The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 38: Rukiya is Coming For Us All


"Alpha Rukiya Greyson has declared war on Sicario, alpha," Reynard said prompting murmurs. They openly stared at the messenger wondering what the hell the Greysons were on, wanting a war with Sicario. They literally had nothing to fight over and had been peaceful for so long.

They wanted to call it a bluff, until Reynard lifted up the sack in his hands, and emptied it on the ground. They all watched with their mouths open as heads fell from the sack, and their appetite disappear with every severed head that rolled on the ground.

"Did she send a message with the heads?" Alpha Sicario let out as he got up from the breakfast table, to get a closer look at the mess that just interrupted their morning. This was unbelievable on so many fonts, but then there had to be a trigger.

The Greyson pack was too strong for it to have silly feuds with the Sicarios. So whatever this was, it had to have been provoked.

Sicario thought back to his son who had conveniently walked in earlier, looking bloodied like he had just come from hell himself. Maybe this was the result of Dom's doing, right? But then why should Dominic Sicario trigger a war with the Greysons?

"No, Alpha. I was just handed the sack and ordered to bring it to you. These heads are from the borders, and while we don't have any missing werewolves, I recognized three of them and they are from our pack, alpha," Reynard said and Sicario sighed.

This was not how he had planned to spend his morning, but what else could he expect, when his son was getting barbaric daily, and his son-in-law was a lackey who didn't give two shits about their people?

This was insane, and Sicario couldn't help but think that this was just the beginning of hell for all of them.

"How many heads?" Jer asked and all eyes turned to him. Did he know something they all didn't? Well, he was the alpha, but had he triggered a war with the Greysons?

"Eight," Reynard said and Jer got up for his seat, the warriors who had once gotten up, making way for him in the hope that he had answers. Jer stared at the heads on the floor, turning them to see anything that could spell an attack but there was none.

"The heads are a clean cut. Which means that they were captured and sent to us. They must have been missing for a while," Jer added the last bit slowly, because he knew that if he hadn't been on his own word, there were chances that he'd have known that his people were captured.

He had screwed u,p and lives had been lost.

How long was he supposed to stay the absent alpha, while there was a danger looming on his people?

How far was he supposed to ignore the obvious before everything came crashing on them?

"Get the heads out of here, and the warriors head to the training grounds. Prepare to leave on my command," Jer said as he got up and walked out the door angrily. For a lazy alpha, he seemed to have an idea of what had happened and it definitely wasn't good for his people.

"Where is the beta?" Jer asked one of the guards outside the pack house.

"The gym, alpha," the warrior responded, and Jer didn't say anything. Instead, he walked in the direction of the gym, with alpha Sicario following closely behind him. Something was going on and Jeremy knew about it.

"You must really be having the time of your life out here while your warriors are murdered," Jer said when he walked in. Dom was busy punching the bags and from the look of it, he had already broken a few of the punching bags and he wasn't about to drop his madness.

Dom didn't even turn to look at Jer, and he continued punching the shit out of the bag before him, even though it looked like it was about to tear too. He had cleaned up in the short while, but it seemed like he had just changed his clothes.

His state was worrying and as much as Jer wanted to ask if he was okay, he had more pressing issues like what the fuck Dominic had done to puss of Rukiya Greyson.

"And you must really be dumb coming at me like that when you've been doing nothing for ten weeks. Tell me, how's the bed so far? Is it warmer now that my sister isn't there with you? Or wait, didn't Elodie waring it up enough for you?" Dom asked sarcastically.

"It really was, and with the endless women, it's gotten even warmer. I doubt yours was the same, considering you failed to crack the rogue in the dungeons, or the fact that you look worse than you did when your sister was around.

"Just between us two, I'll just let you know that your sister did a good job fixing your head. Anyway, tell me something, why did Rukiya send me eight heads today? And why wasn't I aware of the capture of my wolves? Where the fuck were you, as the beta?" Jer asked and Dom scoffed.

He didn't want to fight Jer, but he would, if the man kept pushing him like that. He was trying to get a good morning but this lackey alpha was making his life a little too difficult than it needed to be.

"And to think my sister chose you for her mate. Who would have known you'd reject her based on just an accusation? She truly deserved better. A mate who trusted her, not a bitch that had been running father dearest errands like a sheep without brains.

"Tell me, does it hurt, every time you try to use your brains for once?" Dom bit back as he kept punching the bag harshly.

Something was bothering but he didn't trust his father or the useless mate his sister had gotten with it. So here they were bickering instead of trying to find a solution for their pack.

Alpha Sicario just looked at the two, before he walked out.

He needed to know what had happened to the warriors and two people who were bickering over a banished alpha, were not going to do their home any good, not if they had screwed up more than once and none of them was willing to take responsibility for their actions.

"It's not my fault your sister was stupid," Jer said and that was all it took for Dom to turn Jer into a punching bag.

All slander was allowed on Awuor but calling her stupid was just crossing the line. Everyone knew that his sister was an intelligent alpha, and she could have made their pack stronger, and better if she had stayed, but they couldn't have her stay.

"Eight heads, Dom. what did you do to Rukiya?" Jer asked while he and Dom fought. They had both wronged his sister, and if they wanted to play messiah, then they needed to do that with other people and not the two of them, considering they had been the worst to her.

"They were protesters of the decision, y'know the banishment, that was declared for Awuor. They were part of a revolution that has been ongoing in Sicario. The revolution that believed that my sister was innocent.

"I didn't know who led them, but by the time I got wind of what they had done to the Greysons, I was a little late," Dom said defeatedly as he punched Jer. he wasn't going to stop anytime soon anyway.

"A revolution? What in the seven hells did the eight of them do?" Jer asked, punching Dom in the stomach so hard that he let out a tired cough.

"They went to the Greyson prisons and killed eight of the most valuable prisoners in Greyson. And they didn't run when they were caught, despite knowing how ruthless alpha Rukiya is. Those knuckleheads claimed they were sent by Sicario, because we suspected that they helped Awuor.

"Everyone knows Rukiya is never into anyone's business, so there was just no way she helped my sister. Besides, Awuor lived in some whacky shelter in the woods, so it was just impossible.

"Anyway, we lost eight stupid wolves, but Rukiya lost eight of her most valuable prisoners and she won't take it lightly. Brace yourself Jer, Rukiya is coming. And she is just as crazy as my sister.

Goddess have mercy on us all," Dom said as he made a final punch and slumped down beside Jer. They were screwed.

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