The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

Chapter 253: Family Dilemma

Lenon's blood boiled hotter than a kettle about to blow its top. The nerve of that cocky human and these dog-faced morons, thinking they could stroll into his village and act like they ran the place.

Help? Help with what? Look at his proud cat warriors, clawing the dogs into submission like it was a damn sport.

Sure, he had a shady deal with the dog tribe behind closed doors, but that didn't mean these furballs could pull this unannounced attack out of their asses without his say-so.

Jacky, that dumb mutt, had the audacity to strike without warning? No signal, no heads-up, nothing. It was like the flea-bitten bastard didn't even fear him anymore.

But still, victory was in his grasp. And Lenon was loving every second of it. He was proving to Jacky that the only reason the village had lost in the past was because he wasn't involved.

It had nothing to do with the strength of the tribe. Lenon was going to show that cocky human, too—the one who swaggered into town thinking they needed his "heroic" bullshit.

Not today, asshole. This place wasn't some playground for wannabe saviors to waltz in and play the part of the white knight.

Lenon was handling it. In fact, he was handling it so well that the human could take his shiny armor and stick it where the sun didn't shine.

"That... stupid... fucks..."

Lenon muttered, grinding his teeth so hard they could probably chew through steel.

"Coming here and thinking they can have a piece of me, huh? Like I need them. They can fuck right off with their hero complex."

He clenched his claws, watching the battlefield with satisfaction as more dogs dropped like flies.

"Guess I'll just have to teach these idiots that this pussy's claws are sharper than they thought."

Lenon smirked as he moved like a shadow on catnip—silent, deadly, and way too smooth for the fumbling mutts in his way.

One second, he was chilling, and the next,bam, he was right in front of a terrified dog who probably didn't expect to see his nine lives flash before his eyes today.

One second, he was chilling, and the next,


, he was right in front of a terrified dog who probably didn't expect to see his nine lives flash before his eyes today.

With a lazy flick of his paw, Lenon delivered a palm strike to the mutt's chest that sent the poor bastard flying a good dozen meters back like a ragdoll tossed into a hurricane. And that wasn't even hisfull strength.

With a lazy flick of his paw, Lenon delivered a palm strike to the mutt's chest that sent the poor bastard flying a good dozen meters back like a ragdoll tossed into a hurricane. And that wasn't even his

full strength


Nah, he was justtoyingwith them, reminding these dumbass dogs who was really running the show. A little fear goes a long way in making sure these flea-bitten morons don't come sniffing around uninvited next time.

Nah, he was just


with them, reminding these dumbass dogs who was really running the show. A little fear goes a long way in making sure these flea-bitten morons don't come sniffing around uninvited next time.

The next mutt to face him was practically pissing herself, trembling so hard you'd think she was vibrating on a whole different frequency.

"P-please spare us, Elder Lenon!"

She whimpered, dropping to her knees like she was about to pray to the god of don't fuck me up today.

"It was the boss! He decided to come here, no prep or anything! Said he had something that would surprise your village!"

After all, how could she not get on her knees?

With over twenty warriors sprawled out, some breathing like they've just run a marathon, others taking a permanent nap, Lenon looked like he'd just finished a leisurely stroll. He wasn't even breaking a sweat—these mutts were less of a challenge and more of a warm-up.

"Yes, and that's exactly why this is a teaching moment. Dogs need to learn their place."

Lenon said, strolling over to the trembling canine who looked like she'd just seen her life flash before her eyes. The brute woman was still on her knees, but considering how she was towering over most of his enemies, she was practically on eye level with him.

"Aren't you July? Jacky's girlfriend?"

Lenon asked with a sly grin that stretched wider than the Grand Canyon.


She stammered, her voice as shaky as a leaf in a hurricane.

A wild grin spread across the elder's face as he slowly moved his hands towards his robes and pulled out his ancient, shriveled cock.

"Since your boyfriend has royally pissed me off," he said, smirking devilishly, "you're going to make sure you satisfy me."


Chaos was spreading like wildfire through the village. Cat warriors, once proudly on the winning side, were now getting their asses handed to them faster than a bad Yelp review.

It was absurd—like every punch, every strike, every random smack from a dog somehow found its way to a cat's face, gut, or groin. It was as if they'd suddenly forgotten how to dodge or fight, reduced to living punching bags.

Kaisen watched from the shadows, grinning like the cocky bastard he was. The chaos was delicious, and the best part? The dogs were giving the elders a wide berth. No need to tangle with those old coots just yet.

He had bigger plans in mind—plans that involved a little more theatrics. After all, what's the point of saving the day if you don't make it a show?

"A man needs the perfect moment to become a hero," Kaisen mused, cracking his knuckles like he was about to start some epic bar fight. "Guess I'll just create it."

He took a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline surge through his veins as he activated his Veil of Shadow skill once more.

Three minutes since he last used it—three minutes of restraint, which was an eternity for a guy like him. Now, for the next thirty seconds, he was going to unleash hell and paint this place red with ridiculous damage.

Maybe even flex a little while he was at it.

In the dark, damp prison cell, Roland was losing it. The poor cat warrior had taken to banging his head on the metal door like he was trying to knock sense into his own skull—or bust out with sheer frustration.

Outside, he could hear the cheering and the clamor of battle, and it was driving him mad. Heneededto be out there, fighting for his village, not rotting in this cell.

Outside, he could hear the cheering and the clamor of battle, and it was driving him mad. He


to be out there, fighting for his village, not rotting in this cell.

"H-Honey, please calm down. If the village needs you, the chief will come here—"

Rodalina tried to soothe him, her voice trembling with worry.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!"

Roland snarled, spinning around so fast that Rodalina barely had time to step back. His words were venom, and the force of his shove sent her stumbling.

"This is all because of you and these ungrateful little shits you call children! I should be out there, fighting for my fucking village, not trapped in here with you! You and your arrogant brats, always biting the hand that feeds you!"

Ronalina crashed to the floor, gasping at the sudden shove. Her daughter, Ronali, rushed to her side, helping her mother back to her feet.

Meanwhile, little Rony had been startled awake by the shouting. His wide eyes filled with tears, his small chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to process the chaos.

"My children? Oh, so now they'renotyours? What's next, Roland? You're gonna tell me you don't even want me anymore?

Well guess what, at least I didn't ditch my entire family for some ungrateful, two-bit strangers!"

"My children? Oh, so now they're


yours? What's next, Roland? You're gonna tell me you don't even want me anymore? Well guess what, at least I didn't ditch my entire family for some ungrateful, two-bit strangers!"

Rodalina fired back, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back the hurt. What the hell had she done to deserve this? Her husband—herRoland—turning into a walking tantrum out of nowhere? She was just trying to save their family, for fuck's sake!

Rodalina fired back, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back the hurt. What the hell had she done to deserve this? Her husband—


Roland—turning into a walking tantrum out of nowhere? She was just trying to save their family, for fuck's sake!

The plan with the human was the safest bet, and yeah, maybe it was selfish. But today? Today, she'd decided she wasallowedto be selfish.

The plan with the human was the safest bet, and yeah, maybe it was selfish. But today? Today, she'd decided she was


to be selfish.

If being selfish meant saving her husband and keeping her kids from growing up without a father, then so be it. Selfish as hell. She'd wear it like a crown.

"FUCKING LIARS! All of you!"

Roland bellowed, his voice echoing through the room like a bad hangover.

"I took care of you all—fed you, protected you—and you throw me under the bus for some randomhuman? A goddamn stranger?"

"I took care of you all—fed you, protected you—and you throw me under the bus for some random


? A goddamn stranger?"

And then, like the grand finale of this trainwreck of a meltdown, Roland stormed over and slapped Rodalina so hard across the face it sounded like a gunshot.

If she hadn't already been sitting on the floor, she would've been sent flying like a ragdoll. For a moment, the room fell silent, except for the sharp sting echoing in Rodalina's mind.

The situation had officially gone to hell in a handbasket, and for once, Rodalina wasn't going to just sit there andtakeit like she always had.

The situation had officially gone to hell in a handbasket, and for once, Rodalina wasn't going to just sit there and


it like she always had.

Oh no, this time, she was done. That slap? That was the final fucking straw.

She'd spent years swallowing his bullshit, convincing herself that she had no choice because, well,husband and wife. But today? Today was the day Roland learned just how badly he'd fucked up.

She'd spent years swallowing his bullshit, convincing herself that she had no choice because, well,

husband and wife

. But today? Today was the day Roland learned just how badly he'd fucked up.

Maybe it was the hormones, maybe it was the pent-up rage from being toyed with by that human earlier, but whatever it was, she was about to lose her shit.

Roland, realizing he'd seriously stepped in it, dropped to his knees like a guy who'd just lost his last poker chip.

"I was pissed off—"

"Shut thefuckup!"

"Shut the



Rodalina snapped, her voice like a whip cracking in the air. Then—THUFF—she spit right in his face, like the badass queen she was always meant to be.

Rodalina snapped, her voice like a whip cracking in the air. Then—


—she spit right in his face, like the badass queen she was always meant to be.

Even without the Morning Star gracing the scene with his ego, his influence was spreading like wildfire on a meth binge. His plans to tear the family apart were accelerating faster than expected.

It was like he'd injected his schemes with performance-enhancing drugs—everything was happening at warp speed.

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