The Retired Hero is an Extra

Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Unspoken Thoughts

It obviously meant that studts could find loopholes a the rules and were free to exploit them.

And while being aware of it all, the professors wouldn't do anything about it.

'They really want to make it as unfair as the outside world, huh?' Jash wondered, guessing they were quite desperate to create a realistic situation.

Breaking Ziva and Jash from their respective thoughts, Zander added proudly, "One thing we can guarantee is that no outsider will touch 'you' while you are a studt inside the Academy."

Jash resisted the urge to roll his eyes as that was the time wh he was supposed to have died due to the Academy's mismanagemt.

However, he knew it was better to let it be for now, as he couldn't change that evt and its disastrous consequces.

Because he was the son of a duke, grandson of two SSS-Rankers; the Academy really came under the threat of extinction.

If not for Caera mtioning Jash's own request to not extinguish the future of others, the academy would've closed down.

Of course, its reputation was in the dirt, with not many people still having the same trust for the academy during its gold days.

'Not like any of it matters now,' Jash mused, vowing to prevt any deaths to reduce the repercussions for the Academy.

After all, he knew of the bleak future that happed in the novel and if not for the plot armor, ev the protagonist would be dead meat.

Due to his internal musings, Jash didn't hear everything and only heard the final words from Zander,

"Anyways, that will be all. We will talk more, but it will be after the oping ceremony in three days, and I need to leave now."

Saying so, he disappeared from the room as if he was never there, surprising both of them, only slightly though.

And it wasn't because of his way of disappearance but the abruptness with which he ded the talk.

Suddly, his voice carried over into the room, "You guys probably know each other, so leave whever you feel comfortable."

Both recognized the voice belonged to Zander and looked a before turning to face each other.

"So, how's it feeling? Getting Rank and all, huh?" Jash began the conversation way too casually, finally feeling free from all those noble lessons.

'Now, I won't have to take those damned etiquette lessons ever again!' he thought inwardly despite his pding lessons for these three days.

That's why he wanted to stay here longer, to not get involved in any forced training, whether it be for getting stronger or nobler.

He had no interest in either for these three days, planning to get the most of the Academy by utilizing everything from his past life.

He would be freed of all those restraints he placed upon himself so as not to get questioned about their sources.

"Feels like nothing much, what about you?"

Hearing Ziva's answer in a similar casual tone, Jash was surprised, irrespective of how long she took to reply.

"Hm? Did you want to fight me?" Jash asked abruptly, making Ziva flinch slightly at the sudd mtion.

She felt that her mind had be read, but it was just Jash observing her with narrowed eyes, focused on her body movemts.

It wasn't hard for her to fathom how he could do that; he was born into a family of archers.

If archers didn't have a ke eye, what good were they

Ev though Ziva had se him use the sword mostly, she wasn't fooled into believing he couldn't use a bow.

The question was, how well could he use it and could he defeat her if he used a bow?

She was sure that his swordsmanship only paled to her and he could make up for it easily.

But the tricky part about her was her elemt and the whipsword, excluding them, she was only confidt to be able to draw with him.

Of course, this was based on his performance from the Imperial Banquet where he was holding back.

Being aware of his personality, she already calculated that he was holding back and raised the bar already.

The problem was she didn't know that his sword mastery reached Intermediate, the same as her.

In the d, she got caught due to her line of thoughts, making Jash smile as he got something to tease her about once again.

Not wanting to be on the losing g, she asked, "Don't you dislike spotlights? Why try so hard th?"

A bit startled inwardly, Jash maintained his smile. "Brandon always complains about not getting First Rank or being the Year Represtative,"

"So, I thought, why not try and get it? After all, I wanted to see what's so good about it that ev he wants it so bad."

'Did she believe it?' The thought plagued Jash's mind as he wasn't sure if his excuse worked, but it was a half-truth.

Indeed, Brandon had complained and lamted, but only after Jash asked him about the Year Represtative perks.

Not like Brandon said anything about the perks, but it was ough to make a child curious, and served as the perfect excuse.

Ev if Ziva cross-checked, it would make sse, alas, she just believed him.

"Hmm. The privileges are indeed good, it makes sse," she mumbled while bobbing her head up and down.

'What the? It was so easy?!' Jash thought in disbelief, his expression falling as he saw her believe his words blindly.

He felt a bit guilty about it, but shook his head, 'No, Jash. This isn't the time for it.'

"By the way, you tried your best as well, huh? Won't Caera be a bit angry with you for hurting her?" Jash asked, changing the subject.

"Hmm? How do you know if I met her or fought with her?" Ziva asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicions, making Jash feel a drop of cold sweat.

"Huh? Wh did I say that? I mean, you are First, so she will be hurt because I got it while she failed," Jash brushed it off with a smirk.

"Mhm. I don't think she would mind it, she's the one who wanted you to awak the most," Ziva mtioned, based on her old chat with Caera.

"Well, what happed is already in the past, but what about you? She really wanted to win this, you know?" Jash shrugged and asked curiously.

"If she wants it so bad, she should grow stronger and take it," Ziva said what was in her mind without any hesitation.

Their conversations were always like that, talking without filters and without caring about anyone else.

"Well... Can't argue with that. Also, the same goes for you, if you want to get over all Rank ," Jash smirked, teasing her.

Ziva just gave him a blank stare before getting up and starting to walk.

Jash, surprised by her sudd actions and finding them strange, called out, "Hey! Ziva? What's wrong, huh? Afraid?"

More like he wanted to provoke her to get a reaction out of her, but all he got was total silce in response.


It seemed she was in no mood to reply to him anymore, choosing to walk away siltly.

"Seriously, what's up with you?" Jash asked persisttly.

"At least say something, you...!"

"Why can't I ever understand you..."

Not getting any response despite pestering her, Jash sighed and gave up, just walking siltly by her side to the exit.

Meanwhile, a strange thought came to him, 'I wonder what the protagonist is doing? Will it be the same as after losing to Amael?'

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