The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 27: Maybe White Wasn't Truly A Color


Elodie Kane was a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties who always got what she wanted, no matter what the consequences were, and her current target was the poster boy for betrayal. She had long black hair that was beautiful and magnificent curls.

Hers was something everyone wanted to have and her choice of fashion made her an icon in Sicario and even the werewolf lands. She was beauty reincarnated, and the woman girls wanted to be, and at the same time, she was the woman that men wanted to have.

However, despite all the attention that came with her beauty and stature, Elodie Kane had rejected both men and women alike.

She had always been a curious person, one who wanted to explore so many things, which is why when Awuor saw her with her mate, she figured her best friend was just exploring again. However, even if that was the case, did she really have to have a go at the Sicario alpha who happened to be her best friend's mate?

Whatever happened to loyalty then? What of love? Were they so insignificant to her that she would tread the muddy waters for the price of her loyalty?

"My best friend? Elodie?" Awuor strained out disbelievingly as she looked between her best friend and her mate, the betrayal clear on her face.

It was impossible for her to even imagine that there would come a day when her best friend, the girl who had always been so loyal to Awuor, would ever betray her. But maybe that was what happened when tides changed and power shifted.

Maybe she was just a power-hungry woman too, just like Jer.

The people who had come with the alpha looked ready for a spectacle. Their phones were out and they were watching while some were recording. It was clear what thy were waiting for, and it certainly wasn't Jer and his new catch of the week.

They knew the temper their female alpha had and they knew for a fact that she would try to put her mate in his place. she had bene disrespected in so many ways, and if she fought back, she would be right within her limits to do so.

But that wasn't why she was here today. Awuor knew everyone was judging her from the way she was currently dressed to the hopelessness on her face. She could tell they wanted her gone, and maybe that was also why she had closed off the mind links.

She didn't want to listen to them bring her down. She didn't want to imagine what they were thinking of her, so she chose her peace of mind. But then that was a far-fetched wish, because this woman had been her best friend for fucks sake.

She knew everything about Awuor; from the little things that made her smile to the shit that made Awuor explode. It was like she as an encyclopedia on how to love and ruin Awuor and right now, she had joined the hate train on her best friend. It did suck.

"You finally got what you wanted, sweetheart," Awuor said to Elodie, their eyes holding onto each other. One set of eyes was filled with scorn while the other was just empty, like the betrayal didn't even matter, when it mattered to her so much the betrayal was already haunting her.

Awuor thought of the endless nights she had suffered, the times she had to claw her stomach apart because her mate was busy sleeping with other women, and all this time it was her best friend?

For a moment, Awuor considered beheading her best friend, given she was the rightful alpha, but the voice of reason in her head patiently reminded her that she wouldn't even get justice for her mother if she did that right now.

It would be too easy a sentence for those who had broken her more than they should have.

"We do look good together, right?" Elodie spoke when alpha Jer didn't say anything. He was still processing the mere fact that his mate hadn't tried to do anything that would make him want to throw her into the Sicario dungeons.

Theo, just like Jer, was wondering whether the alpha Awuor could seriously take the disrespect, and when she didn't do anything, he was in shock. If the woman could stay outside and sit through the terrible weather just to see her mate, then there was something going on.

"Ah yeah. You actually do deserve each other," Awuor said when she regained her composure.

She had been out here for eighteen damned days and she wasn't going to waste it on her best friend. Sure, the betrayal did suck. But her mission was more important than the cheating wolf who she had once trusted.

"I wanted to see you again, Jer," Awuro said to her mate, making the wolves who were with him gasp. This was the third time they heard the woman say it, and everyone could sense that something was wrong.

Awuor Sicario was not a weak alpha, and this wasn't the first time she was dealing with her enemy but then she had repeated the same words thrice, and with her, situations like this were never a coincidence.

"You've seen me. Now be on your way. We wouldn't want the other packs thinking we were the ones who did this to you, right?"

Jer was worried about Awuor, and he wasn't worried because she looked like shit, or that she would probably get sick from staying out in the cold for too long. He was worried that his woman was testing him and was trying to figure out something.

He was worried about what had happened to the gorgeous darling who hated dirt and yet here and now, she looked like she had been eating from the dustbins and spending her time with the pigs instead of practicing her usual hygiene.

She had changed, but the fire in her eyes was still there, and that was all the warning that Jer needed. The only question being, would he ever take her seriously when she looked so pathetic and couldn't even warn her best friend against screwing her mate?

"Yeah. Thank you for coming to see me. Pass my greetings to father, alright. Oh, and one last thing, Jeremy, maybe white wasn't truly a color," Awuor said as she picked herself up, and gave them one last look, before she began walking away, leaving her mate pondering over her words.

There was some weight to them, and they would learn, soon enough.

She wasn't walking in the direction of the Greyson wolves, or even the direction of the free lands. No. she was walking away, like she was trying to make a run from the pack lands and wanted nothing to do with the wolves anymore.

"Awuor!" Jer called out to his mate. He seemed to be having a message for the woman who had waited so long just to make stupid confessions to him.

Maybe she was crazy, or maybe she was falling apart. But whichever that was, Jer didn't care, as long as he was in power as the alpha of Sicario. That was all that mattered.

"Remember to take a shower. You could make even the pigs faint at your stench," Jer said when his mate didn't even bother to look at him. Of course, she had stopped what he wanted to tell her, but that was just it.

She was done listening and hoping and waiting for him to come clean to her.

Eight months was a long time, especially in a realm that valued time. It was enough for a revolution to succeed, so Awuor knew that her time out there was enough for her to come up with a plan.

Granted, she had a plan before the Greyson wolves came at her. But then the information she had gotten from Razia, had made her question everything that had happened; her mother, her family, and even the role that Sicario played in murdering her mother.

"Thanks for the reminder, mate!" Awuor shouted back at the alpha, and the group that was at the Sicario gates. She then held up her hands to show him a peace sign, even though she wasn't going to be peaceful with them. She was just trying to keep up appearances.

'I should have eaten, fuck,' Awuor thought to herself when she began feeling dizzy barely a few meters from the gates of Sicario. She knew she had dared herself for so long and her body was finally giving out, but she wasn't about to fall when her mate was watching her.

Or maybe that was what she needed, right? But did she?

Deciding against giving in to her fate, Awuor struggled to walk the remaining road until she was out of sight of the Sicario wolves and even Theo's watchtower. Then she let herself slump at the roadside. She was weak and had a fever creeping up on her.

She was fragile in all ways and with her lack of strength, anyone could fight her and she wouldn't even be able to fight back.

'This is it, huh,' Awuor said as she fell into the darkness, while thinking of her best friend who had deliberately chosen to sleep with her mate. That shit made her want to punch things, but first, she needed to find her way out of the darkness.

Even though Awuor didn't want anyone to see her, Jer watched her fall to the ground and wanted to go pick her up. But he couldn't. He had a reputation to keep up. Besides, the banished alpha was the main reason he had kept the alpha title.

If he helped her, then there was a chance that he would be banished with her too, and he wasn't ready for that. He didn't need that shit in his life anyway.

"You'll be okay," jer mouthed, as he walked back into Sicario, like his soulmate didn't just call out for help in silence. He was an ass and a royal one.

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