The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 237 First Lesson

A group of young men wearing leather armor in disarray were seen stumbling out of a vast meadow. In front of them was a gate that was no less towering than the A-class dormitory gate, and perhaps even larger.

Two guards stood and stared at the group of young men expressionlessly. One guard had green hair and the other had black hair. They looked like they had been standing there for a long time, waiting for the group to arrive.

Artur held his injured arm from the wolf claw. The sword he brought from Heles city had disappeared, and the leather armor that Cila made for him had become tattered. He should have been grateful for surviving after fighting so many wolves, but his face couldn't show a smile.

Although class A15 managed to escape from the second field alive because the Mutated Alpha Wolf suddenly retreated for no reason, they couldn't make it to school on time. Their injured and exhausted bodies were no longer able to run after the remaining time.

Some of them even fainted when they realized the enemy had retreated. As a result, they had to carry the unconscious students. Besides, Robert wouldn't allow them to leave their friends who fought together in the field.

"You're late!" said the green-haired guard sharply.

"..." Robert and the A15 students didn't answer, just hanging their heads dejectedly.

"It seems like you're all from the same class. State your class name and how many students are in it!" said the black-haired guard coldly.

"We're from class A15, and there are 42 students! May I speak, sir!" Robert answered firmly.

"You're Robert, right? Are you the leader of class A15? Then I'll give you a chance to speak."

"Sir, A15 was late because I forced them to accompany me to fight a pack of wolves in the second field. I have a higher status than them, so none of them dared to refuse my orders. Therefore, it's unfair if point deduction is given to all A15 students!"

Artur was shocked to hear Robert's words, his lips quivering wanting to say something. At this moment, there was a desire in Artur's heart to let Robert receive all the point deductions for his tardiness. But...


"What are you saying?!"

"Sir! Robert isn't telling the truth! We chose to follow him!"

"That's right! Robert even asked us to go ahead first!"

"This is our mistake too, for choosing to follow Robert of our own free will!"

"If you want to blame Robert, then we who followed his orders should also be blamed!"

Not only Artur but all of the A15 students protested Robert's words. Whether it was their pride or loyalty to Robert, none of the A15 students wanted only Robert to be blamed.

But before they could say anything else...

"SHUT UP!!" The gatekeeper's voice boomed, silencing them all. His shout was not just an ordinary one, but it was filled with mana that not only froze their bodies but also their souls.

"Did I give you permission to speak? Do you underestimate me because I am just a gatekeeper? Do you think your noble status and your parents' money will still be useful in the Military Academy? Shut up before I deduct your points one by one!"

The green-haired gatekeeper yelled at each member of Class A15, while the black-haired gatekeeper just remained silent, but his eyes looked coldly. Artur felt that these two gatekeepers were not ordinary gatekeepers, they were far more dangerous than the Level 1 Constellation Mage that Artur had ever encountered.

This intuition surprised Artur, two people who had the same or even more power than Level 2 Constellation Mage were only gatekeepers at the Military Academy. Once again, he felt that he was too small, and fairness was a son of a bitch.

Making sure that all the heads of Class A15 were bowed and their mouths were shut, the green-haired gatekeeper turned back to Robert. Although Artur could not see it clearly because his head was bowed, he felt a smile forming on the lips of the green-haired gatekeeper.

"Robert, I can't fulfill your request. Although the biggest responsibility always falls on the leader of the team, mistakes don't just come from him alone. Every soldier also contributes to the defeat.

"Although ultimately the decision rests with the leader, every soldier has the opportunity to give their opinion. Even the lowest-ranking soldier in a platoon has a responsibility for victory in battle.

"The phrase 'the mistake of a subordinate is the responsibility of the leader' is only used to show a leader's humility. Those words are not used to absolve the sins of the subordinates and burden everything on the leader.

"So, from this, I declare that the 42 Class A students who arrived late to school will be punished by a two-point deduction! Robert, do you understand?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" Robert replied firmly, although his guilt was still evident on his face.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Sir, No Sir!"

"Good, if you understand, quickly return to your class before your teacher comes!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" the Class A students replied in unison.


A man strode into class A15 with a wide gait and puffed-out chest. There was no doubt on his face, and he looked like someone who was entering his own home. Placing his book on the table, the man immediately opened the first page and said,

"My name is Yu Chin, and I am your teacher in the fundamental magic class. I don't care who you are or where you come from. What I know is that it is my right not to pass you in this class, and based on the rule and regulation book you have received, any student who does not pass my class must leave the Military Academy. Therefore, you better keep your mouth shut and open your eyes and ears wide when I teach."

Yu Chin opened his first class with indifference, as if he didn't care whether all the students in class A15 passed his class or not. Without stopping and giving time for the students to digest his words, Yu Chin began reading the first page of the book in front of him without a care.

"Fundamental magic is the study of the classification of human proximity to mana. In general, this field of study covers two things: metaphysics and mysticism.

"Metaphysics is a philosophical discipline that studies higher reality or the hidden world behind physical phenomena. In general, metaphysics seeks to understand concepts such as existence, the universe, time, space, consciousness, God, and higher reality.

"Metaphysics regards the universe as a unity consisting of energy and consciousness, which are interconnected and influence each other. Bla.. bla.. bla.."

Artur could only sit dumbfounded, not understanding a single word that came out of Yu Chin's mouth. To save his grade, Artur intended to write down every word that came out of their teacher's mouth, but right now he didn't even know what letters to use to write the word "metaphysics."

As he saw other students with the same puzzled expression on their faces, Artur realized that what Yu Chin was explaining had never been discussed before in his noble family. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief at the first fairness he encountered in the Military Academy, Artur felt even more anxious.

Artur had hoped that he could borrow his friend's notes in case he missed something, but none of the students in class A15 seemed to understand what Yu Chin was explaining.

He placed his hope on Robert, who had been dependable from the start, but he had to slap his forehead when he saw Robert sound asleep. Artur then turned to Dony, who looked intelligent, but his pale face and wide eyes showed that he didn't understand a word coming out of Yu Chin's mouth either.

Artur didn't give up so easily. He refocused on listening to Yu Chin, who was still explaining by reading from the third page of his book. However, all Artur heard was...

"Blablabla... Metaphysics is the discipline of philosophy that studies higher reality or the hidden world behind physical phenomena. In general, metaphysics seeks to understand concepts such as existence, the universe, time, space, consciousness, God, and higher reality.

"Metaphysics regards the universe as a unity consisting of energy and consciousness that are interconnected and mutually influential. Blablabla...

"Metaphysics regards consciousness as a fundamental reality that cannot be reduced to physical phenomena. Consciousness is also believed to be a powerful force that can influence the physical world. Blablabla..."

Artur's pen almost broke when he had to vent his frustration on it. Once again, he heard words that he didn't understand, like "universe", "higher reality", and "mutually influential".

"Is every class at the Military Academy going to be like this?" Arthur cursed inside his heart.

As Artur listened to Yu Chin's lecture, he began to realize that he wouldn't gain any knowledge from this class. His desire to save points quickly vanished.

After two hours of listening to Yu Chin, the bell for recess finally rang. Yu Chin closed his book and walked out of the classroom without even glancing at his students.

Artur and his classmates were left speechless, mouths agape in shock.

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