The Royal Contract

Chapter 991

Chapter 991: Life-changing

It had been a couple of days since she had moved to this place. They were still waiting for word from the other camp about their counteroffer. If her ex-boyfriend would accept her terms or offer something amiable, she could finally move on and start over again.

Until then, she had to wait and lie low where no one could recognize her. Adam had been a good friend, always accompanying her when he could. As he had promised, he introduced her to the trainer that taught him self-defense.

“Learning doesn’t happen in one blow.” The man in front of her muttered, looking at her pensively as she hit the punching bag using much force. He moved closer to him, stopping her from proceeding. “You will only hurt yourself.”

“I can handle it, Bo.” She reacted, but still, she raised her hands in surrender. She did come to him to learn.

Then, he asked her to step aside, showing her how she should do it properly without hurting herself. “You need to absorb the impact of the blow.” As he demonstrated the proper way to throw her punches, and then he stepped aside to let her try.

“Like this.” She had carefully watched him before she took her turn. It did feel different, but honestly, it still hurt her knuckles every time it hit the hard surface of the bag.

“That seems to be better, Megan,” Bo said, nodding in approval. He eyed her every movement, correcting her stance once in a while when she slipped out of pace.


She had used one of her aliases while she pretended to be Adam’s distant cousin who was trying her luck in this city. It was a good cover for people who might snoop around her background. But she doubted anyone would suspect anything unless she gave them a reason.

Without her makeup, she was still beautiful but not the same as the one in the cameras. Without fixing her hair in a certain way and using a few disguises like hats, makeup and glasses, it would be hard to identify her as the actress they had seen on the big screen.

Some might think she had some similarities, but no one would believe that the actress was her, maybe even if she told them. Of course, why would the actress end up living in their neighborhood? That was just absurd.

“Maybe we can wrap this up. We will continue this another day.” Bo told her as he helped her remove the hand gloves he lent her. He said with a melancholy voice that it belonged to his daughter, who had moved away to another city with her husband.

“Do you miss them?” She asked, not snooping with his business but just wanting to make conversation. She felt comfortable around the man. He seemed to be a friendly man and a wonderful father to his only daughter.

“Yeah! But she and her family visit every opportunity they have.” He said that he was looking forward to seeing them this coming holiday.

She had forgotten about the holidays. She had been busy with her problems, and thinking about other things became a non-priority. She guessed she should change that.

Maybe she could visit her father this weekend and see how he was. David said that he had changed a lot over the years. It would be nice if she could celebrate the holiday season with her family for a change.

“I am sure she is excited to see you too, even your grandchildren.” She commented as he related to her that he already had two grandchildren, a girl, and a boy.

“Hey! Are you done here?” A familiar voice broke their conversation, making her turn her head to her left. “Sorry, but we have a few things we need to discuss, and your manager has not stopped calling me in the last ten minutes.”

“Yeah, just going to change, and then I am all yours.” Suddenly, she felt her heart quicken, realizing what she had said.

Since the first night he brought her dinner, he had acted like a friend to her but nothing more. He did not show any interest in her compared to the first few times they were together.

Maybe he had realized that she was not as alluring as the star when she dressed like a regular girl living across from him. Whatever attraction she had seen in him seemed to vanish as he acted professionally around her.

Anyway, he seemed not to mind what she said as he only smiled as he talked to Bo on the side. “Go ahead, but hurry up.” It was his only response.

“Ok.” She rushed to the small changing room to fix herself and changed from her sweaty shirt to a clean one. She would have opted for a quick shower, but he seemed in a hurry. As he said, Nora had been trying to get hold of her.

It could be urgent, or her manager was being paranoid, checking on her at every opportunity she had. She had not checked her phone since she put on her gloves, which was more than an hour ago.

She could already guess that Nora might have several messages and calls from her that she had not responded to, but her manager could wait for a few more minutes as she hurried to tie her hair before leaving the room to join the men.

“Ready?” Adam asked when she resurfaced at the main gym, but he was alone. Bo must have gone to the back to tend to things.

“Yeah, where to?” She asked, wondering what they would be discussing now. It could be about the case or something about what Nora wanted.

“In your apartment. Nora will be meeting us in ten minutes. She said she had something urgent to discuss with us.” Adam told her as he guided her to his car.

“Did she mention anything about it?” She knew Nora never liked wasting anybody’s time with trivial things. She would call and text for small matters, but for her to travel to her place.

It was an urgent situation that she could not ignore. It meant that something was up. It could be about her job or her personal life. But whatever it was, she could expect it to be life-changing.

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