The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

Chapter 263: The Son of God

Grace wasn't just a word—it was Kaisen in all his half-naked, god-like glory, moving like a damn ballet dancer who'd trained on the blood of his enemies.

He wasn't just fighting, no—he was performing.

Like some ancient warrior who's been through more battles than condoms at a frat house, he moved with the confidence of a man who knew exactly how to kill you and still have time to critique your outfit before you hit the ground.

His spear? Oh, that thing was an extension of his body, piercing enemies with a precision that'd make a porn director weep.

It sliced through the air, finding its targets with such ease that it was almost offensive.

Every stab, every twirl, every flick of his wrist was so fluid, you'd swear he rehearsed it in front of a mirror for hours. And honestly? He probably did.

The guy looked like he knew his angles, dodging blows and sliding across the battlefield like he was auditioning for the real "Dancing with the Stars."

Enemies weren't just dying—they were watching themselves die, hypnotized by the sheer ridiculous grace of this madman.

Dogs were falling left and right, their jaws dropping faster than their bodies, wondering how the hell they ended up in a Shakespearean tragedy, where their deaths were just part of Kaisen's soliloquy.

"A god... He is truly a god," an old cat muttered, eyes wide, like he'd just seen the second coming of catnip.

"I kn-know him. He saved me and my kids just earlier. And now he's here again... it's like fate!"

The mother from earlier swooned, sounding like she'd just stumbled onto the set of a soap opera.

The memory of Kaisen dramatically scooping her up, kids in tow, had her looking at him like he was the main character in every steamy fantasy novel ever written.

Sure, the guy saved her life, but come on—twice in one day? That wasn't just heroism, that was some cosmic-level destiny bullshit. At least, in her head.

And it wasn't just her either; everyone was starting to drink the Kool-Aid.

The whole bunker had gone from "we're doomed" to "praise be to the shirtless demigod." Delusion was spreading like wildfire.

Meanwhile, the dogs were standing around like a bunch of extras in a badly scripted action flick, jaws slack, eyes wide, trying to make sense of the sheer absurdity unfolding in front of them.

Kaisen was basically playing an RPG with cheat codes, pulling off moves that should've been impossible.

His spear cut through the air with the precision of a surgeon and the flair of a runway model.

Throats were slit with such elegance, even the dogs seemed impressed, their blood arcing through the air in an almost artistic display of gore.

Somehow, in all this madness, Kaisen had managed to make the gruesome art of throat-slitting beautiful.

What should've been a messy massacre was instead an awe-inspiring, slow-motion scene that'd make Tarantino weep.

The crowd, already in the grip of his ridiculous charisma, couldn't help but cheer, though it came out as more of a collective gasp.

The entire bunker's heart seemed to beat in sync with his movements, like they were part of this bizarre, blood-soaked ballet.

It was tragic—so tragic—but damn if it wasn't enthralling.

Of course, Kaisen wasn't getting through this unscathed, oh no.

He'd picked up a few "mysterious" cuts along the way, which was funny considering he was supposed to be stronger than these flea-bitten dogs.

But somehow—very suspiciously—there was blood dripping from a gash on his arm. Like, yeah, sure, totally accidental, right?

And the cats? Too busy being spellbound to even question it.

They watched as this gloriously shirtless human bled for them, his face stoic, like he was some kind of martyr.

As if the fight—this completely avoidable fight—was more important than his life.

ALike he was telling them, "Nah, don't worry about me. I'm just here, bleeding to death, for a bunch of random civilians I met 10 minutes ago. This is fine. Totally worth it."

And these cats? They were eating it up. They had to be thinking,

"Why? Why would someone so perfect risk it all for us? We're just a bunch of useless nobodies, and he's... well, he's basically a god who just dropped into our battle like it's a damn stage show."

How could his life possibly be less important than theirs? The cats in the bunker couldn't wrap their heads around it.

Here was this absurdly jacked, godlike human, easily the hottest thing to grace their little world, risking his entire future to help a bunch of furballs who couldn't even keep their bunker from getting trashed.

It made zero sense, like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while drunk. He had so much more to live for, so many more abs to flex, and yet, there he was, slaughtering dogs like it was a side hobby.

All the cats inside the bunker—nearly all civilians, mind you—watched in dumbstruck awe. Tears welled in their eyes, their hearts practically bursting with gratitude.

They were ready to throw themselves at his feet.

Why? Why was he so brave? Why was he so selfless? Honestly, it was getting a bit too melodramatic in there, like the climax of a soap opera with a budget for dramatic lighting.

Of course, if any of them actually knew the truth, they wouldn't be crying tears of gratitude.

But lucky for Kaisen, ignorance was bliss. And bliss, in this case, was just what he needed to keep his godly reputation intact.

Then, after what felt like both a fleeting moment and a century at the same time—because that's how epic things work—Kaisen, the "God's son," slammed his spear into the ground with a thud that echoed like the final curtain drop of a tragic play.

He leaned on it, panting so hard you'd think he just ran a marathon while carrying the weight of all their delusions. Blood, both his and the enemies', dripped off him like some divine nectar, as if he were a walking ad for tragic heroism.

He even threw in a well-timed cough, spitting out a bit of blood just to seal the deal. The cats? Mesmerized. Their eyes never left him.

The battle was over, and yet, no one could tear their gaze away from the god-man drenched in glory, gore, and just the right amount of drama.

If only they knew he was just here for the free drama and to play the part of the tragic, misunderstood hero. Classic Kaisen.

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