The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 17: Of Unanswered Questions & Frustrations


"Is she awake?" Alpha Rukiya asked for the hundredth time in the six hours since they had gotten Awuor out of the feral dungeons.

Even though the woman had been unconscious then, it had taken an all-female warrior team to get the woman away from the ferals and into the guest room near Rukiya's bedroom.

It was almost like everything masculine reminded her of a past she wanted to forget and her body was repulsed by it.

However, Rukiya hadn't gotten the warriors to help her under that assumption, but instead, there were some things that even she couldn't quite explain and this was one of them. To her, it felt right, and she was the alpha with the power to make that happen.

Sherry had informed Rukiya of what had happened and the possible phobia of closed doors that Awuor had. So like the good alpha she was, Rukiya had her warriors unmount the door just so everything would be clear.

The room that had once been filled with hundreds of gold bars was now a hall with a mattress on the floor and a sheet covering the woman who was right there laying on the mattress. It was a heart-wrenching sight, especially with the painful whimpers of the rejected alpha.

"No alpha, not yet," Sherry said to Rukiya who just sighed. She hated what was happening and wanted to let it out. She was getting frustrated by the second and even her beta had noticed that.

Adolf wanted to say something to his alpha, but what could he say when even he wasn't aware of what Rukiya was playing at by bringing a broken wolf into their home? It wasn't like the Greyson pack was a home for the needy.

Defeatedly, the alpha walked out of the room, but not before telling Sherry to call her the moment the woman so much as moved a finger in her state.

"Yes, alpha," Sherry said as the warriors opened the window to the room they were currently in.

The fact that the woman before them was unconscious, scarred, and broken by someone, didn't sit right with Rukiya and she needed to let out some steam. So the moment she walked out of the guestroom, she headed to the gym, with Adolf following right behind her.

"Calm down, Rukiya" Adolf tried when the alpha ignored everything around her.

Her people had gotten the hint and from their experiences, a pissed alpha Rukiya wasn't to be messed with. So when they saw her walk in the direction of the Gym with Adolf following, they knew she had to be in a tight spot and wanted to lash out, but couldn't without hurting anyone.

"You know what they did to her. You can see her current state. How could someone be that heartless? A rejection is better than the pain she had to endure each night.

"What is even wrong with people?" Rukiya asked frustratedly as she punched the nearest bag, making it spill the contents on the floor.

"We don't know anything other than her being in the free lands for eight months. Tell me something, why are you so interested in her? Is it because she reminds you of where you were at some point?" Adolf asked carefully, knowing so well that whatever it was, was a sensitive topic for his alpha.

Rukiya looked at Adolf like she wanted to say something, but then changed her mind, because she clearly continued punching a little longer. It was frustrating seeing Rukiya like that, and Adolf wished that she could open up to him. They were, after all, on the same team.

"No Adolf. It's not about that. She's the white wolf and from what's been happening to her, she never let anyone in on that secret. The white wolf fully develops at twenty-six years old, which is exactly ten years from the time they meet their mates.

"It's so clear her mate didn't know who she was, otherwise, no one would do that to her," Rukiya argued and Adolf just watched her amusedly, his confusion still showing on his face. There had to be something more about the woman, but he would tread slowly with Rukiya.

"So you brought her because she's a white wolf?" Adolf asked carefully, hoping to not upset the already upset alpha Rukiya Greyson.

"No. I didn't even know she was a white wolf in the first place," Rukiya said as she continued punching the bag like it was the same bag that had broken the alpha wolf.

"Then why—"

"That doesn't matter and won't matter if she doesn't wake up. I should have gone to her sooner, fuck," Rukiya sighed.

Adolf figured it would take more than just a small talk with his alpha for her to let him know what she expected of him, especially now that everyone in the pack was curious about the prisoner who had been brought the previous night.

The rumors had spread, and while Rukiya already knew that, she chose not to care. Her people would always trust her, no matter what kinds of rumors were spreading around, so that wasn't a concern to her at the moment.

"Well, since you're all secretive, spar with me. That should help you out," Adolf suggested, like he was feeling terrible for the punching bags. In reality, he wanted to let out his frustrations and the only person who could match his skills was the alpha of Greyson.

They both had pent-up anger for different reasons and their defeated sighs over the past twelve hours were just proof of it all.

"Alright," Rukiya said, agreeing to Adolf's suggestion. It was the sanest thing she had heard from him.

So for the rest of the hour, the two of them sparred, though at some point in the hour, they started lashing out, punching each other, and intentionally missing the sensitive organs, because they were not enemies.

They were friends, leaders who had a pack to run, but had been a little too distracted by something that reminded them of their pasts.

"That was fun," Rukiya said when the hour was over. The both of them were currently a sweaty mess, but even then, they looked a little happier compared to the time they had come walking through the doors of the gym.

Of course, the warriors who had been watching the spar knew their fights meant nothing, and it was always fun to watch Rukiya and Adolf spar. They were the very standards that every werewolf warrior in the Greyson pack wanted to meet.

"I know, but you realize you can't always run away from the truth Rukiya. I'm your beta and best warrior. I need to know if there's a war coming and get everything ready. The woman you brought in is clearly an alpha," Adolf argued and Rukiya just looked at him.

She knew she had made a good decision to pick Adolf as her beta, but right now, she needed a long cold shower, before she could go back and see if the woman had woken up.

She was done hoping.

If the woman didn't wake up, she would have one of the whalers of the pack wake her up. That was the simplest way to determine if there was truly a war coming, and the easiest way to get her beta the answers he was seeking.

The answers they all needed.

"Let's go clean up Adolf. After that, we can both get the answers, yeah?"

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