could develop several cultivation villages, I believe that in such a huge place, easily you could become one of the main sources of production of agricultural food of the country, which will make them a huge fortune!" - Adriana said laughing, seeing the potential of these lands.

Iandra didn't understand much, so she asked, understanding more and more the potential that these lands have.

"Why are these lands so good? Wouldn't it be better to plant in forests?" - Iandra asked curiously.

"A lot of work, the forests are full of trees and stones, the soil covered with roots, all of this would make planting difficult, so it is ideal to plant them in more open places and without much vegetation, so plains like these are very desirable, not to mention that the soil is fertile, the quality of what grows on these lands, if properly cared for, will be of good quality!" - Adriana said lightly.

" you quoted earlier, about unifying my race, please tell me more!" - Iandra said without looking at her.

Adriana smiled slightly, and could smell the burning ambition.

- "I traveled a lot through these lands and know, this world is bigger than we can imagine, these plains, just 1 drop of water in the great lake that is the continent, here there are many species, Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, Halflings and etc., we recently found out about the Demons and of course you!

And I can assure you that in physical terms, your race is one of the best, not to mention that it is natural, perhaps to compensate for the lack of flexibility and maneuverability, you are born with stronger and more resistant bodies than any other species, your skins are also Thick compared to other races, even Orcs known for their brute strength and rock-like endurance, the advantages of their species cannot be compared!"

Iandra heard this with pride, but Adriana continued.

- "Of course, in exchange for so many advantages, you have very large bodies and difficult to move around, for you to be accepted in cities and towns of other species, it would be necessary to modify many buildings to receive you, which will cost a lot, so the biggest disadvantage would be the difficulty of your species to be accepted by others!"

"But going to the focus, your species is strong and has a lot of potential for growth, but you are very divided and I don't want to belittle you, but if the Kingdom of Valeeior was willing to use at least half of its military might to subjugate you , sending your Grandmasters here, I wouldn't give it even 1 year, before these lands are conquered!" - Adriana said, making Iandra frown.

"Indeed, your kind would do serious damage to the army, but in the end our massive numbers would surpass yours and the amount of individuals at similar levels to your Matriarch would be enough to prevent someone like you from causing more havoc than he should have, so I ask you, if 2 to 4 humans of the same level as you faced you, do you think you could survive?" - Adriana said, before showing the appearance of a woman manifesting her by her Astral Energy.

"I'm talking about women on this level!" - Said Adriana.

Iandra recognized the manifested woman, she was a great warrior who left her some scars, but she still emerged victorious, almost taking her arm, thus bringing victory to her people.

If you faced 2 to 4 of them at the same time - "I would die!" - She said without hesitation!

"Iandra, you didn't come to me just to talk, correct?" - Adriana said changing the subject, surprising Iandra thoughtful, who then laughed.

"Yes, I wanted to ask about the job of a Mercenary, find out more!" - Iander said.

"And even? Interested in creating a group?" - Asked Adriana.

"No, but some of my daughters are interested in this and I wanted to know if you are willing to accept them!" - Iandra said smiling.

Adriana already expected this, in fact, she wanted some time to recruit some Centaurs, having a cavalry of them would help immensely in her plans.

"Well then, let me tell you how the Mercenaries work best!" -Adriana said and started talking about what she knows.

It was a conversation that lasted about 20 minutes, before Iandra scratched her chin before taking a big swig of her drink.

"If I were a few decades younger, I would have wanted to become one, but I am a Matriarch now and the strongest!" - Iandra said a little frustrated, but looking at Adriana she asked. - "So, what about accepting my daughters?"

"I need to see them first to give an approximate value of the contract, but I hope you understand that my Mercenary group will only accept the best and those who want to achieve greatness, I have the arrogance to say that if you give me your daughters, in 2 to 3 years, some of them will be so strong that it could threaten your position as Matriarch!" - Adriana said smiling confidently and full of arrogance.

"Hahahaha! This is good, very good!" - Iandra laughed, loving to hear that, what mother wouldn't want to have powerful daughters?

"Iandra, do you want to learn something that will make you stronger?" - Asked Adriana smiling, Iandra getting curious.

"That thing you call an Aura?" Iandra asked.

"No, your body is not suited for this, you reached such a level using your mighty vitality and superior physique, what I am teaching you is called [Vital Arts], it will turn your mighty vitality into power, improving your regeneration naturally, allowing you to exert an Aura-like power and several other practical effects, I can say that you will be at least 1/3 stronger!" - Adriana said, explaining what 1/3 is.

"What will it cost me?" - Iandra asked, frowning.

"Nothing, I am wanting to teach you for one simple reason, that you conquer the other Tribes and unify these plains, become the Queen of Centaurs, avoid unnecessary wars, it will benefit everyone, not to mention that with you getting even stronger, it will make the Valeeior Kingdom think twice before daring to think of using them!" - Adriana said calmly, which made Iandra frown.

"Understand that in a society where what often reigns over strength is intelligence, there will be many wanting to take advantage of you and your people, using the power of your race in your petty battles, sacrificing your lives or even stealing from them.

without them noticing, I don't want that to happen, so if you, the leader are so powerful, that even 5 Grandmasters would be unable to face, then your race as a whole will have more influence!" - Said Adriana.

" advantage?" - asked Iandra coldly.

"Yes, whoever has the advantage profits more!" - Adriana said smiling.

"Why inform me of this, would you not betray your people?" - Iandra asked raising an eyebrow.

"They are not my Iandra people, I am a Mercenary who works for money, as I will be accepting your daughters and some of your female soldiers into my Mercenary family, I naturally wish to prevent your race from being unfairly subjugated, as I want to have a good relationship , because if it works out, wouldn't it be strange that in the future, I would have a cavalry of 100 Centaurs under me!" - Adriana said smiling.

Iandra smiled too, understanding that Adriana wants friendship and she is more than happy to oblige!

And so they shook hands!


The next morning, Adriana has met up with Iandra's daughters, as well as some of her wives, who will be following her.

Altogether there are 15 Centauras, Adriana saw that the weakest are at Level 50~60, while Iandra's 3 daughters are at Level 103, 114 and 116!

Mighty Elites who would already break into the Gold Rank easily!

Of course, such a position cannot be given to anyone just because they are strong, even a Level 150 Mercenary can stay Silver Rank forever if they don't meet some requirements.

"Your daughters are indeed very powerful, I am impressed!" - Adriana said looking at the 3 who have an imposing air, but much inferior to Iandra's.

"But of course, they have my blood!" - Iandra said proudly as she hit her chest.

Adriana smiled and said. - "For your daughters, I can give an initial contract of 200 Gold Coins, now the 12 left, 80 Gold Coins, which can reach 120 if they pass some tests, your daughters can reach 300 to 500!"

"A lot of numbers, how much is it in all?" Iandra asked.

"Initially 1,560 Gold Coins every 30 moons, which can have huge bonuses in case of successful missions!" - Said Adriana.

Iandra nodded and said. - "Well, they are your subordinates from today, take good care of them and try to send the money."

Adriana didn't mind, even though the 15 in question weren't in the best of moods, they accepted, it's the Matriarch's order, not to mention that she was very "convincing"!

Adriana glanced at her Cavalry future, her attention landing on Uraka, one of Iandra's eldest daughters and the one at Level 116.

Adriana already gave the payment to Iandra, who looked at that Gold, along with she received a book, to help her better understand the common language.

So Adriana went with Vanessa, who was surprised at 15 and knowing what was going on, she didn't ask any questions.

And so, escorted by 15 Centauras, they started their journey to Carmem's fortress!

"They're not very happy, are they? You practically bought 15 Elite Cavalry for what, a measly 1,500 Coins?" Vanessa asked, nodding her head.

"I didn't buy them, I hired them, 1,500 is not cheap, not to mention it could reach 3,000 in the future, so I'll have to make it worth it, not to mention I have to teach them the human language, then make them study and train , it's going to be tricky!" - Adriana said with a laugh.

Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"Got something to talk about human?" -A Centaura spoke, seems to not take any more of her frustration.

"Stop, it's the Matriarch's order!" - Said one of Iandra's daughters coldly.

"It's okay, from today I will be your leader, I will take care of where you live, what you eat, your medical care and your equipment." - Adriana said calmly.

"You might think your Matriarch is selling you out, which is true, your Matriarch is quite ambitious and sees what is happening as a great opportunity, which it is and she is seizing it!

Do not see this as a punishment or exile, treat it as an opportunity, because if you follow me, you 3, in a few years, you can be as strong as your mother, even stronger, as the others, you will also be able to match in strength to your Matriarch in the future, so work hard and I guarantee you a great life full of battles and benefits!" - Said Adriana, which shut everyone up.

"I have confidence in saying that in a few months, you will no longer be angry but rejoicing at being sent to serve me, just like in the future, your peers will all be jealous of you in the future, so enjoy!" -Adriana said smiling before she continued walking.

4 days later, an army came to them, all armed and tense due to the 15 Centaurs, which Adriana made to put down their weapons.

When the officer found Vanessa, she immediately fell to her knees. - "Your Highness!"

Soon the other troops did the same, all falling to their knees, Adriana explained what was happening to the Centaurs.

Then they were taken to meet Carmem, on the way the 15 Centauras drew a lot of attention, they were uncomfortable, but there is nothing to be done.

Carmem received them with due respect, but knowing that the 15 will be Adriana's subordinates, she was not happy, but had to accept it.

In the end, Adriana had confirmation that all payments were delivered, but 1 million Gold, not to mention that the recruitment was over, 250 Combatants, being trained in 3 professions, Infantry, Lancers and Archers!

Due to the high price of horses, it's natural that there wouldn't be a Mounted Cavalry, even more so with Adriana getting Centaurs now.

And with the addition of the Centaurs, it's obvious that changes had to be made to the lands of the Scarlet Mist Mercenaries, in order to accommodate them.

With the job done, Adriana saw that it was time to return, so with enough supplies, she started her return trip with the 15 Centauras, leaving Vanessa's safety to be taken care of by Carmem.

Adriana doesn't want the headache of entering the Capitol, being accosted by several princesses, and ending up in conflict with the Governess Queen and her wives.

Even though she doesn't fear anyone in this world now, it's still annoying to kill people.

On the trip, Adriana was introducing the Centauras more about the world, showing villages that came to pass, as well as cities, but they didn't stay much, due to the strangeness.

She also started teaching them the common language and a bit about [Life Energy], it's something she learned on one of the continents in the past, as soon as she saw the Centaurs, she thought of it almost immediately.

Their bodies are not suitable for Aura, perhaps due to the underside of a horse, they have powerful vitality, so the best would be a method that helps strengthen their racial advantages, while also transforming their vitality into more power.

Adriana taught them this, where little by little they noticed the differences, getting stronger over time, where they started to stop feeling irritated or frustrated, but happy!

They began to have more respect for Adriana, because on the way they were attacked by a wild group of Goblins, there were around 50 of them, but when the Centaurs were ready for combat, they saw a dark energy spread and start tearing apart all the Goblins!

Then in moments, 50 armed Goblins, were reduced to just rags and weapons, they being devoured by Hadrian's Gluttony.

That was enough for them to understand that Adriana is so powerful that it's scary!

After more than 1 month of travel, they finally returned to the Scarlet Village, where the enclosure was being expanded, new houses were being built, trees were being felled.

The whole village was developing, but there was something curious about it.

Outside, 200 meters away, it is possible to find several groups camped, women of different ages, when they saw Adriana and the Centauras, some ran.

"Mrs. Scarlet, my name is Gauma, I'm Leader of the Bloody Rose, could I just have a minute of your time?!"

"Mrs. Scarlet, please give me a second chance!"

"Mrs. Scarlet-"

Adriana frowned where she pushed them all away and said. - "Recruitment ended, if you were late or failed, blame yourself for your failures!"

Adriana's intense aura suppressed them, preventing them from speaking.

"And if I was delayed because I was on the other side of the world, can we make an exception?" - A relaxed voice sounded, Adriana looked, finding a black woman with long curly hair and a stocky body.

She exudes a strong aura!

[Samantha Rudeus(Lv.150) HP: 100%]

"And you, who would you be?" - Asked Adriana smiling, now that got interesting.

"My name is Samantha Rudeus, I come from a fallen family, it took me a long time to get here, but I'm finally here, how about making an exception?" - Said Samantha smiling full of confidence.

Several disgruntled voices sounded, only for Samantha to snort in disdain and manifest her aura in a heavy and intimidating way, making many shut up.

Adriana looked at her thoughtfully and asked. - "You are strong, I admit that, but why does a Master want to follow me?"

"I've been a Mercenary for 2 years, I never found a decent group to be a part of, until I found yours, I spent almost half a year traveling to get here, I've been to the far south coast!" - Samantha said confidently.

Adriana scratched her chin, analyzing this beauty, Samantha is a very beautiful woman, dark skin and without any marks, not even scars.

A beautiful face and intense eyes, containing great defiance, a tall, lean and fit physique.

Samantha has a nice waist, it's very apparent from her big butt and muscular legs, she wears a long skirt that reaches mid-calf, which is open at the sides for easy movement.

She's also wearing thin, flexible fabric around her full, firm breasts, exposing her ripped abs and luscious curves!

For her weapon, she has only a sheathed Katana, a weapon she is carrying and so far she hasn't dropped it and doesn't even seem bothered, so it must be something natural.


"Are you going to stare at me all afternoon, or are you going to invite me to dinner?" - Asked Samantha huffing with her hands on her hips.

Adriana laughed and said. - "Well then, follow me!"

Disgruntled voices rang out, but one look from Adriana and they backed away in fear and terror!

Samantha smiled, thinking she was right to come here.

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