The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

Chapter 257: Help Us, Hero!

"We need your help... please, human, help us!"

Kaisen didn't bother to open his eyes, lounging like a king behind bars, even though he could practically feel the Chief's desperation oozing through the metal rods.

Why should he lift a finger for these ungrateful furballs who threw him in prison like a common criminal? Nah, he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction. But damn, it was fun to watch them squirm.

He could sense the Chief's hesitation, and Kaisen had to fight the urge to crack an eye open just to see the look on his pathetic feline face. But no, he had to stick to the plan. This was going too perfectly to mess it up now.

'Hold it in, man. You've played it cool so far, don't blow it by gloating too early.'

He thought, almost chuckling at the absurdity of the whole situation. It wasn't like he was some noble hero, after all. He wasn't here to save the day or rescue the poor, defenseless villagers. Nope.

He was a self-serving bastard, and all he really cared about was getting his hands on some sweet, tight little piece of tail. Literally.

The Chief's voice cracked, thick with desperation.

"I know... I know we were scum to you earlier, but... innocent lives are being slaughtered for nothing. Please, human...

I'm begging you, please help us!"

Kaisen had to bite his tongue so hard he almost drew blood just to keep from laughing out loud. Innocent lives, huh? What a load of horseshit.

The civilians? They were tucked away nice and safe in their little underground bunker, sipping tea or whatever the hell cats did when hiding from a battle. They'd been through so many of these dog tribe attacks that it was practically routine at this point.

One ring of the bell tower, and they all scampered off like cockroaches when the lights came on.

The Chief's desperation was almost pathetic now, groveling like a stray cat begging for scraps. His voice was cracking, his pride long gone as he knelt on the dirty cell floor, bowing so low his furry forehead kissed the ground.

"You came here to help us, right? And we were foolish enough to mock you... even lock you up. Forgive me.

Forgive us."

The Chief's voice trembled, barely holding back the humiliation that was written all over his face.

From the other cell, Roland and his family watched the scene with wide eyes, their jaws practically on the floor.

The proud warrior Chief, the alpha of the pack, kowtowing to a human? If Roland hadn't been locked up himself, he'd have probably needed a strong drink to process this insanity.

Hell, if the Chief was bowing like this, things were way more screwed than anyone thought. Roland needed to be out there, on the battlefield, fighting for his people. But here he was, trapped like a caged animal.

He glanced at his wife, Rodalina, who was standing close by, making sure there wasn't even a chance their bodies could touch. Her eyes were fixed on the groveling Chief, completely ignoring Roland's look of desperation.

Yeah, no sympathy there.

"As a proud beast kin, I beg you, human... please help us."

The Chief added, his voice a little more desperate now. The silence that followed was thick enough to cut with a knife.

Kaisen finally opened his eyes, his gaze as cold as the grave. The Chief visibly shuddered as those eyes bored into him, feeling the weight of his mistake crash down like an avalanche.

Kaisen didn't even try to hide his disgust, letting the tension stretch as far as it could go.

"Help you? You really have the nerve to ask me that?"

The Chief flinched under his cold stare.

"You locked me in here... didn't you?"

Kaisen leaned forward slightly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"But now you want my help? After all that shit?"

The Chief's ears flattened, his tail twitching nervously behind him. Kaisen could see the cracks in his facade, the terror lurking just beneath the surface.

This wasn't about honor or pride anymore—it was pure survival.

The Chief's voice wobbled like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum.

"Y-you're right, but... but... we can't do anything against them."

He stammered, his eyes darting up at Kaisen with the desperation of a cat caught in a bathtub.

His whole furry existence was hanging by a thread, but Kaisen looked like he couldn't be bothered to give a single damn.

In fact, the indifference practically radiated off him, like he was about to ask for a coffee refill rather than entertain this pitiful begging session.

"That's your problem." Kaisen yawned, rubbing his temples lazily. "Why should I care?"

The Chief's voice cracked a little more, barely holding onto what was left of his dignity.

"This village...i-it won't survive..."

Kaisen's eyebrows didn't even twitch.

"Not my problem. You geniuses decided to lock me up, and now you've got to sit in the mess you made. You think I'm here to clean up after your stupidity?"

The words hit like a slap in the face, and the Chief's ears drooped lower than a deflated party balloon.

Roland, locked in his own cage, was practically foaming at the mouth, shaking the bars like some wild beast trying to escape.

"Dammit, this is ridiculous!"

He roared, his fists pounding the iron bars like they might somehow bend under his righteous fury. Spoiler: they didn't.

"Please, human! Just listen to me!"

Roland's voice was filled with enough despair to fuel a tragic opera.

"If we don't do something, everyone will die!"

Kaisen still didn't flinch. He turned his head slowly, like someone whomighthave heard a gnat buzzing, but wasn't about to let it ruin his day.

Kaisen still didn't flinch. He turned his head slowly, like someone who


have heard a gnat buzzing, but wasn't about to let it ruin his day.

"If you can't defend yourselves, that's your fault. It's not my job to save you from your own dumbass choices."

The Chief was practically vibrating with shame now, his whiskers twitching. Roland was gripping the bars so tight his knuckles were turning white, and Kaisen?

Kaisen was the calm in the middle of their storm, leaning back with a look that said, "This is way too fun to stop now."

"Please..." Roland begged, practically chewing on his pride like it was a piece of stale bread. "If you don't help us, everyone will die."

Kaisen gave him a long, lazy look, then let out an exaggerated sigh.

"God, you cats really are a pathetic bunch. You lock me up, treat me like garbage, and now that shit's hit the fan, here you are, crawling like I'm your savior. Newsflash, buddy—this ain't a rescue mission."

The Chief looked like he might cry, while Roland's face contorted in sheer disbelief. Kaisen just crossed his arms, grinning like a devil who'd found the perfect way to enjoy his afternoon.

"Please! I'm begging you! If you can't do it for the village, then do it for the people! Don't let innocent children die!"

Roland was practically sobbing now, his voice cracking like a cheap chair under a heavy ass.

"Y-you can even stay at my place for your us!"

Kaisen's grin stretched across his face in the shadows, like a wolf licking its chops before a feast. Of course, the Chief didn't see it—too busy groveling like a kid who broke the family vase.

That offer, though? Oh, it was golden.

Kaisen had planned to weasel his way into Roland's house anyway, cozy up close to the Elders after the battle, but here Roland was, handing over the keys to his own damn downfall like a moron.

The guy was practically rolling out a red carpet for the wolf to prance into the henhouse.

And the irony? If Roland ever figured out that this entire situation—this "village in peril" shtick—was cooked up by Kaisen just to get between the sheets with his wife and daughter, the poor bastard would drop dead from sheer shock.

Roland was literally inviting his worst nightmare to dinner, thinking he was saving the village. Kaisen almost felt bad for the guy. Almost.

"Fine," Kaisen said, dragging out the word like he was doing them the biggest favor of all time.

"Not because I wanna stay at your place or anything," he added, even though that was exactly what he wanted. "But because I'm bored out of my mind here. Might as well kill some time warming up by kicking those mutts around..."

He stood up slowly, stretching, his joints cracking like firecrackers going off.

His smirk widened as he imagined Roland's face when he realized he had offered to let the devil himself bunk in his house.

This was going too well. Everything that had gone down so far was like a script Kaisen had written himself—and damn, was he proud.

Who else but him could mastermind such a convoluted scheme, all for the sake of slipping under the sheets with both a smoking hot milf and her firecracker of a daughter? It was absolutely batshit, but that's the kind of chaos Kaisen thrived on.

Most people would call it insane—hell, any sane person would have given up by now, but Kaisen? Nah. He was the type to burn down the whole damn village just to toast his marshmallows on the flames.

A level of depraved dedication only Kaisen could muster, fueled by equal parts lust and sheer audacity.

He stretched his arms, cracking his neck with a satisfied grin, already thinking about how sweet the payoff would be.

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