The Red Hand

Chapter 83 – Hishya the Dragon.

Chapter 83 – Hishya the Dragon.


I saw we hit 7th on trending today so here is an extra bonus chap!

Hishya, Kana, Mika, Naomi, Yumi, Kira, and Superbia were currently standing in a clearing in a nearby valley. Hishya was wearing a brown tunic in preparation for the test that was about to take place. They were waiting on Akagi who finally showed up.

"There you are, Akagi." Hishya was annoyed at the delay. They'd been waiting for around twenty minutes. "Why were you even late anyway? You don't live that far from here and everyone else got here on time."

"Sorry, Chloe wanted to test her new strength from my ability and things took a bit longer than we expected. I'll have to show you the results then, its crazy just how strong the family is getting now. She might even be able to go toe to toe with you now!" Akagi smiled, she was proud with their growth.

As Akagi approached and Superbia caught sight of her, the Oni unconsciously backed away as she gazed into Akagi's eye.

"No need to be afraid, little Oni." Akagi laughed. "I'm not hungry for your soul today."

{H-Hishya wasn't kidding! What is that aura? And why is everyone else acting so nonchalant?} This was the first time since the events in Kyoto that Superbia had met Akagi, and she couldn't believe her dramatic changes. Her aura was much denser than before, almost as if it was the embodiment of darkness it self. Though despite its eerie feel, it was strangely calm.

"You get used to it pretty quick, Superbia." Hishya sighed in defeat. "Just don't think about it."

"Y-yeah, sure," Superbia said nervously. "So why did you want me out here, Hishya?"

"Because I wanted you to see this for yourself." Hishya shrugged as she turned and walked a bit further away. "And I figured you would get a kick out of it." She looked over her shoulder, her right eye having turned draconic.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Superbia said.

"Yeah, me too." Kana agreed. In fact, only Akagi, Yumi, Kira, and Hishya herself knew what was going on. They'd wanted this to be a suprise.

"Just let it out slowly and take your time. There's no rush." Kira said. "Our training has been quite successful, so you should be fine." Kira's training had been a great boon for Hishya. While she couldn't go all out just yet, she was able to safely control more of her power.

"Alright, here I go!" Hishya closed her eyes and took a deep breath, gathering energy inside her and clenching her teeth. At first it was a small amount, akin to a faucet filling a large sink. But the pace at which she pooled her energy increased as an enormous amount of power gathered within her chest. The air around her started to heat up, and the air grew denser with each passing second. After about a minute, her body began to emit a fain trail of steam as the water vapor in the air around her started to boil away. She stood like that for a moment before her eyes snapped open, and she let out a low growl.

"Grrrrrrrrrrr." Hishya's face twisted, and her body let out a pulse of energy. Scales began to cover her body, and she sprouted a tail and wings. "Grrrrrrrr." She growled more as her bones began to warp, and she morphed. Slowly but surely, she stopped looking human. Her clothing absorbed into her body and she eventually dropped on all fours before growing bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until she was a fully grown Purple Fire Dragon. When the transformation was complete, she let out a massive roar that shook the hills.


Her forearm slammed into the ground, causing a minor quake, and her large tail accidentally crushed a tree behind her.

"Oops," Hishya said telepathically.

"Nice job. That poor tree's family is now going to starve because of you." Akagi smirked.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Hishya growled. "Anyway, it looks like the transformation was a success." Hishya was now completely in her dragon form, and she was massive. Her build meant that she was easily twenty feet tall, and likely weighing over ten tons. Hishya's draconic body was truly a sight to behold. Akagi. Superbia, Yumi, and Kira had seen many dragons. But the girls had never, outside of fiction.

“Magnificent!” Kira smiled. "It was a success!"

"That's crazy!" Mika's eyes sparkled. "You look so cool!"

"I-I knew she was a dragon but..." Kana was awestruck. "Beautiful..."

"She's massive!" Naomi exclaimed.

“Keep absolutely still, her vision is based on movement.” Akagi quoted a famous movie.

“I am not a T-Rex!” Hishya growled.

“Sure sounded like one to me.” Akagi laughed. "But seriously, any issues?" Akagi asked as she got closer.

"Nothing to report. I'm in control of myself, and nothing seems off. No sudden urge to burn villages or kidnap poor unsuspecting cows." Hishya chuckled. "Though, I have the feeling that I can stay like this as long as I want, and I can feel that I'm more powerful than I was in the game. I guess this is simlar to how you were just granted knowledge about things, its really strange." She thought for a moment. "Also, I can now tell that my equipment will just disappear and reappear so the tunic was unnecessary. Oh well, better safe than sorry."

"Makes sense," Akagi replied. "Many of the game's limits no longer apply anymore, so the time limit being removed is reasonable." She nodded. "I could tell you were stronger even in human form, so your draconic body probably received a buff as well. The energy welling within you is crazy though. You could probably fight an entire army with that much power!" Akagi figured the game's lore regarding Hishya's race meant that without those restrictions she was actually quite a bit stronger now.

"Yeah, I'm not as magically inclined as you two, but even I can tell you've gotten much stronger." Superbia put her hand over her mouth. "Beating you in that form would be quite difficult, even with all of us together." Superbia looked at her. She'd seen Hishya's dragon form in the game, but seeing it in real life was something entirely different. The aura Hishya gave off was overwhelming and was enough to terrify people just by looking at her.

"Well, that's why you're here." Hishya looked at her. "I needed someone to test things against and you were the best person I could think of for such an endeavor."

"What!" Superbia jumped. "Why me? Akagi is much stronger!"

{You would literally kill me in that form!} (Superbia)

"I don't want to be thrown through mountains for fun, no thanks." If a dragon could sigh that's what she'd be doing. "Don't worry, I won't be doing anything crazy. Mostly just maneuvers. I want to test just what I can actually do like this."

{Maybe...} Hishya was actually excited to test out her strength, and she might go a bit further than that during her testing with the Oni, but that was neither here nor there.

"Come on, don't you want to put on a show?" Akagi smiled. "Not every day you get to fight a real-life dragon."

"I don't have a choice in this, do I?" Superbia sighed.

"No." (Akagi x Hishya.)

"Yeah, I figured." Superbia couldn't exactly win this argument, so she just gave up.

"Before you fight, can we check you out a bit!" Mika asked. "Your a real life dragon! I gotta touch you!"

"Mika!" Kana scolded her. "Don't be rude, she's not some giant pet!"

I want to touch her too, but I'm holding myself back! That was what Kana's face said.

"I don't mind," Hishya said. "Do you have any idea how many hours I stood in front of the mirror playing with my tail? It's understandable for you to be curious. I know I would be." She understood their curiosity and could tell that Kana was equally as interested as Mika.

"Yippie!" Mika took off running toward Hishya and hugged her leg. "Oh my god, you're so warm!" Mika's face looked like she was in bliss, it wasn't super cold outside but it was enough that the warm scales felt good.

"Your right!" Naomi followed suit. "It's like a heated blanket!"

"Well, I'm a fire dragon," Hishya said. "If I wasn't warm, that would be stranger."

Seeing her two friends hugging Hishya, Kana gave up and joined in. "Oh wow, it's way different than your tail!" Kana touched Hishya's forearm.

"Really?" Hishya asked.

"Yeah, these scales are even smoother." Kana tapped one. "And I think they're even harder? I feel like their even stronger than steel."

"Probably because these are battle scales." Kira chimed in. "My tail is quite a bit softer than the scales of a dragon, and when they take human form, a full dragon's scales are usually softer as a result."

"Makes sense." Hishya said.

"If I recall, Dragon scales were quite valuable for making gear." Yumi chuckled. "Perhaps Hishya wouldn't mind sharing a few? We can always use some more for upgrading equipment."

Hishya looked at Akagi, who was considering it. "Please don't use me as a scale farm..." She had zero interest in being torn apart for her valuable pieces.

Akagi grinned. "Alright I've made my decision! Instead of a royal pet, you will be the royal scale producer! Congratulations on being selected for this most prestigious position Hishya, the descaling will begin post-haste!"

"What is that supposed to mean! Keep the hell away from me with your grubby mits!" Hishya exclaimed. It took a moment for her brain to catch up as she recalled another part of what Akagi just said. "And what's this about pets?!? Why am I suddenly one?!?"

"Imp and Alice's idea." Akagi laughed. "Blame them."

"I should have known!" Hishya cried. "Those idiots! Superbia, tell Imp I'm going to give her some lumps next time I see her! She will regret her words!"

"Sure....." Superbia had a conflicted look on her face.

{I think your lumps might just kill the poor girl.) (Superbia)

Kana got an evil look in her eye. "Onee-chan, can I keep her?" She gave an innocent look. "I'll feed her, water her and walk her every day. So pleaseeeee."

Hearing this caused everyone, except Hishya, to bust out laughing.

"Don't go taking after your sister! She's a bad influence!" Hishya roared. "Don't go corrupting Kana, Akagi!"

"Don't look at me." Akagi shook her head. "She's corrupted herself."

"Lies!" Hishya said. "Kana would never act this way without your influence! Right, Kana?" She looked down at the young girl who was whistling.

Seeing this, Hishya lowered her head. "What have I gotten myself into? I might as well resign myself to being the family pet now, huh?"

"I will be great!" Akagi smiled. "You'll get a nice collar and I'll make sure Kana gives you plenty of belly rubs."

"And I'll feed you plenty of snacks!" Kana said while holding in a laugh.

"Are we done picking on me?" Hishya asked.

“Never!” Akagi laughed.

Mika walked back over to Akagi. "Hey, do you think Hishya will lay eggs in the future? I mean she is a dragon after all. And I wonder if the child will look more like Kana or her? It's a pretty big toss up, I'm betting Kana since her DNA is probably stronger than a dragon's." Not expecting this, Akagi fucking lost her shit and doubled over laughing.

"What the hell, Mika!" Akagi said through her laugh. "Where did that come from?!?"

"Very funny, Mika." Hishya slowly opened her mouth and began channeling fire. "Anyone have a problem if I turn this girl to ash now?"

"Go right ahead." Kana gave an evil smile.

Mika panicked. "Uhhh. A little help here?" She looked around, but no one came to her aid.

"You get a thirty-second head start. Use it wisely." Hishya said as she charged up a blast.

Realizing she was on her own, Mika ran, and after thirty seconds, Hishya began shooting small fireballs at her. They wouldn't hurt her, but they were quite hot.

"YEOW!" Mika yelled as one small ember burnt her arm. "This isn't funny! Someone help!" But no one did. They all just watched and laughed as Mika dodged Hishya's fire for a few minutes. Once she was satisfied, Hishya stopped, and Mika collapsed to the ground.

"You..... you all suck!" Mika said, exhausted. Yumi came over and healed any burns.

"You brought that on yourself." (Kana and Naomi)

"Yeah, that was funny, but you deserved it." Akagi chuckled. "What did you expect would happen?"

"I don't know, but not that!" Mika cried out.

"Haaa. I feel so much better now!" Hishya laughed. "Is this why you all enjoy picking on me? Cause it feels great to do it to others." She smiled, satisfied with herself.

"Ain't it nice?" Akagi agreed. "Picking on others is one of life's greatest joys."

"Now, don't you start taking after Onee-chan, Hishya!" Kana glared at her. "I've already got one super powered trouble maker, don't go giving me another pain to deal with!"

Cowering under the weight of Kana's gaze, Hishya squeaked. "Yes, mam."

"Scary Kana is scary enough to cower a dragon." Naomi laughed. "I guess we know who wears the pants in that relationship."

At Naomi's comment, everyone burst out laughing. It was all in good fun, and everyone got to enjoy themselves a bit, so it was all good.

"Yeah, the only person scary Kana doesn't work on is Akagi." Mika walked back over after Yumi checked her burns.

"That's only because Akagi is scarier than Kana," Hishya added. "It makes sense. After all, Kana is only a baby Yokai compared to her older sister." Hishya took the opportunity to fire back at her would-be girlfriend.

"I am not a Yokai!" Kana yelled.

"Notice how she didn't deny being scary, though," Naomi said to Akagi, who laughed.

"Hishya, would you mind burning Naomi too? Pweeez?" She looked at Hishya with puppy eyes.

"Please don't do that." Hishya looked away. "I might actually do it."

"Eep!" Naomi hid behind Akagi.

{This girl is protected by the two most powerful players in FWO. People who might just be the most powerful beings on the planet. God have mercy on whoever decides to harm her.} Superbia thought in her mind.

"Alright, enough playing around." Hishya looked over at Superbia. "Let's fight." Her draconic lips contorting into a terrible smile.

{Oh fuck...} Superbia wanted to run away, but figured that would be futile.

"Have fun Hishya!" Akagi smiled. "Just remember not to kill her, but its ok if she gets burn or exploded a bit." 

"I can leave her alive! That's easy!" Hishya roared.

{AKAGI YOU BASTARD!} Superbia screamed in her head as the two began a sparring match. The devastation of the mountainside was quite bad as Hishya may or may not have exploded some things and caused massive streams of lava with her breath. When Superbia got to Nagoya, she did not enjoy having to explain why some of the mountains north of Kyoto were on fire.


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