The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 23: The Unexpected Vendor


"Open the gates, warrior!" Awuor said when she got to the black gates. The entry to her home was beautiful and she could swear on the goddess that she didn't want to bring it down. She knew it would pose so many risks to her people, and she didn't want to hurt the children.

However, if they didn't do as she wanted, she would give them a taste of what it felt like, to be the banished alpha for eight long and agonizing months. She would let them see her anger and she wouldn't even hold back one bit.

The warriors at the Sicario gates had been watching her come for a while now and were curious as to what she wanted. They thought she was just passing by, like she always did in the past three months, so they didn't pay heed to her.

After all, the banished alpha never once caused trouble. But seeing her here, barking orders right now, was like a punch to their guts. She looked too different from the other times and what's more, she looked too disheveled.

The warriors were conflicted between listening to her and ignoring her considering she was banished Sicario alpha, and the rules had been clear from the moment she had stepped out. Being an alpha, the crazy woman surely had to have an inkling of what they were told, right?

"State your reason for visiting Sicario," the lead warrior, Theo, said formally even though Awuor could feel the fear in his bones. He was right to be scared though because this woman was the devil the whole of Sicario had shunned months ago.

She was dangerous and she knew it this time. One look at her in the wrong way and she would be doing pull-ups with people's heads, and she wouldn't even feel bad.

"Visiting luna Sicario," Awuor said, the respect in her vice so new you'd think she didn't want to murder her brother and mate.

Maybe she would, someday.

Maybe when she got to the bottom of this, she would but today, the only thing she wanted was to see her mother's grave. Well, there were no maybes. It was a thing she had promised herself like a woman in debt that needed to pay it back.

Their lives were her debt to her mother dearest, and she would take them to fulfill her promise to her mother.

She had mourned her mother for so long and never got to the bottom of what had happened, but the Greyson visit was something that had made her question herself and her abilities as the alpha and the daughter of Sicario.

How did she not see that there were people who wanted her mother's blood?

How did she not see that her very existence and power were the things that had ruined her family? Well, she hadn't been a selfish daughter, but the truth she had learned had broken her and now she was here probably hoping for a quicker ending.

"You are not allowed in," Theo said before he went quiet, probably talking to the others in the mind link. He was seeking permission from the higher-ups and hoping for a response that wouldn't anger the already angry woman at their gates.

"I know. Anyway, tell my father, or mate, or my brother, that I have come to see my mother. And please remind them to be quick about it, please," Awuor said in the kindest voice she could muster.

She knew this was basically here causing trouble, but she didn't want to believe that things had already gotten out of hand. Of course, they had, otherwise she wouldn't have felt the need to come this far just to see her mother dearest, who by the way was buried because of her family.

The fates were truly playing a sick game with her and she hated it.

"Yes alpha," the warrior said as he watched carefully as his alpha sat quietly on the ground at the gate. She didn't look like she wanted to cause trouble, but with the mind links open, everyone could feel her rage and disappointment.

Maybe they were scared of her but that didn't matter to her at this moment. She was their alpha and they were expected to know everything that she did.

Ten minutes later, the gates of Sicario were still closed on the woman and she figured that the approval request hadn't been granted.

Maybe it was time she reminded them of who she was. So graciously, she got ready to kick down the beautiful black Sicario gates if she had to, but she was stopped by a voice that she hadn't expected to hear on this side of the forest.

"What the actual fuck?" Awuor mumbled as she paid more attention to the voice, and for once she knew there was someone who outmatched her craziness in this realm. This woman was beyond wild and why the hell was she here?

"Banana leaves for sale, please buy some! Please help me feed my children! I come in peace ad want no war, please have mercy on me!" the voice said and Awuor snickered. Who in their right mind sold banana leaves to werewolves when the wolves were carnivorous themselves?

The idea was ludicrous, but the person with the banana leaves kept calling out, like it was the most normal thing.

Awuor looked at the warriors who were surprised too. They had never seen a banana vendor on this side of the forest and hadn't even thought that any wolf in their right mind would even think of bananas.

Awuor had her suspicions that this was a call for her, so she figured she wouldn't go at any loss if she decided to check the voice out, besides, it wasn't like the gates of Sicario would ever refuse to open as long as she was the alpha.

"What in the goddess's good name are you doing here Rukiya?!" Awuor asked her anger, making itself known as she gripped Rukiya's arms. The alpha looked at her fellow alpha like she was telling Awuor that this was her saving her.

"Are you that stupid or what? I was saving your ass!" Rukiya said and Awuor glared at her. She had walked on live fire, so what else could Rukiya be thinking that she was saving her from?

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