The Royal Contract

Chapter 1085 - 1085 A promise on the old swing

1085 A promise on the old swing

She could not stop her eyes from following her son, who automatically ran in Zach’s direction as if that was where he belonged. It was like in the few times they had met, they had already formed a strong bond that would be hard to break.

What if this did not work out? How would she explain to her son that Zach would not be coming to visit ever again? But here she was again, being pessimistic. She was already thinking of the worse when there was no sign that it might even happen.

She could not help it. She had been put down many times before by her parents, who did not bother to care for her. Then, by the system that failed to protect the rights of a child. Most of all, by the man who was supposed to love her.

“You have a visitor. He said that you know him.” Zach finally spoke, addressing her. But she could sense in his voice that he might have some doubt as he held her son in a protective stance.

“Ria!” A man’s thick, babbly voice filled the room. “It is so nice to see you again.” He greeted her as she approached them. “I know I changed a lot, but it is me, Tabby.” Pointing to himself.

She looked closely, examining his face and his body. She remembered a boy named Tabby. She had grown up with that boy at the orphanage, but he was a little overweight. But this man was well built. She could not even see an ounce of fat in him.

But she admitted it was a long time ago. Maybe her memory was slightly blurry. She must have forgotten most of the details of her past. “I...” She could not yet confirm or deny if this was the boy that was her friend back then.

Even Zach seemed alarmed that she could not recognize him as he looked from her to him. She could tell he was ready to shove the guy out of her apartment if he could not prove she knew him.

“I guess you have forgotten about me. But maybe this will jog your memory. We used to sneak outside the orphanage, using the broken fence at the back of the kitchen.


Then, we would run to the park and play on the slides. Afterward, you would ask me to swing you as high as I possibly could push you on that rusty old metallic swing.

One time the seat broke, and you landed on your butt, hard on the mud. Then, Mrs. Matilde discovered our mischiefs and had to ground us into our rooms for a day. Remember that.”

“Oh my!” Suddenly, she remembered that. Those were her best and worse experiences when she was young. “Yes. But Mrs. Matilde made me scrub the floors of the entire second floor as punishment.”

Then, his face became clear to her. It was him. Just a lot better because he lost most of the fat in his face. He looked very lean and handsome. Now, she could not help but wonder what had happened to him.

After she and the other orphans separated into different foster homes, she did not have time to look for them. She could only pray that they had a better life than hers.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot that old hag also made me clean the toilets.” Tabby said with a wide smile and a little chuckle. “So, you do remember me now?”

She nodded. She did. “Yes, Tabby, or do you use another name now?” She asked since she would not recognize him by the nickname they had given him.

“Some of my close friends still call me that. I don’t mind.” He said as he finally moved closer to her and hugged her. “I miss you. I searched everywhere for you.”

“I also miss you.” More than she realized as she felt a certain nostalgia after being in his arms. They had been through a lot together when they were young. “How did you find me?” She asked since it might not be that easy.

Although she had not changed her name, she had been moving from one place to another since she was in the orphanage. It might have taken him time to find her.

“I work for an investigation agency. But I first joined the army. That is why I lost a lot of my weight.” He explained, showing off his lean arms to her, flexing them until his muscles bulged.

He was still the same Tabby she now remembered, funny and quite adorable. She recalled how he would make all those silly faces with his chubby cheeks to make her smile.

“Oh, that is great.” She said. “I would not have imagined you going to a combat zone. I remembered you are such a scary cat.” She teased him, reminiscing the first time they sneaked out. She almost could not convince him to go with her.

“I had no choice, but I learned to be brave somehow. I think it is because of you. You inspired me all this time.” He said. Then, he finally shifted his gaze to the two other occupants in the room.

“I am sorry for monopolizing my friend. I miss her so much. Are you her husband? And this is your kid?” He asked, finally offering his hand to Zach, who still held Edison in his arms.

“No...” She first said. Then, “Edison is my son, and this is...” She was about to say boyfriend, but he beat her to it.

“Zach, Ria’s boyfriend.” Zach reached his hand and gave him a firm handshake, showing him he was not intimidated by her guest’s size.

Honestly, Tabby was taller and broader than Zach, but it did not mean Zach was no match for him. She believed that Zach was not threatened by his size but more by the past they shared.

But Tabby was a dear friend in her past, almost a brother to her. They had looked out for each other and would have wanted to grow up together. But fate did not give them that chance.

“And this is Edison.” She moved toward his side and introduced him to her old friend. “Edison, this is your Uncle Tabby.” She believed it was only fitting that her son called him that since they were like siblings back then.

“It was nice to meet you, Edison.” Tabby patted her son on the head and smiled, which her son returned with a happy smile, too.

She still could not believe that she would reunite with her old buddy after all these years. It seemed impossible, but sometimes, things just happened for no reason. Still, she was glad to see him.

“Are you staying somewhere near here?” She asked since it would be sad if he left so soon when they hardly had caught up with their lives.

She would have wanted to talk with him and enjoy a long chat about what was happening with him. It had been so many years, so she believed they would have many years to cover.

“Unfortunately, I was only assigned here for an assignment and had to return as soon as possible. I only wish to check on you before I leave. But I promise to come back here when it is more convenient. Now that I know that you live here.” He promised.

They exchanged numbers, promising that they would keep in touch. He would call first before dropping by. So the next time he visited, she would not be too surprised. He jokingly said.

“It had been nice to meet you, Zach.” He offered his hand again, but when Zach took it, he held his firmer this time. Then, he said something that warmed her heart. “I hope you have no plans to hurt my sister.”

And just like that, tears formed in her eyes, but she blinked them away. It was not the time for dramatics. It was a happy day when she finally saw one of the people she had considered her family.

“And I have no intention of making her cry,” Zach told him with a confident face. It seemed like the entire room was oozing with testosterone as the two stared at each other.

“Great. That is all I wanted to hear.” Tabby said, still acting tough like always, even if she knew he was shaking inside.

She could not help the smile that formed on her lips as she watched the scene unfold in her eyes. If only all reunions were like this, just happy. She still had a few old friends which she would wish to see, but maybe someday.

“And you, little man.” Tabby knelt before his son until he was at eye level with him. “Take care of your Mom. I will return soon so we can get to know each other more.” He ruffled his hair before planting a gentle kiss on his head. At least her son had a new uncle that would care for him.

“Now, don’t you cry.” He warned her. “From now on, we are family again.” He said as he approached her. “I will always have your back. I have not forgotten my promise.” He whispered as he leaned forward and hugged her firmly in his burly arms.

She still could not believe that the chubby kid she used to hang with was this big, tender man before her. He looked so different, but she could see now the many resemblances.

“Me, too.” She could see it clearly in her mind as she hugged him tightly, but she could not help the tear that finally fell from her eyes.

Yes, she remembered they had sworn a promise on the old swing.

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