The Royal Contract

Chapter 1073 - 1073 Acting like her private nurse

1073 Acting like her private nurse

Ria adjusted herself on the bed, finding a comfortable position. She could still feel the slight throbbing in her head, but it was tolerable this time. Although she still felt like her body had leads weighing on her muscles, making it hard for her to move around.

Then, her eyes shifted to the man, who sat right next to her bed. He looked less worried than before she first opened her eyes. But she was touched by the concern in his voice.

“The doctors told me that you will be just fine. You must have caught the fever that had been going around. But you will be up in good shape in no time.” Zach explained to her as she processed the information.

She did remember feeling unusually tired when she woke up that morning. Then she almost did not make it to her desk, feeling the weakness in her limbs when she was walking or merely standing.

“But you have to eat something, Ria. So you can regain your strength.” He offered as he walked toward the other side of the table to get something. “I just had this delivered. You have to eat it while it is still hot. It will help you recover faster.”

She noticed he worked on something on the side table, and when he returned, he was holding a bowl of what seemed to be a steaming hot soup. Then, he sat down on the edge of the bed, ready to spoon-feed her.

“Please, give it a try.” Zach scooped half a spoonful of the creamy soup, blowing slightly on it to dissipate some of the heat.

“I sneaked this inside, knowing that hospital food is no good.” He whispered teasingly, making her smile because she knew that too well.

She remembered almost living in the hospital for weeks when Edison was sick. She could remember how bland the food tasted in the cafeteria. But she learned it just the same since she had no choice.


Still, the food before her did not appeal to her, despite looking delectable, deeming she had no appetite. But she still tried to eat it as she slowly opened her lips and allowed the spoon to enter her mouth.

She did not want his effort to go in vain. He seemed to be doing his best to help her, and she did not want to appear ungrateful. After all, it was also a nice feeling to have someone fussing over her.

However, she could hardly swallow the liquid, feeling like she was eating something with sand in it. After one more scoop, she had enough. She waved her hand, not wanting to eat anymore.

“Is it too hot, or does it taste bad.” He looked worried as he tasted the soup himself.

“No, it is ok, Zach.” She answered him, still lightly weak and having a hard time talking. “But I am not yet hungry. Maybe later.” She added.

But she could still feel the parchedness of her lips, mouth, and throat, probably from the fever. “Can I just have some water?” She asked instead.

He quickly placed the bowl on the table and fetched her a glass of water with a straw. Then, he was back on her side, helping her to drink. She only consumed a few sips, but it was enough to make her feel slightly refreshed.

“You still need to eat later. So you can regain your energy back.” He told her as if she was a child.

Then, she suddenly remembered her child and her other responsibilities. “Wait! Where is my phone?” She asked him, looking around the room for her things but could not find them.

“Unfortunately, your things are still back in the office. We had to rush you here because you fainted at your table.” He informed her. “Why do you need to call someone? You can use my phone if you like.” He suggested as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly unlocked it.

“Yeah, I need to call my son. I mean Lourdes. She is taking care of my son.” She could not help but worry that he might be sick too. They might be trying to contact her, but her phone was back in the office.

She remembered Edison was slightly cranky last night. Although, he did not seem to have any symptoms this morning when she left him with Sasha. Still, it might have manifested later when she was gone.

“Do you know the number?” He asked as he started dialing, waiting for her to dictate the number.

She thought of it. She knew she had memorized it, just in case she lost her phone. But it had been a long time ago. She started dictating what she could remember and hoped it was correct.

“I think that is not it.” He said as his call disconnected. “Maybe you said an incorrect number.

She tried again, dictating the numbers as they came to her mind. Then, finally, she heard the ringing tone. Then, Sasha’s voice came on to the speakers.

“Hi! Sasha. I am only calling to check if Edison is ok.” Ria initially asked, not telling the young girl of her condition. She did not want her to worry since she was slightly getting better. “He was a little out of sorts last night, so I am just checking how he is today.”

She could hear noises in the background. Then, her son’s voice and laughter filled the conversation. “I think Edison is doing fine, Ms. Ria,” Sasha said. “We are watching some kiddie shows, and I am also teaching him how to count.”

“That is good to hear.” She felt relieved that his son did not get the fever or flu. “Ok. I will let you get back to your show. Kiss Edison for me.” Then, she disconnected the call, feeling tired from that simple task.

“How is he?” Zach asked, appearing genuinely concerned as he took his phone from her hands and helped her settle into a lying position.

“It would seem that he has a much stronger immune system than I have. Thankfully, he is ok.” She told him, feeling slightly satisfied.

“Anyway, I will take a quick nap. Then I am going home.” She told him, knowing she could not stay here. She had a child to care for, and she did not want to be a burden to him.

She believed he still had a job to go to and could not stay at her side, acting like her private nurse. But the thought sounded appealing as she closed her eyes with him on her mind.

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