The Red Hand

Chapter 85 – Countdown To Disaster.

Chapter 85 – Countdown To Disaster.

Akagi sat at home watching different news feeds, all of which were inundated with a discussion about the recent Christmas attacks and the death of one of the RRT members. There was a great deal of anger, fear and concern about the recent attacks, and debate raged among the public and the government about what to do, as it became clear that Libra was winning. Some argued for increased US military presence, while others called for an international peacekeeping force. Russia and China backed this, but with the threat of a US veto, it wasn't happening anytime soon. Things were slowly but surely moving in Libra's favor and their backer were very pleased with their progress.

The New Year came and went without much fanfare as public events had been canceled, and people were reluctant to gather in large groups. A general sense of unease washed over Japan, as many people began to discuss either leaving the country or at least hunkering down until Libra was dealt with. Kana was still on winter break, and there was some speculation that schools may stay closed until the crisis passed. Something Akagi figured was likely given the fact that Libra was more than happy to hit students. 

Yumi and Akagi were relaxing together as information flashed over the T.V.

"If nothing else, Libra's causing one hell of a panic. That's for sure." Akagi said as she took a sip of her drink. "I'll give them credit for being effective, if nothing else."

"I wonder what will happen now?" Yumi was sitting next to her with a drink of her own. "Perhaps now they will seek you out again? At this rate, I don't think the RRT can win on their own. Even the military help they've been getting isn't enough from the looks of it."

"While not impossible, under current conditions I'd say round two of negotiations is unlikely," Akagi shook her head. "They're going to try everything else before they come crawling to me. You can bet on that."

{Though, if this keeps up. I suspect we might see a second American occupation of Japan.} Akagi thought to herself. {I should get Hikari to take the temperature in the White House and Congress and see if they're considering it.} Her agent in the US had been proving quite valuable for reading the American military and political winds.

"If Libra actually goes through with their plan, perhaps the Japanese government might have no choice but to accept my demands, though." Akagi chuckled. Her mole inside Libra meant she knew exactly what they were planning. If they actually attacked Nagoya and caused destruction, the government might have no choice but to relent. Akagi wasn't going to forewarn the RRT about this impending attack. Some might see this as cruel and even some level of evil. After all, she was using innocent people's lives as a means to get what she wanted. As she could easily stop the Nagoya attack or, at the very least, tip off the RRT. But doing so would compromise her mole's position, and Akagi was not above letting people die to get what she wanted, especially in this case. Her rules meant that she would not take lives without due cause, but nothing in them said she had to lift a finger to help people.

Kana had already figured out that Akagi was intentionally using the deteriorating situation to wring out concessions from the government. She initially voiced concerns, but backed off when Akagi asked for a logical explanation of why she should help for free. As smart as she was, Kana couldn't give a persuasive enough answer. Kana knew her sister was no hero of justice. Many would even call her a villain, and Akagi was ok with that. The Demon did not subscribe to the heroic notion of using one's powers to help others like some superhero. Just because she could help people did not mean she had to, and she would not allow others to push their morality on her. If others wished to risk their lives for the greater good and play hero, that was fine. But Akagi was not such a person, and with her humanity dwindling, one would be hard-pressed to convince her otherwise.

"Does seeing this really not bother you, Yumi?" Akagi looked at her. "Unlike me, you're still humanish. I can't imagine you don't feel something seeing all this." Akagi knew Yumi wasn't entirely ok with her actions at time, but kept her opinions quiet out of loyalty and respect.

Yumi thought for a moment. "While it's true that I feel sympathy, I am prioritizing your decision and feelings. I know very well just what kind of person you are, and while I may personally wish to help, I would be overstepping my boundaries by attempting to push you to act against your own judgment."

{This girl...} (Akagi)

"But you do want to help? You do wish that I would?" Akagi asked. "You don't need to lie to me, so please be honest."

"If I have to answer, then yes. I would absolutely prefer that you go out and defeat Libra right this moment before more people die." Yumi reluctantly answered. "But as I said, my feelings are irrelevant. I do not have the right to persuade you on a matter where your core principles are at work. At the end of the day, this is your decision to make and I respect your judgement and how you came to it. Even if I have my disagreements with the outcome."

"You really are nice, you know that?" Akagi put her arm around her and hugged her. "Never feel like you can't voice your opinion to me, though, ok? Even if you know my mind is made up. You have every right to voice your thoughts and never say your feelings are irrelevant again. Because that's not true." Akagi was happy to hear Yumi's answer. Part of her was glad that Yumi understood just how Akagi was. Though even if she understood why Yumi and the others stayed silent, she would prefer they at least voice their feelings. Even if Akagi's mind wouldn't be changed. "I don't like yes men and submissive people who are only capable of taking orders and doing as I say. You are my [Bonded Soul]. You have every right to speak to me as an equal. Even if I am far more powerful than you."

Yumi chuckled. "You say that, but I can never view myself as your equal, and you know that. Not just because of your power either." Yumi's complex past an trauma had warped her view of Akagi strangely and she understood that.

"I know, I'm just saying." Akagi smiled. "Just from now on, don't hide anything from me. If I do something you don't like or disagree with, please tell me. Who knows, you might just change my mind!"

"I doubt that. You are quite stubborn." Yumi rolled her eyes. "But I will keep that in mind." She didn't show it, but she was quite happy to hear Akagi say all that.

The two sat silent, snuggling, until Yumi recalled something important.

"Oh!" Yumi exclaimed. "I forgot to mention it, but Mizumi wanted to speak with you. She said it was important."

"Then, can you please go fetch her?" Akagi said. "If it's important, I should hear her out, and I've got nothing else scheduled at the moment."

Yumi hugged Akagi and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, she returned with the blue-haired spirit. Yumi took a seat next to Akagi and snuggled up to her, which caused Akagi to laugh and the spirit to turn slightly red in embarrassment.

{Crazy how a millennia old spirit can still get all embarrassed about some minor skinship.} Akagi laughed in her mind.

"What did you want to speak to me about?" Akagi said as she sipped her drink. "I assume it's important since you don't typically request to speak with me like this."

"Yes, well. It's about that Demon tongue of yours," Mizumi said. "I think I recognize it."

"Oh?" Akagi's lazy expression snapped into a serious one. "Go on."

"There were Demons in my world. Though I've never met one like you." Mizumi continued. "I've studied countless historical records and have a comprehensive knowledge of all my world's languages, so I can say for certain your Demon tongue is different than what they use in my world. But, I feel like I've seen it somewhere in my library, something about it seems familiar. I just can't quite put my finger on it." She'd sworn it was something in one of the old legends or historical accounts from millennia ago, but the specifics were just not coming to her.

"Interesting." Akagi thought. "If others have used it, we might just learn a bit more about myself. If someone else used this language, it's reasonable to assume that we might be related in some way."

"Yes, those where my thoughts exactly," Mizumi nodded. "My library is in a state of chaos at the moment, so I would like your permission to retire to my home for some time to conduct research and sort through things. It will likely take several weeks until I have an answer if that's ok?"

"Do it," Akagi said. "Any information you can give me will be useful. Take as much time as you need and search your records, if you do find something, I want you to bring it to me as soon as possible." She nodded. "Perhaps you might just blow this whole mystery of what I am wide open."

"Yes. Though, I have a bad feeling I am not going to like the answer to that mystery. That language was most likely not used by some peaceful being. I'm sure of that just from the sound of it." Mizumi sighed. "If you wouldn't mind, could you give me a vocal and writing sample? That would help me cross-reference things, and your technology makes doing both quite easy."

"Sure," Akagi took out a small recorder and spoke into it, then pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a few sentences for her. "Will that suffice?

"Yes, this is perfect!" Mizumi smiled. "Seeing this writing has me convinced I've seen this in my library. I just can't remember where."

{Where have I seen this script before? I think it was in one of the old books given to me by Elder Zanon.} (Mizumi)

"Alright, off you go." Akagi waved her off lazily.

Mizumi opened a portal, much like the one she appeared through originally. "Alright, I shall return when I have an answer." She said as she stepped through and disappeared along with the portal.

"I wonder if she really will find the answer," Yumi said. "I would certainly be interested in knowing more about you."

"Who knows, but she seemed sure she would." Akagi shrugged. "And we lose nothing by having her look, so why not?"

The two sat on the couch watching the newsfeeds while snuggling together for a while until Kana entered the living room.

"Am I interrupting something?" She grinned as she walked over to the two of them.

"Jealous?" Akagi winked at her. "I can turn into Hishya and snuggle with you if you're lonely." Hishya was suppose to come over today before heading to some family for belated holiday visits.

"And I did that to myself, didn't I." Kana sat down. "I should know better than to try that stuff on you. I'll never win."

"Nope." Akagi smiled. "What's up? Did you need something?"

"I just came to remind you that we're having your party tomorrow, that's all." Kana smiled. "So don't go off somewhere and miss it." She would be furious if Akagi missed her party.

"Trust me, I won't." Akagi waved her off. "I tried talking you out of it, but once everyone else got invested in the idea, I gave up.”

{Plus I don't need Kana breathing down my neck if I ditched. She'd never let me hear the end of it.}  (Akagi)

"I think you'll like it." Yumi looked up at her. "We never got to celebrate your birthday before, and everyone is looking forward to it!" Yumi had gotten Akagi a special gift, and she was excited to present it to her. "Plus, it will be fun to have a nice celebration."

"If you guys are throwing it, I know I will." Akagi smiled. She'd never celebrated her birthday before, and while she wouldn't show it, she was happy that people cared enough about her to celebrate. "But even without a party, just knowing you all care enough to remember my birthday is more than enough for me."

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