The Royal Contract

Chapter 986

Chapter 986: Mysterious woman

His eyes tried to focus on the road ahead. It was slightly late therefore traffic was lighter. Still, he avoided going over the speed limit, not wanting to attract the attention of the cops. The last thing he needed tonight was for someone to pull him over and a DUI case, driving under the influence.

Zach was not afraid to get caught. His father was a Senator. He could get away with a minor misdemeanor with just a slap on the wrist. But avoiding the hassle was still better. Besides, he liked not using his father and his position for a change.

“Are you sure about the address?” He asked as he searched the street for the address she told him in her drunken state when they left the restaurant and before she dozed into a restless sleep in the passenger side.

But she did not respond as he failed to wake her up on his first try. He had no way to confirm the address. Having no choice, he searched his navigation pane on his dashboard, determining if he had the right place.

Still, he doubted if he was at the correct address as he passed several beautiful townhouses on his way to her apartment. She did not seem to fit in this place based on the limited knowledge he gathered about her.

Nobody in the office seemed to know much about her. He would have asked Alona or even Brenda about her, but that would only send red flags and daggers his way. They seemed protective of her.

It was a classy neighborhood with expensive properties on the top end of the estate scale. On the other hand, the woman beside her was not the typical heiress who could afford such luxury.


“Hey, Ria! We are here.” He whispered as he stared at the woman who still had her eyes closed as he parked the car on the pavement outside her apartment. “Ria!” He called her again.

“Oh!” She looked at him, slightly disoriented, with the alcohol inhibiting her system. She shifted her eyes from him and his car before returning them to his eyes. “What is going on?” She asked as she adjusted in her seat.

“We had a few drinks, and I offered to drive you home,” Zach explained as she waited for her to remember.

“Oh! Yeah!” Her eyes finally lit up, probably remembering the earlier event. “I am sorry if I have troubled you. I could have taken a taxi instead of letting you drive me home.” She believed that was what she said.

But he heard just a portion of it as she slightly slurred her words. But he still understood what she meant by it. “Don’t worry about it. I am just happy to help.”

“I guess I better get home,” Ria uttered, a bit coherent this time, as she attempted to remove the seatbelt. “I think this thing is stuck.” She concluded when she could not unbuckle it from its lock.

“Let me help.” Zach offered as he removed his seatbelt to bend over to her side. Then, the unthinkable happened.

He barely unlocked her belt when he felt her hands raised into the air and wrapped around his neck. Before he knew what she intended, her lips were already grazing his, and her hands locked him in an embrace.

He slightly pulled back in shock and stared into her eyes. He was unsure what was happening, but honestly, he liked it. Who was he to complain if a beautiful woman wanted to kiss him? But still, he did not understand it.

“Ria...” He wanted to ask what she was doing, but she stopped him by pushing herself back into his lips, sealing their mouths, preventing him from saying more.

He could not help himself as he finally succumbed to his desire and kissed her fervently. He finally admitted that he had wanted to kiss her. He did not know when he had started fantasizing about her, but he had been obsessing about her.

“Don’t stop.” She muttered in her lust-filled voice as he pulled away from her lips to travel down her cheeks and throat.

“I don’t want to.” He responded as he invaded the opening in her neckline. But the confine of his sports car was not exactly convenient to what he had in mind. “Let us go inside.” He suggested as he quickly extricated himself from her embrace and jumped out of the car with a purpose.

Soon, he had her in his arms, pushing her inside the apartment building and into her apartment floor. “Where is your key?” He asked when he found the number of her door.

He took the liberty of taking it out of her purse since she was fumbling with it and had the door open in record time. Soon, he had her pinned by the door, pushing his hands against her clothed breast while his lips took care of her exposed skin.

“Aaaggghhh!” The moan he was eliciting from her was enough to fuel his desire to have her.

He could not wait to take her by the door, the couch, or her bedroom as his fingers crawled up on her legs, pushing through the hem of her dress. Then his other hand worked on removing the fastening of her dress.

Then, he felt her hands move slowly from his chest, dragging down his torso. The anticipation was killing him as he waited for her to wrap herself around him. He knew he was burning up as he stared into her eyes, raging with an inferno of desire.

He could sense she was ready to have him as his fingers inched their way to her core. He already knew it would not take long before he could bury himself and get lost in the realm of their passion.


An unexpected event happened.

A knock behind the door interrupted him from his plans, freezing him in place. Someone was calling Ria from the other side. A neighbor perhaps, he thought.

He wanted to ignore the intruder and continue, but Ria seemed to snap out of her trance as her expression turned from an intense desire to a horrifying shock.

“Ria, are you home?” A young voice continued to call her outside.

“Oh my!” She mumbled in a frenzy as if she had just made a terrible mistake. “I am sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

She quickly pushed herself away from him, creating a distance between them. Then, she started fixing her clothes and her hair before looking at him with that guilty or embarrassed look. He could not quite distinguish between the two.

“That is ok.” He responded, still baffled by her unusual reaction. He believed they were two adults about to do a consensual act. Therefore, it was not something to be ashamed of or overreact about as he stepped backward to give her space.

“No, it is not.” She snapped at him, suddenly angry. “This should not have happened.” Pointing to the two of them.

Then, she turned around and faced the door, seemingly composed and not as drunk as before. As if a bucket of ice bathed her and returned her to awareness.

She took a few deep breaths as he watched her from a distance, wondering what had gone wrong. And more than that, who was that girl behind the door? Again, he was left wondering who this mysterious woman was before him.

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