The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 – The Empire’s Bold Merchant (1)

In the eerie silence of night, interrupted only by owl hoots.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Could this be the calm before the storm, like the sea before a tidal wave?

The atmosphere around Marquis Foltaine was just as quiet as it was intense. His determination was so palpable it could be felt by his opponent.


Duke Veder, the person in question, remained silent for a long time. Eventually, he lifted his head.

“……Your Highness, what kind of sorcery have you used?”

His gaze was fixed on me.


“There’s a limit to how much a person can change overnight. This is too much, don’t you think?”


I stared silently into his eyes, which expressed his disbelief.

I don’t know what kind of person Andrew von Meeke was before, what kind of life he led, or what experiences he had gone through.

The little memories I have as Andrew are scattered and incomplete.


‘At the very least, it seems you’ve lived a life as troubled as my own child.’

As the thought crossed my mind,

“……Heh heh heh.”

That damned laugh slipped out, recalling Andy. My child would have felt the same. He would have longed for his father, who had left for the battlefield.

Then, he was captured as the child of a traitor and died a meaningless death because of his incompetent father.

‘Andrew von Meeke. I won’t waste the second chance you’ve given me.’

Perhaps this is fate as well. A life not so different from Andy’s. This time, I’ll try to prevent the same outcome.

The heavens seemed to be telling me that.

“Laughing in such a situation…… You’re not the 7th Prince I know. Is there perhaps another soul inside you?”

“Who knows.”

I replied nonchalantly. Duke Veder had already made his decision. The hostility in his gaze had completely vanished.

He sighed.

“Continuing this conversation is meaningless. As such, I’ll take my leave.”

“I won’t bid you farewell.”

“……Your Highness.”


“I genuinely look forward to the day you return.”

It was a curious statement. ‘Is he threatening me?’ If not a threat, then?

‘……It must mean he harbors some resentment.’

Not everyone is as progressive as the nobles of the Kingdom of Hart. In fact, they’re more likely the minority.

The more a person has, the more they fear change.

Step, step, step. Duke Veder disappeared beyond the path, without a trace of hesitation.


Only an old man with hair white under the moonlight remained. Perhaps it was because of what he had said earlier, but now even those gray hairs seemed somewhat different.

“Thank you for your help, Marquis.”

“Just words?”

His gruff voice pierced my eardrums immediately.

“Then, how should I express my gratitude?”

“It’s simple. Become my son. That’s all I need.”


I quietly looked down at Marquis Foltaine, who had said this.

“Is it because of your deceased eldest son?”


Marquis Foltaine flinched for a moment.

“Did you hear?”

“Just bits and pieces.”

“……If I had a son like you, whether it was bandits, pirates, or thieves, they wouldn’t turn tail and run. You’re skilled enough to cut them all down.”

“But if someone stronger than me stood in my way, who knows what I would do. A person’s true nature comes out in a real crisis.”

Marquis Foltaine shook his head without hesitation.



“The you I know would rather sacrifice yourself than leave your family behind. You understand shame, and you have a sense of honor.”

“You speak as if you know me better than I know myself.”

“I might not trust my own son, but I trust my eyes.”

I felt it. The other emotion woven into Marquis Foltaine’s voice.

‘Even if he says otherwise, he must still be grieving for his lost child.’

However, what’s gone will never return. Not Marquis Foltaine’s child nor Andy.

“……I’m sorry.”


“About what I said before, that you treat your children as mere decorations to uphold the marquisate’s honor. I take it back.”


“Though everyone expresses it differently, a parent’s love for their child is always sincere. I was short-sighted.”

“Just be like you usually are. It doesn’t suit you.”

“I sincerely hope that your nights are no longer as long as they’ve been.”

“It’s about time I go! I’m feeling sleepy now.”

As if embarrassed by his own words, Marquis Foltaine quickly turned away.

“Yes. Once again, I respect your decision back then. After all, because of that choice, the marquisate is still moving in the right direction.”

“The real issue is the future! You need to find a good timing to move forward. I’m too old now to walk in the right direction.”

“Complaining doesn’t suit you, Marquis.”

“Wait until you’re my age. When you get old, everything hurts— both body and mind.”

Marquis Foltaine moved on, leaving only his final words behind.

“So, become the strong legs of this old man. I truly mean it.”

He was a man who didn’t know the meaning of giving up.

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

The next day, I encountered an unexpected situation early in the morning. The king of this country personally summoned me.

“Come in, Sir Ancelot of the Kingdom of Hart.”

King Melio II greeted me with an infinitely kind smile. The weak demeanor he showed in front of the nobles was nowhere to be seen.

“I greet Your Majesty.”

“Yes, yes.”

Princess Winley was also by his side.

“You two look good together.”

At the same time, the princess’s face twisted in discomfort. Of course, Melio II continued speaking without paying any mind.

“I called you because I want to grant you a title.”

He got straight to the point. Anyone would be moved by such a proposal, but……

‘……I think I can guess what you’re thinking.’

On the contrary, I felt rather displeased. Melio II had eyes and ears. He must have known my true identity by now.

Offering me a title under such circumstances? That means—

‘He’s trying to secure at least one ally before stepping down.’

He’s the kind of person who believes he can at least control his own child.

‘He must resent the nobles who forcibly dethroned him.’

But to use his daughter and me, without even a proper conversation, just to maintain power……

‘……I really don’t like it.’

Of course, I might be judging Melio II based on the bits and pieces I know about him.

‘Using his daughter, stealing his subject’s lover, abandoning loyal followers to avoid political risks……’

Bits, my foot. This person is clearly unfit to be a leader.

“Even though you’re engaged to my daughter, it has bothered me that you don’t have a title.”

It was at this moment that a voice rang out.

“The grand nobles are entering!”


The voice of the grand chamberlain echoed through the hall. There was no need for Melio II’s response. The eight grand nobles entered the room through the open door.

“Why are you all here at this time……?”

“I heard you were going to grant that young man a title.”


Duke Kairos pointed at me. Melio II’s expression hardened.

“……Could it be that you’ve been keeping an eye on me?”

“Of course not, Your Majesty. Given the presence of distinguished guests in the palace, we’ve simply kept our ears open to the internal matters.”

“It’s just a baron’s rank, the lowest title. Even a soon-to-be-departing king can grant that much, don’t you think?”

Nevertheless, the grand nobles showed no intention of backing down.


“We will follow His Majesty’s command.”

“Please proceed as you see fit.”

Only Duke Herman and Marquis Foltaine expressed their support, one after the other. They must have come all this way just to voice their approval.

Of course, the remaining grand nobles were opposed.

“It’s unacceptable. What merit does he have to receive a title?”

Duke Kairos was the first to voice his anger. He never liked me or those two in the first place.

“Moreover, have you forgotten? He is a prince from another country. Considering future relations with the Meeke Principality, I believe even the knight title previously granted to him should be revoked.”

The other five grand nobles each presented their own opinions. The problem was that their reasons were not without merit.

“There’s no precedent for this. Once a precedent is set, it becomes custom. We must be cautious, Your Majesty. Honestly, granting him a knight title was already crossing the line.”

“New wine should be put into new wineskins. Why not let the new king decide?”

“We can’t just hand out noble titles to anyone.”

“The majority is against it. I’ll follow the majority.”

“……I am against it.”

With that, they all withdrew from the discussion. Just from listening to their opinions, it was clear that the grand nobles of this country each had strong personalities.

“Six against two. The decision is made. You cannot grant him a title, Your Majesty.”

Finally, when Duke Kairos withdrew—

“How insolent!”

Even Melio II, uncharacteristically, burst out in anger.

“We shall take our leave as well.”

Duke Herman and Marquis Foltaine, the only ones who maintained decorum, quietly led me away.

“It’s karma, but I do feel a bit sorry for him.”

I spoke up at Marquis Foltaine’s remark.

“I didn’t expect the two of you to side with His Majesty.”

“We weren’t siding with the king, but with you. If you had a title, the Meeke Principality couldn’t openly threaten to take you back. After all, you’d be a noble.”

This was rather touching.

“In that case, we’ll have to convince the new king.”

“Don’t be too disappointed. Tomorrow is the coronation of the new king.”

I wasn’t particularly disappointed, but they seemed to think I needed some consolation. After each said what they wanted to say, they soon disappeared from sight.

‘A title, huh……’

Now that I think about it, having one might not be so bad. I needed some credible backing, and a position could be a driving force for gathering people.


Finally, it was the day of the new king’s coronation.

“Stay quietly in your room today. It wouldn’t be good to catch the eyes of the people from the Meeke Principality.”

I carefully observed Duke Herman’s face as he said this.

“Is something wrong?”

“……Did it show?”


At my reply, Duke Herman sighed.

“It seems the Empire has no intention of leaving quietly.”

“What do you mean?”

“After the coronation, there will be diplomatic events. The next one is planned to take place here in our country.”

There was no need to move the venue unnecessarily. I understood that much.

“The event is meant to strengthen unity among smaller nations in the face of the Empire, but the Empire wants to participate? Other nations won’t be pleased.”

“That’s the problem. Since it’s happening here, our country will have to take the blame.”


I was beginning to understand the situation.

“Of course, the other delegations won’t welcome the Empire’s presence. But at the same time, we can’t just kick out guests who are already here, can we?”

If they expelled them, they’d have to deal with the Empire’s wrath. If they didn’t, the other countries would be upset.

It was a real dilemma.

“It will likely be the new king’s first test.”


After a moment of thought, a smile crept onto my lips.

“I think I might have a way to deal with that.”


Dealing with the Empire has always been my specialty, even in my previous life.

“Please gather the other grand nobles as well.”

“Why them?”

“You saw yesterday, didn’t you? They told me to earn my title, so I’ll do just that.”


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