The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 20: A Glimpse Of The Near Past [1]



The afternoon was quiet and the forest in the free lands was, as usual, unoccupied. The animals were freely roaming by and there was no sign of human life, other than the two women who were casually laying on the mat like they were having the picnic of their lives.

They looked happy, the smiles on their faces and their beauty radiating the atmosphere. But that was what they wanted anyone who happened to see them to think of. There was nothing happy about them being there at that point in time.

They always met here when things were going wrong in both their homes, and today was no exception.

The women were a little older, almost like they were in their fifties, but even then they were too beautiful, too regal, and too loyal to even be out here in the fields where the rogues could get the easiest access to them.

Maybe they were not scared of the rogues, because they were rogues themselves. However, one glance at them and the way they handled themselves was rough to show that these women were rulers.

They had the responsibility of taking care of more than a thousand people each but that wasn't an issue today. On the mat, were picnic baskets and plates of food lying there they seemed to be catching up on something.

The two women were Razia Greyson and Eniola Sicario, the two lunas of the strongest packs in the kingdom.

It wasn't unusual to see them together, considering everyone knew they were friends from a young age long before they had even gotten their mates and had to separate and go to live with their mates.

"You look terrible, Razia," Eniola said to Razia, who just looked at her friend like she had gone bonkers. Between the two of them, Eniola looked worse, but hey, Razia wasn't just going to stay quiet no?

"Says the one who looks like she got trampled on. Something is bothering you, what is it, Eni?" Razia asked as she looked at her best friend's frown.

Eniola Sicario was never pissed or even frowning. She was always the happy pill that brought Razia out of her misery.

Since Razia's husband had been detained, the two sisters had made it their mission to meet at least thrice a year. That Way they could help each other out and talk to each other considering they couldn't do it in their packs.

The free lands were unclaimed so it was without a doubt the perfect spot for the two besties.

"You're right. I'm worried about my daughter, my Awuor. She's in danger and she doesn't even have a clue as to why," Eniola began frustratedly. She hated such conditions especially when it came to her daughter.

She had seen her child make the impossible possible and now that she was in danger, she didn't know who to reach out to. Razia would understand her, so that's why she was here with her best friend, hoping that Razia would help her find a way.

"Razia, they are growing too hungry for power. I don't understand when all this began but Dom and Jer are dangerous to my daughter," Eniola said to Razia whilst upright to look at her best friend who was apparently accusing her family.

It was one thing to be paranoid, but she knew Eniola was never paranoid.

Eniola was never scared of anything and if there was a danger to her, she would always face it head-on. She was never worried for herself and that could explain why of all the people she could have reached out to, she was currently with Razia.

"I don't understand, Eniola. Those two are sons to you. Why would you say they are dangerous, and what do you even mean sister?" Razia asked curiosity sparking her voice.

She could sense the worst was about to happen and come from her best friend's mouth, but she hoped for the sake of everyone and everything they held dear, that it wasn't what they were thinking of.

It wouldn't be okay, to even think of it, but as life would have it, miracles had a way of happening, even the terrible miracles.

"They both hate the idea of Awuor being the alpha. Something about the first male heir having the power. They hate that my daughter is sitting up there. Which doesn't even make sense because Awuor has never let power corrupt her.

"She's always diligent and is loved by everyone," Eniola said, her frustration showing up.

Razia looked at her friend and for the first time, she wondered what had happened to the strong woman she had known over the years. Then again, this was her son and her son-in-law that she was talking about.

Even with her power, she couldn't break her family. But from there they both are, the obvious was staring at them even though none of them seemed ready to face it. Reality was truly a son of a bitch and they were just being forced to live in whatever this was.

"That's something. Why do you suspect them?" Razia asked carefully. She knew Eniola and she knew the woman wouldn't ever make such baseless accusations. If this was happening, then it truly was worth noting.

"I heard them, and I wasn't supposed to. I asked them questions but they just stared at me like I was already the thorn in their life. My son, Razia. My son Dominic looked at me like I was a part of the reason Awuor was given the power.

"His sister is stronger. His sister is swifter and is a great ruler. I just don't understand why he suddenly got so greedy for power," Eniola sighed. Her current reality didn't align with her. What was going on with her family and why had they suddenly become so hostile towards each other?

"What about Jeremy? If his mate is the alpha, that means he also has some power in the pack. Why would he be against his own mate?" Razia asked the most vicious question, it didn't make any sense that jer would also want his mate dethroned.

That shit would affect him too, because no matter what happened, he was always going to be linked to the alpha. He was always going to be her equal in some aspect. She was the alpha and he was her mate, what else would he be thirsting for?

"Hell, if I know. They have been glaring daggers at their sister and I'm not sure if what they will try doing is alright," Eniola let out defeatedly. She had brought up her children in the right manner and now, she felt like she was losing.

She had taught them to love each other and be there for one another. She had given them everything they had needed and they never once appreciated it. How was she supposed to tell that to her Awuor?

"But that could also mean you're in danger, why don't you let Awuor know, she would know how to go about this?" Razia asked even though she knew it wasn't going to be easy.

If this was what she was thinking of, then the brother would even hate on his sister more and that wouldn't solve anything.

Eniola was at a crossroads and Razia understood her.

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