The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 12: A Prisoner of War??


"Either you're from the Dawson pack, the Bluemoon pack, or the Sicario pack, because you're definitely not from our Greyson pack. You must have done something really stupid for your alphas to banish you, even though you have no scent of the ferals.

"So that could mean you're not a feral, but you're certainly not that important to your people. You seem to have an attitude and reek of power, that's why you don't appreciate anyone talking to you like a regular wolf.

"But all of that doesn't matter right now, because you are the unwanted little wolf. The girl without a home, the rejected wolf who can't be claimed by anyone else. You're dressed in banana leaves because you have no clue how to make proper clothing on your own.

"— or even check the feral cloth reservoir on the west of this forest. The fact that you have stayed so close to the other three packs is because you don't want to be away from home and are somehow hoping that they'd want you back.

"Allow me to spell it out for you and make it easier for your probably useless brain to understand, little wolf, no one wants you. I'm only taking you to my alpha because your presence here is a nuisance to us, and for some reason, the alpha is interested in you.

"And before you get any ideas about mates and whatnot, our alpha is already mated. So will you get up on your own, or do we have to take you naked? Because I for one have no problem doing that. We could just treat you like the rogue that you're not," Adolf said to Awuor who still had her angry smirk on.

She hadn't let him get a hint on her, not even when he mentioned Sicario or even her banishment. She had learned over the years to be a good alpha and that included not giving their enemies any subtle hints.

However, as she looked at Adolf it was obvious he knew nothing about her, otherwise, he would have come with a large army, because this woman was an alpha wolf. She had been known by her people to be kind-hearted, but she was the devil incarnate if she wanted to be.

Only the closest people to her knew that anyway, and that even made it sad that they had dared to accuse her falsely. Maybe they wanted to die so bad, right?

"Oh wow, and that makes you what? A good beta? Man get out of my face. I may not kill you, but I will rip your warriors apart faster than you can mention your damned Greyson pack. Wanna bet?" Awuor asked, not batting an eyelash.

Adolf's warriors looked at him, their eyes trying to remind him that the woman was probably just pretending to be strong and that she had nothing on them, but would the angry beta listen to them?

Would he listen to rationality instead of acting on his anger and desire to go home? The sun was already going down and the longer they stayed here, the longer they would be out after curfew.

"Well, I must admit, you didn't disappoint," Adolf said to Awuor, a permanent smirk sitting gleefully on his face, before telling his expecting warriors, "masks on!"

The warriors instantly put on their masks while they watched Adolf stare down at the woman they had found outside their borders. It was crazy, how she hadn't even tried to argue that the forest was a free zone.

Instead, she went along with the crazy assumption and unrealistic false truth that Adolf had told her. The forest was free for everyone in the kingdom and that was why no one had come to disturb her, because she wasn't on anyone's land.

When she had come here, Awuor knew that, but maybe staying here for so long had made the rules a little bit blurry for her. She didn't have a reason to think about the rules anymore anyway, after all, her people had rejected her and they wouldn't be coming for her.

With their masks on, Adolf sprayed an odorless substance in Awuor's face. She had expected it to hurt for a moment, but it was because they sprayed her with water, only that she was very aware that they wouldn't come all this way for her only with a tin of water spray.

Awuor knew they were prepared for her, a little too prepared for the people she just met. Maybe it was because she had lived in the wild for a long time and they were just being careful. But why did she feel like there was more to this?

Were they told she was dangerous? What was the word out there about her? Did the whole kingdom despise her now? Well, she couldn't blame anyone anyway. She was accused of killing her mother, a woman everyone had loved, even her.

She wasn't even close to recovering from her mother's loss because the emptiness would always be there. She missed her, and wanted to hug her more times than possible but that was alright, after all, she was her mother's daughter, right?

"Damn," Awuor said, looking at Adolf and his team and for the first time, she was glad they had 'bested' her.

She hadn't expected this to happen, but she had learned this time. The next time anyone would come at her, she would be prepared and would fight them down to the last one standing.

While she stared at them, she knew it was pointless to try and cover her nose with her hands or even the damn leaves she was covered in like a primitive woman from the forties and thirties.

She had no way of stopping the gas from getting into her system, so she let fate take its course, without caring because this time, if this was the way she died, she would accept it, but would definitely come back in her ghost form to seek justice for her mother dearest.

With the stubborn woman unconscious, Adolf and his men scoured the shelter she had built for herself and strangely, they found nothing of importance. There wasn't even a trace of her regal clothes for them to find.

If they had looked a little harder, they would have realized that under the pile of grass she had laid for her wolf to rest on, were the pieces of whatever was left of her clothing.

They were Awuor's reminder that at the end of the day, she would make her way back to Sicario and she would make every one of them pay for betraying her and her mother. She would remind them what it meant to lose everything and she wouldn't hold back, not even once.

Until then she had given into her fate, besides, she had no strength to fight the wolf when she was drugged.

The journey to the Greyson pack wasn't that long, considering the warriors were well-trained. When they reached the borders, they felt a change and for a moment, they were confused. Adolf thought there was something that the woman he was holding had done, but she was sleeping.

It looked like she had never really gotten an ounce of sleep.

"Open the gates!" Adolf said and their warriors opened the gates to the Greyson pack, revealing a beautiful home that was well guarded and had been peaceful for the longest time.

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