The Regressor Can Make Them All

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

With their meal finished, Se-Hoon intended to move to another place and continue their conversation there. However, they couldn't.

“My apologies. You treated me so well, yet our conversation had to end so early...”

Jin-Hyun's condition had worsened, possibly due to the long journey.

“No, no. There’s no need to apologize. We have plenty of more opportunities ahead of us.”

“Thank—cough, cough!

Sung-Ha immediately moved, but he stopped upon seeing a raised hand.

Phew... I plan on staying in Babel for a few days. We can maybe meet again once I feel better.”

“Alright... see you next time, then.”

With nothing else to say, Se-Hoon nodded before turning around to leave. And once he did, Jin-Hyun looked down at himself.


Even though Se-Hoon had left, the spell reinforcing his body was still active.

I thought it was just blacksmithing... but he has a talent for magic too.

When he first heard the rumors circulating about Se-Hoon, he naturally thought they were all severely exaggerated, but after meeting him, he wondered if they were actually understated.

Then, after putting away his thoughts, Jin-Hyun looked at Sung-Ha, who was pacing anxiously nearby.


“Yes, Master.”

“What do you think of that friend, Lee Se-Hoon?”

Hesitating briefly, Sung-Ha cautiously replied, “He's quite eccentric, but... I think he can be trusted when it comes to business transactions.”

Jin-Hyun blinked rapidly in surprise. It was unbelievable that Sung-Ha, who trusted no one but himself, said such a thing.

Looks like that fellow is truly an exceptional person in many ways. He began thinking he needed to meet Se-Hoon again during his stay in Babel.


His heart suddenly pounded loudly once. The ensuing pain was unbearable; it felt like someone squeezed his heart.



Shocked, Sung-Ha quickly supported the collapsing Jin-Hyun before hastily rummaging through his void pocket for a small silver case. Opening it, he immediately took out a purple pill and placed it in his master’s mouth.

“Huff... huff...”

Thankfully, Jin-Hyun's condition stabilized almost immediately. Sung-Ha looked at him with concern. “Are you alright?”

“...Yes. I’m fine now, so don’t worry too much.”

Having noticed the worried look in Sung-Ha’s eyes, Jin-Hyun made sure to reassure him. But he couldn’t hide his weary voice.

“I thought I should walk a bit since it’s been a while... but it seems it put too much stress on my body.”

“Exactly. I’ll pull out the wheelchair right away.”

Not wanting his master to change his mind, Sung-Ha hurridly took out a wheelchair from his void pocket and carefully helped the staggering Jin-Hyun into it. Then he took off his jacket and draped it over him.

“We’ll be heading off, then.”

“Yes, let’s go...”

Feeling Sung-Ha gently pushing the wheelchair, Jin-Hyun leaned into it weakly. And when his eyes, which had closed in exhaustion, managed to open...


A purple aura could be seen, giving him a dazed look.


After parting ways with Sung-Ha and Jin-Hyun, Se-Hoon walked down the street, lost in thought.

A Synesthetic Mindscape Projection Device...

He could believe that Max Barmuth, the head of the Barmuth family, made it in his youth, but not its claimed ability to help train one’s synesthetic mindscape.

The synesthetic mindscape isn’t something that can be trained overnight like that.

Attempts to train the synesthetic mindscape had been made numerous times and would likely continue in the future. It was natural since the completeness and power of a skill depended on the user’s synesthetic mindscape.

Yet, there had never been a success because relying on external forces to train the synesthetic mindscape often tainted it.

With potential side effects like personality disorders, its benefits are far outweighed. Which means...

The Synesthetic Mindscape Projection Device was a trap.

If they also approached other high-ranking heroes besides Yeom Jin-Hyun, those devices are likely everywhere by now.

Assuming that was true, what should he do? Pondering, an idea soon came to Se-Hoon’s mind.

What if I just inform them...?

There was no need for him to stir things up himself. Acting immediately, he called Helena.

“Professor, do we have any Twilight Ingots in our department’s supply?”

—If it’s a material available on the general market, we should possess some. I can arrange it right away if you need it.

“Please do so, thanks.”

Hanging up, Se-Hoon headed straight to the Department of Blacksmithing and entered a forging room after picking up the prepared Twilight Ingots.

“Let’s see...”

Taking off his jacket, he inspected a Twilight Ingot. It had a faint crimson hue, and its texture was quite soft, easily bendable with a little pressure.

“The quality is...”

Stroking his chin, he opened the Twilight Ingot’s information message.

[Twilight Ingot]

[Tier: Rare] [Quality: Above Average]

[An ingot created by combining fire mana and water mana.

When infused with mana, it can project mirages in the surrounding area. However, the ingot will be slowly consumed during the mirage projection.

*Infusing mana will project a mirage]

“Not bad.”

Finding no real issues with the material, the next step was to guess how the Synesthetic Mindscape Projection Device was made based on the ingot’s effects.

Drawing up White Light, Se-Hoon picked up an ingot and cut it.


Like butter, a small piece smoothly fell off. And after picking it up, he proceeded to infuse it with mana.


The fragment faintly glowed crimson and began to vaporize from the outside in.


Within the resulting above his palm, he could see an image of the tongs he placed next to the anvil. The sight fascinated him.

So instead of just creating random mirages, it spreads to find a suitable object to project.

Based on the size of the mirage and the fragment, he assumed using the entire ingot would have projected items as large as the anvil or even the furnace.

The Synesthetic Mindscape Projection Device must designate the projected item as the synesthetic mindscape inside the user, then.

What other materials would the device need to accurately reflect one’s synesthetic mindscape? Thinking, he lightly tapped the Twilight Ingot.

Tap, tap, tap.

With each tap, faint ripples spread across the surface of the Twilight Ingot, forming its mana arrangement vividly in his mind. With it, his mind compiled hundreds and thousands of blueprints using all kinds of materials, each with different effects.

“...This is it.”

Picking out the most ideal blueprint, he moved his hand to his chest.


Summoning Dream Flames, he channeled their power into the Twilight Ingot, causing it to vibrate faintly. It then blurred, looking like it would transform into a mirage at any moment.

At that reaction, he decided to bring out his long-unused alchemical forging technique.


Resonating with Se-Hoon’s mana, the Twilight Ingot regained its distinct shape without being consumed by the Dream Flame. Succeeding, his eyes sparkled with determination.

Now is the most important part.

He had to perfectly combine the Twilight Ingot’s mirage ability with the power of the Dream Flame. Any imbalance would ruin it, so he sharpened his focus.

Swish, swish, swish-

Under his direction, the crimson and purple hues intertwined and writhed, their boundaries slowly dissolving over time.

And when the Dream Flame was absorbed into the Twilight Ingot, a burst of air exploded.


The Twilight Ingot had now lost its original crimson hue, glowing faintly with a purple light instead.

Se-Hoon immediately checked its information message.

[Ethereal Ingot]

[Tier: Rare] [Quality: Perfect]

[An ingot created by the exquisite combination of fire mana, water mana, and dream mana.

When infused with mana, it can project the dreams of nearby living beings as mirages. However, the ingot will be permanently consumed during the mirage creation process.

*Infusing mana will project a dream as a mirage]


Inspecting the Ethereal Ingot, Se-Hoon broke off a fragment and infused it with mana, causing a purple mirage to appear in his palm. Within it, a familiar scene appeared.


Seeing the black waves slowly rolling in from the distance, Se-Hoon frowned.

“What a wretched dream...”

He desperately wanted to erase it immediately but held back and focused on his synesthetic mindscape.


The mirage flickered, shifting to a scene of his younger self crying amidst the ruins of a building—the moment his parents were killed by Immortal. If it could show this much, the body likely wouldn’t react when its owner’s synesthetic mindscape was being observed.

The projection device probably goes a step further, but it doesn’t matter.

He wasn't trying to recreate the Synesthetic Mindscape Projection Device; all he was trying to do was identify those using it. And to do that, he needed to materialize another material.

His sternness in pursuing his own sense of justice means he never compromises with those he deems evil. He is obsessed with completing his mission, staying indifferent to his own injuries along the way.

Recalling the characteristics of Seon-Woo from before and after he regressed, he formed a Fatestone in his right hand.


Accompanied by a cool sensation, a translucent stone, about the size of an eye, with a crystalline luster had formed.

I never thought I’d be able to obtain his Fatestone.

He checked the information message.

[Fatestone - Heaven’s Eye]

[Tier: Rare] [Quality: Above Average]

[A stone imbued with a special power.

When infused with mana, it allows one to observe objects reflected on its surface in more detail.

*Can observe the composition of materials used together in greater detail]

This should work.

Seeing that Heaven’s Eye’s ability mirrored Seon-Woo's unique skill, Enhanced Vision, Se-Hoon quickly inspected the surface before slicing it in half with White Light.


Setting one half aside, he stretched briefly before focusing again. He concentrated White Light at his fingertips.

“Even sharper...”

Compressing it even further, Se-Hoon only moved on when he was satisfied with its sharpness.


Delicately shaving the surface of Heaven's Eye, each smooth cut revealed a transparent surface. Like that, he continued, aiming to make both sides completely transparent. Then, after polishing it up, he brought Heaven’s Eye to eye level.

“Hmm. Okay, I can see through it clearly.”

Even without imbuing it with mana, he was able to accurately view distant objects. Fashioning it into a lens, he then picked up the Ethereal Ingot.

Divide it into segments so that I only use the necessary parts...


Resonating with his mana again, the Ethereal Ingot elongated into thin hazy strands that were shaped into a frame fitting the lens and a delicate chain to connect them.

With the individual parts all done, he assembled it, stretched his body, and picked up the remaining half of Heaven's Eye.

[Bond Imprint ‘Heaven’s Eye’ has been activated.]

A peculiar sensation flowed from his right hand, completely different from his normal senses. Savoring the new sensation, he connected Shadow Thread to the lens and frame.

It should only project the synesthetic mindscape of the person seen through it, so I should probably adjust it after with a spell. But since magic doesn’t go well with Shadow Thread... curses, then...?

Putting his thoughts to the side for now, he began connecting the strands of Shadow Thread one by one, combining the lens and frame. When he finished, he would connect the chain.

But despite how it sounded, it was a precarious process where even a slight mistake could cause the Ethereal Ingot to consume Heaven’s Eye. However, with Bond Imprint, he could use Heaven’s Eye’s observational power to adjust the delicate balance precisely.


Focusing on the task at hand, he entered a state of deep concentration, oblivious to the passage of time. A familiar sound slowly filled his ears.


Like always, it was a dreadful sound, something he wouldn’t even want to hear in his dreams. But, it allowed him to focus entirely on his work. With the sound accompanying him, he moved his hands swiftly, seamlessly connecting all the parts with Shadow Thread.

Then finally, he carefully severed the last strand of Shadow Thread. And for the first time in ages, an achievement message appeared in front of him.

[Equipment ‘Ethereal Monocle’ has been completed.

As can be seen from the newly created material and combination method, adventurers aren’t the only ones exploring the unknown.

The quality of the materials used is slightly lacking compared to the technique applied, but regardless, the blacksmith's skill has given birth to a completely new type of equipment.

The tier evaluation for ‘Ethereal Monocle’ is ‘Hero.’]

[Skill ‘Ethereal Vision (A)’ has been acquired.]

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