The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 217 Epilogue Volume 1

[Meer Calendar, March 15, 2 Years of Demon War]

Aqua looked at the report in her hands carefully. The number of food supplies needed, the number of weapons and armor that must be replaced immediately, the number of mana potions used, and other things needed for this war to continue.

War is not only a matter of taking up arms but also the availability of food and materials. Strong soldiers would not be able to properly raise their swords if their stomachs were empty. Because of that chain supply is very important and the first thing to think about when a war starts.

Her job as the commander of the entire logistics in this war is very important. Aqua spent many nights devising a solid strategy and supply line to support the front. However, no matter how hard she tries, it is not enough to meet the unlimited needs of the army.

The Alliance wanted to hold the demon army outside of their territory's borders. For that, they made a defensive line at the foot of the Wolf Slopes mountain. But to achieve it requires a long journey from the human kingdom. Therefore they divided into several logistics troops.

This small number of troops will take a much closer route, namely the Bog forest.

However, the result of implementing this strategy is that several logistics troops cannot reach the front line. Various reasons are the result of this situation; whether it's due to attacks from undetected mutated animals, the erratic weather of the Bog forest, sudden natural disasters, and other things that even clairvoyant mages cannot predict.

Even so, it is Aqua and her team's job to detect the disturbance and find a way to deal with it. Maybe by using a new route, a modified form of a new carriage, or whatever it is that can reduce the percentage of lost logistics troops.

But there was one thing he couldn't change despite repeatedly asking the alliance. Namely increasing the number of mages accompanying the logistics troops.

Even with the existence of the Military Academy and long-time peace with elves, the number of mages owned by the human alliance is still relatively small. Of all the humans that exist, the number of mages still has a ratio of 1: 10,000.

This means that the alliance is better off losing 10,000 ordinary human soldiers than one mage. Not to mention considering the mage's need for mana potions which of course adds to how expensive a mage's head is.

As a result, one mage accompanying the several logistics troop can already be said to be the generosity of the human alliance.

Aqua could only sigh at the current predicament she was in. She understands the need for experienced mages at the forefront of war is more than using mages as logistics troop companions.

Currently, the war with the demon army has been going on for two years and it is not clear when it will end. Most likely this war will be the same as the war against the elves, which will take tens of years, maybe even hundreds of years.

Even though the humans had an alliance agreement with the warbeasts and elves to fight the demon army, in the end, they only ended up tied. That's how strong the demon species is.

From the reports they got, it was found that 5 general demons had the strength of a Level 9 Constellation Mage. And even more terrible; there was a possibility that other demon generals of equal or even greater power had yet to enter the continent of Meer.

It has been confirmed that the demon species did not come from the Meer Continent, but a new continent that had never been explored by humans. The Alliance named the continent the Demon Continent.

Thus the reason for the current state of balance was that the demon species had yet to use their full strength to invade the Meer Continent. If one day the demon species decide to wage an all-out war then there is a possibility that humans will be pushed to the end of extinction.

"Huft…" Aqua shook her head trying to forget her exaggerated fear.

The sustainability of the human species is not her primary task, it is the task of the Gurru Committee and the alliance. She was just someone who was banished to this place to do a job that no one wanted.

As a Level 6 Constellation Mage Aqua should have gotten the position of commander of the front-line troops. However, due to her stubborn nature and not wanting to be tied to any faction, she was finally dumped to do paperwork.

Even so Aqua didn't mind. She doesn't have hero syndrome that wants to show her valor at the forefront. For Aqua, ensuring the availability of logistics and the continuation of the war is enough to show her contribution to humanity.

"Commander, the latest logistics troops report has arrived! Of the 500 logistics troops assigned, 468 made it to the front line" her aide entered the tent and gave the latest report.

Aqua took the report and read it while listening to her aide's brief conclusion. "468 logistics troops huh... that means 32 logistics troops disappeared in the middle of the trip. If a logistics troop has 300 people in it, then we just lost 9,600 soldiers... Tell me, is the Bog forest really that dangerous?"

"ah.. er.. I don--"

"You don't have to answer that. I was just complaining." Aqua waved her hand, ordering her aide to return to her position. She turned her attention back to reading the report in her hand.

There was one report that caught her attention. This report is about one of the logistics troops accompanied by a mage. Even though the mage was only a Level 2 Constellation Mage, a mage was still a mage. He would be much deadlier than an ordinary soldier.

However, the report said that if the logistics troop accompanied by the mage did not make it to the front line and from the investigations carried out, the mage's body and all of his soldiers disappeared without a trace.

There was no indication that this was due to a natural disaster, but the bloodstains indicated that the logistics troop was attacked by something. Most likely a Silver or Gold Tier Danger Mutated Animal.

However, if it was caused by a mutated animal, why would the mage be killed along with his troops? Aqua knew how cowardly the new generation of mages (mages born after the peace with the elves) was. They care more about their lives and are crazy about achievement.

When in a state of life and death, Aqua firmly believed that the new generation of mages would not hesitate to sacrifice their entire army to save their life.

This means that the death of the logistics troop companion mage can be caused by two things; he is too stupid to be able to measure the strength of his enemies or his enemies are deliberately targeting the mage first. Whatever the possibility, these two things cannot be done by a mutated animal.

Knowing the tier danger of a mutated animal is basic knowledge for a mage, especially if they come from the Military Academy. They have been taught a detection spell to find out the tier danger of a mutated animal, even though that spell will not work for Platinum Tier Danger Mutated Animals and above.

"Hmm... or maybe they were attacked by something that wasn't a mutated animal?"

Aqua once again shook her head to clear away her overthinking thoughts. She was too tired and didn't want to add to the burden with her bottomless imagination.

"sigh... Britta, when will the kids come?" Aqua asked her aide.

"Yes, They will come in two days!" Britta replied with a face full of displeasure.

What Aqua meant by "kids" were Military Academy students who had only joined for less than three years. These kids are still wet behind the ears and have no experience in the field.

They should have passed several trials before they could be considered a full fledge mages. However, the war that came suddenly made the alliance need new blood as soon as possible.

As a result, these children were assigned to join the logistics division. Aqua is really short on personnel right now, especially since she really lacks mages. However, making young children join the troops will only add to their burden.

"Err... Ma'am, can I say something?" said Britta hesitantly.

"Say it!"

"err... I don't want them to join us" Britta lowered her head to hide her objection.

The Logistics Division did not fight on the front lines but the number of victims on their side was also quite large. Even though they look just like food deliverymen, the terrain they have to pass through is not far from deadly.

Inexperienced children will only make adults worry about their safety. Even though the survival of the human species depends on this war, they don't want to sacrifice children without good reason.

Britta didn't want to be haunted by nightmares because she sent the children into the mouths of mutated animals.

"BRITTA!! If you have any complaints just keep them in your heart! I don't want your words to be heard from this tent!"

Aqua understood what was in Britta's heart but those words could still be considered insubordination to others. The decisions of the alliance and the Gurru Committee must not be disputed by a mage of Britta's level.

Thus she immediately stopped her aide's thoughts before anyone else could hear her.

"Yes!" Britta just nodded and focused back on the document in front of her. Even so, her lips were drawn showing that she still harbored a sense of complaint.

"Huft…" Aqua took another deep breath. She could only hope that the kids would get out of this war alive.

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