The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 206: Chapter 205 - Vanessa Valeeior

"For someone of your status, I expected something grander!" - Vanessa said with a certain teasing tone looking at the simple interior.

"These houses are only for sleeping and fornicating, otherwise my girls spend their time training and spending their free time in games and drinking!" - Adriana said, shrugging.

"Simple, maybe that's why you hate noble society?" - Vanessa asked curiously.

"Not really, with things being simple, I just need a few smacks to work out, in the nobility, I have to worry about arranged marriages, a bunch of annoying snobbish bitches who think they're the best in the world, little do they know that if they find themselves a bitch who couldn't give a fuck, they wouldn't be any different from bugs!" - Said Adriana laughing with disdain.

"In fact, when there are banquets in the palace, I think it's all a joke, those descendents of nobles always talking about the same thing, exposing their riches as if it were something so impressive, that's why I prefer to get involved in wars and I have a good relationship with the many Lords, I particularly like hiding during hunts, it gives such a good adrenaline rush, it makes me hard!" - Vanessa said laughing.

Adriana smile, this princess is more and more interesting.

Gadra and Carmem, standing behind, are mulling over themselves, wanting to tell her to maintain decorum and the like, but they couldn't, since Vanessa certainly won't hear them.

Not to mention that she has just shown them something incredible, the ability to change faces, they don't know how, now those last words of hers made them very fearful.

"You're quite interesting, I have to admit, I've met many members of royal families wherever I've been, most of them irritatingly tried to seduce and arrest me, always being restrained with what they said, but you, you don't give a fuck about that shit !" - Adriana said laughing while someone brought a teapot and some cookies.

Vanessa was served, she thanked the maid and looking at Adriana she said. - "Well, I would be lying if I said I'm not interested in you, both as a mercenary and as a woman, you attract me in every way!"

"Sorry, I don't relate closely to nobility, personal rule!" - Adriana said raising her hands.

"Oh, such a shame, even though I was willing to do a lot of amazing things!" - Vanessa said licking her lips seductively, before taking a little tea, which made her raise an eyebrow. - "Wow this is good!"

"A little secret, I can get you some bags later." -Adriana said smiling, unaffected by her gestures.

"Please!" - Vanessa said smiling as she took another sip.

A cup was also given to Gadra and Carmem, who just kept it in their hands, not drinking it, only after the princess and they also liked it.

"But then princess, from what you heard from me, it is clear that you have some service for me, otherwise you would not have exposed yourself and jeopardized your image." - Adriana said calmly.

"In fact, I don't want to waste time with sweet and grandiose words, as you are a mercenary who will do anything for money, there is a perfect job for your group!" - Vanessa said seriously.

"Please go ahead, say it!" - Said Adriana waving.

"Escort me to the Centaur Tribe we're having some minor skirmishes with and be my translator, I hear from Carmen that you have some translation artifact, I hope it works on those cheeky mares." - Vanessa said calmly.

"Hmmm first time seeing some clever work, but well, what's the reward?" - Asked Adriana very interested.

"Taking me and coming back with me will be an upfront payment of 200,000 Gold Coins, success in creating a friendly relationship with the Centaurs will net you an additional payment of 300,000 Gold Coins!" - Vanessa said confidently.

"Hmmm, from their reaction, I believe no one was aware of this, likely not even her mother and sisters I believe she is wanting more advantages, like the 3rd princess, I presume?" - Adriana said smiling.

"But of course, I want to be an amazing Governing Queen, I can't let such an opportunity pass by, I also want to see if it's true that they have dicks like a horse!" - Vanessa said laughing.

"Actually, that should give you quite an advantage, but what if I went to other princesses, or even the queen, I believe they would be willing to pay way more than just 500,000 Gold Coins, as the Centaur Race has shown itself well. more capable than one might expect." - Adriana said coldly.

Vanessa raised an eyebrow, before chuckling and saying.

- "In fact, I believe my mother would be more than willing to reward you with 1.5 million for this mission, you know, missions officially given by royalty are very rewarding, but it's just that, some extra money, but they will think you it's a crown bitch!

But if you accept my job, you will earn points with royalty, my friendship and if I become Queen, I guarantee we will have an amazing relationship!"

Adriana rubbed her chin, thinking, until with a smile she said. - "Very well, I will personally guide you to the Centauras, I alone am more than enough!"

A wide smile appeared on Vanessa's face, making her even happier. - "So it will be a couple trip? I'm very excited!"

Adriana smiled, but didn't answer.

"Princess, you can't be serious!" - Said Gadra not taking it anymore.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and grunting in annoyance she said.

- "Commander Gadra, we are losing our troops excessively in a foolish conflict, we do not know the language of the Centaurs, which should take a few decades to learn to then establish a proper relationship, at least with the support of this incredible woman, something that would take decades can be finished in a few months to 2 years at the most!"

"But this is dangerous! Centaurs are extremely strong and I admit this woman is strong, but they also have their Grand Masters!" - Said Gadra seriously.

"In fact, I wouldn't have dared to take such a job if I hadn't seen firsthand how you Commander, one of the 3 most powerful Swords in the Nation, trembled in fear at the murderous intent of a single woman and how 200 Royal Guards couldn't even stand up to each other.

keep standing!" - Vanessa said disdainfully, putting Gadra to shame.

"Adriana, I don't know if you can answer me, but maybe you've crossed a line?" - Asked Vanessa, which left Gadra and Carmem amazed and of course, curious!

Adriana understood what she meant, so smiling she said. - "Partially!"

"As?" - Vanessa asked in surprise.

"Let's say there's this cliff I've been climbing for years, I've finally made it to the top, I'm exhausted but accomplished, only for a strong gust of air to hit me and knock me off my feet, but I'm lucky my leg got caught between some branches, I am hanging upside down, close to the top, but without proper support and any sudden movement is the end of me!" - Adriana said smiling slightly.

"Soyou've seen what's beyond but you can't stand it and now you're trying to get back on top, trying to find a way to hold on?" - Vanessa asked excitedly.

"Indeed, then once I find the right foothold, getting back to the top is easy and I can climb even higher!" - Adriana said, giving many indications.

It is obvious that the cliff is Tier 4, which no one in this world has reached yet, the so-called Edge of the World.

In her last words now, Adriana made it clear that there is still much more to climb, the 3 in front of her understood this, being impressed.

"Well that answers me a lot, I have nothing to fear so please Mercenary guide me on this quest!" - Vanessa said smiling.

"With pleasure!" - Adriana said smiling.


As Adriana decided to accept Vanessa's mission, which will pay very well, which she will go alone, she went to warn her subordinates.

So they didn't have to worry, because technically, Vanessa is their hostage if they try anything.

Their wives weren't worried, but Luria was intense in saying so. - "I don't want you to fuck this little princess, follow the damn rules!"

"But she's so my type, crazy and rebellious!" - Adriana said laughing and joking, only to receive Luria's intense look.

But in the end she agreed, even though she has some carnal interest in Vanessa, she won't bond with any royal family, it's always irritating.

So after the news broke, Adriana summoned one of her clones, much to the shock of everyone, even more Vanessa who was present at the time.

"So, since I'm going to carry out this solo quest, I'll leave one of my copies here, it only has 1/3 of my strength, more than enough to take care of everyone's safety here, as well as managing and handling recruitments and contracts!" - Said original Adriana pointing to the clone.

"Hi beauties, I'm the copy, I have independent thoughts, but I'm completely loyal to the original, I'll take care of them all, so be nice to me!" - Said the clone smiling and waving to everyone.

"My lady, can I ask you something?" - Asked Maria raising her hand.

"Go ahead!" - Adriana said waving her hand.

"What's going on is it new?" - asked Maria hesitantly.

"No, but it's the first time I'm using it here!" - Adriana said, an obvious lie.

Turns out last time, his Clone ended up screwing a few girls, including Maria and Mell, so it's best not to give any room for discontent.

Maria sighed in relief, making Adriana understand that she might have been in trouble.

"Know that if you want to talk to me, you can go talk to her, I can temporarily possess her like a ghost, that is, a means of communication over long distances!" - Adriana said calmly.

"This is very interesting, how much does such knowledge cost? I am willing to pay 50 Million!" - Vanessa said without hesitation.

"Unfortunately you have to pass the barrier before you can even think about using it." - Adriana said smiling slightly, leaving Vanessa sad and pouting.

With the revelation of one of Adriana's abilities, which she can create perfect copies of at 1/3 of her capabilities, this was something that quickly spread.

It is obvious that there are spies out there, not to mention that they are receiving as guests, the more than 200 troops, Carmem and Gadra, it is obvious that such news quickly reached the ears of the Royal Family, as well as the mission.

Even during the preparations for the trip, Vanessa received many letters, most of which she ignored, only the ones she wanted, such as one of her dear housekeeper, the most loyal subordinate she has, who has already sent 200,000 Gold Coins and is under protection of 50 Personal Guards and 100 Mercenaries, along with a Master Swordsman.

Another letter she received was from her mothers, the Queen Governess, it showed her praise for her actions worthy of a member of the royal family, so she will not be stopped, but should she fail, it is to prepare for the consequences of her transgressions.

There were also letters talking about how she must bring Adriana who touched the edge of the world to her family, even if she has to hand over her body.

Vanessa was more than happy to carry out such a mission, there is hardly a woman who attracts her, Adriana surpassed in many the requirements for a woman like that, for her, Adriana is perfect to have daughters and rule by her side.

Even if both are hermaphrodites, it doesn't matter, both can have daughters anyway, what she didn't know is the fact that Adriana's uterus was sterile.

It is obvious that at the beginning of the mission, Adriana and Vanessa did not mount horses and start the journey, that would be foolish, since the battlefield against the Centauras is well governed by troops and is further north.

It will take months to get there and as Carmem is living in a recently created fortress in that region, managing and governing it, it is obvious that they all went together.

Gadra, against his will, had to return to the capital, to give his reports about Adriana and, of course, not to interfere with the mission, since Vanessa sent letters talking about Gadra's prejudice against Mercenaries, which could interfere with Adriana's seduction and recruitment.

As such, Gadra was dismissed!

Adriana, Vanessa and Carmem went to the border fortress, where one of Carmem's main armies was, to expand the land.

In the midst of this journey which will be very long, around 1 month, Vanessa has shown herself to be very talkative and determined, constantly trying to seduce Adriana, showing off her sexy body, these incredible curves, a beauty that is presumed to be untouchable due to her high status.

like princess.

Indeed, it was difficult, but Adriana endured like a Monk.

Vanessa only saw this as a challenge, as she doesn't believe there is a woman who holds back in front of her beauty.

But Vanessa not only tried to strike up a conversation, but as she wanted to know more about Adriana, as well as profit from it.

She asked a lot about Lily, who she met earlier and learned that just like her, she is a natural Enchantress!

Vanessa understood that Adriana would not give away such secrets for free, so using the support given by her mothers, she guaranteed Adriana many riches, including for her to give some tips to Carmem, who has been imprisoned for a long time, unable to pass the barrier and become become a Grandmaster!

Adriana initially didn't think much of it, but as the offers increased, Adriana decided to take it, it wasn't such a big deal.

In the future this should become common, as well as the fact that she comes from another world.

So with another 500,000 Gold Coins in her account, since Vanessa sent letters to send the money, even Carmem will pay 100,000 more for the lessons.

Therefore, Adriana gave Carmem tips about Aura, asking to know the method she uses.

Carmem initially didn't want to, it's a family secret, but Vanessa made her say it, only for Adriana to laugh and say. - "Wow, it's impressive that you reached such a level with this garbage!"

She practiced the [Art of the Knight of a Thousand Cuts], an art created by one of her ancestors who used the saber, which could be said to be one of the best knightly techniques in the nation, but Adriana said that it was blatantly rubbish.

"I understand that you are talented and very powerful, but please don't insult my family!" - Said Carmem after that insult.

"Hahaha honey, I've seen thousands of techniques in my life, my mind is literally a library full of treasures, the technique you just told me, even partially, made me understand how rubbish it is, it wouldn't even be worthy to be put in my library!" - Adriana said laughing, which only made Carmem angrier, thinking it was a mistake.

"Well, since you paid and I find it humiliating to fix this garbage, I will teach you a technique with the same principles, only much better, it's only a Medium Level one, but in a maximum of 1 year, it should be enough to help you to get past this little problem." - Adriana said still with obvious disdain.

Carmem getting even more displeased, clenching her fists, but she held back, enduring such humiliation, because she knows she doesn't have the strength to challenge Adriana.

Vanessa didn't mind such insults, if someone on Adriana's level said she was rubbish, even though she's no knight, she'll just accept it.

So Adriana, who found a technique called [Art of the Immortal Blade], the concepts are practically the same and analyzing the circulation of Mana in Carmem, she saw that it will be easy for her to adapt.

So Adriana made Carmen pay attention as she instructed her. When they camped, Adriana helped her circulation.

So Carmen understood after practicing for 3 days, she had to admit in humiliation, that her family art, which she was so proud of, was rubbish!

The [Immortal Blade Art] even having such a dominant name, has shown itself to be worthy in her eyes, but when Adriana said that it is only a Mid-Level Technique, saying that she thinks that name is absurd, but at least it was adequate for the enough.

It got you thinking: How absurd are High Level Techniques?

It also made him wonder which continent Adriana came from, how powerful were the Masters and Grand Masters of that continent, what was his development and such.

Adriana didn't bother giving information about it, as she doesn't have any.

But one thing is for sure, Carmem began to show noticeable improvements within days, as her circulation became smoother, the power in her blade when she manifests her Aura, became even more powerful.

That only made him understand even more the difference between her and Adriana.

As for Vanessa, Adriana taught her a method of storing more Mana, flowing it through her body, which is very efficient for Sorceresses.

Vanessa found it interesting, she thought it was just a matter of letting her instincts take her, as she was born with such abilities, but that wasn't the case, using what Adriana was teaching her, she was making her abilities truly her own!

She also learned to research more about herself, where she came to discover that she was capable of summoning a very beautiful Black Blade.

Vanessa was amazed that there was so much of herself that she didn't know and if she got stronger, she would discover more and more!

And so 40 days passed, where they finally arrived at the fortress of Carmem.

And there they rested for 2 days, packing supplies and stuff.

Carmem wanted to go along, as she feared for Vanessa's survival, but Vanessa was very relaxed, wanting to spend time alone with Adriana, so she asked Carmem not to get in the way!

In the end she only reluctantly accepted, so after those 2 days, the two mounted on horses, left the fortress, followed by a small cavalry to where some military camps are.

From there they went to the forest, which will later lead them to the great plain where the Centauras live!

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