The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1178 The Alliance II

Chapter 1178  The Alliance II

Zhao Li Xin had already learned Astern languages so he had no trouble carrying on a normal conversation and because of that, it was also easier for Hugo to explain the world of painting especially traditional ink painting which had only started to develop again these past two years but unfortunately, due to the long period of the Dark Age war many people died including art books, paintings from ancient times and talented artists, Therefore, it is not easy to find a decent painter nowadays.

[Why are you so insistent to revive the ink painting arts, I know your family business has nothing to do with this] Zhao Li Xin wants to know what motivation drives this old geezer to care about something he thinks is so lowly.

Hugo's shoulders dropped then his face turned somber he turned his gaze to the pond and sighed [I met my wife because of the ink painting and our relationship grew from it] a gentle smile slowly crossed his face [But I'm just an enthusiast, unlike my friend's wife, she's the one who has talent and in his time he was quite famous too] the old man raised his chin proudly.

Zhao Li Xin watched the old man praise his wife endlessly without interrupting, on the contrary, her opinion of the old man slightly increased. In Zhao Li Xin's opinion, any man who loves their wife wholeheartedly should have decent character.

[When my wife passed away I felt that the last thing that still connects us is painting, contemporary ink painting to be exact but unfortunately, it's very hard to find an ink painting that can meet my standards until I met you...] Hugo's eyes glint expectantly.

while your grandson's life is hanging on the edge doesn't make sense to me unless you have some other reason...] Zhao Li Xin's voice was calm and steady he didn't look Zhao Li Xin showed no reaction, her face remained as calm as the surface of a winter lake. Growing up alone in the imperial palace forged Zhao Li Xin to be cautious thus he never make decisions in haste, therefore, he carefully contemplated the situation while weighing his loss and benefit.

[Do you think this is the right time to play around with paintings after what happened to your family? don't tell me you neglect your family over a mere painting...] Zhao Li Xin looked at Hugo inquisitively.

Hugo might portray himself as a harmless-kind old man, but Zhao Li Xin was fully aware that a man who could lead a large clan through the hardest day and remain victorious was far from harmless and gentle, people like Hugo remain him with the cunning old fox officials in the imperial court.

Someone like Hago wouldn't make decisions based purely on emotions unless he went senile. A person like Hugo only made decisions that would benefit him both now and in the future.

[Mind painting is important for preserving the memory of your late wife but I don't think you would neglect the family you still have so for you to desperately seek me while your grandson's life is hanging on the edge doesn't make sense to me unless you have some other reason...] Zhao Li Xin's voice was calm and steady he didn't look curious or in a hurry.

Hugo's eyes flashed with shock after Zhao Li Xin dared to express his curiosity bluntly in front of his face, the young man was clearly daring but was it because he was confident or stupid, or maybe both?

[Oh, what do you think happened?] Hugo feigned ignorance, he purposely wanted to test Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin sneered then said [Your grandson already told me what S.AI.N.T. want from you and it doesn't take a genius to figure out most likely they were the reason your grandson got hurt or maybe it was just a coincidence and they took this opportunity to take advantages of your situation either way the truth remain the same, that they wants to hurt your family, am I right?]

Hugo scrunched up his face, he was displeased with Zhao Li Xin's arrogant attitude but sadly, he had to admit that the young man's conclusion was not wrong.

Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh with a lazy face [Stop playing around old man, you might be able to lie to your family using family sentiment but I don't think you're that kind of person]

[Oh, what kind of man do you think I am?] An excited self-conscious smile appeared on the old man's wrinkled face.

Zhao Li Xin casually leaned back on the chair [A man who won't let others walk all over you, a kind of man who will do anything to protect what's important to him, whatever it takes…] his eyes were dark and hooded.

The old man's expression became serious, his amiable expression had changed to that of an imposing and dignified patriarch [Have you ever heard of the expression 'curiosity kills a cat'? Young man, sometimes it's better to know less, it's safer for you that way] Hugo's eyes flashed as he warned Zhao Li Xin sternly.

Zhao Li Xin was unfazed by the old man's threat, instead, the corner of his mouth curved into an amused smile, Zhao Li Xin might have laughed out loud if he wasn't so good at controlling himself.

A moment later Allen Alderton came in with several maids who came over with trays of tea-making equipment. Zhao Li Xin was quite stunned to see the familiar tools for brewing tea, he never thought he would see those tools in this world hence he begin to wonder how much this world was similar to his old world.

"Sir?" Allen could feel the atmosphere between Hugo and Zhao Li Xin a bit tense.

"Put the stuff over here!" Hugo motioned for them to place the tool on their table with his usual soft friendly smile.

The maid carefully placed the antique tea set on the table between Zhao Li Xin and Hugo afterward Hugo raised his hand to dismiss them, and immediately Allen and the maid left.

[This tool used to be used by people to make tea, but that tradition has been lost for a long time since tea machines and instant tea appeared, and after the war, more people don't know about this tradition at all maybe this tradition will completely be forgotten in the next few years] Hugo said with a face full of regret.

[I think since you are from Xiya country, I think you will get used to this, what do you think Mister Zhao, can you show me how to brew tea? it's fine if it's just a little bit, after all, I know few people know about this and most of them had died including my wife, even she could only learn a little about it…] Hugo's expression turned somber when he talked about his late wife he no longer looked like a domineering figure like before as if the previous powerful figure was just an illusion.

It had been a while since anyone dared to play him like this, even the emperors and princes in his world avoided provoking him which is why Zhao Li Xin feel quite amused though the credit couldn't fully go to the old man since Hugo obviously didn't know who Zhao Li Xin truly is and what he can do. Nevertheless, Hugo's ability to control his emotions was enough to attract Zhao Li Xin's curiosity.

Normally Zhao Li Xin wouldn't comfort others, but she knew how it felt to lose someone she loved so much because she almost tragically lost Lory so she could more or less understand the grief the old geezer was going through.

Zhao Li Xin stood up from his seat and then started by taking the tea-leaf holder to scoop the loose tea leaves from the tea canister then poured the tea leaves into the teapot and continue by adding hot water from the kettle.

Without any hasty movements, he place the teapot into the bowl then raise the kettle at shoulder length and pour the heated water into the teapot until it overflows, he then scooped out the remaining bubbles and tea leaves, then placed the lid on the teapot. He then poured more hot water into the teapot to make sure the temperature inside and outside the teapot was the same.

The process continued as Hugo watched in awe, he wasn't sure if this was the correct stage as he had never seen it but it seemed to be the correct tea brewing technique from the Xiya country but how did this young man know it? he even did this technique in a very natural manner as if he had done this hundreds of times, but where did he learn, just who was this young man?!

On the other hand, Zhao Li Xin had no idea how impressive what he was doing cause for him this was common knowledge in aristocratic families even Mong Ki and Mong Yi could do it since they were the prince's personal servants even though Zhao Li Xin himself rarely drink tea and drink wine more.

The final step is to pour the tea, into the tea sniffer and then transfer the tea from the sniffer to the teacup.

Zhao Li Xin gently pushed the teacup towards Hugo, then calmly returning to her seat, she gracefully lifted the teacup and took a slow sip. Hugo stared at the glistening surface of the teacup, many feelings filling his mind.

He realized the youth's identity was more mysterious than he expected, other than his name he didn't know how old he was or where he came from except for some information he got from the Beast Slayer Guild unfortunately they cannot confirm this information due the time of the 'Dark Ages' war much of information was lost and destroyed because the destruction of the infrastructure in all over the world.

Even the Hamilton family was actually only able to save a part of their fortunes and it was only physical wealth, such as gold, jewelry, precious stones, crystals, and such.

Thus, it was difficult for his subordinates to ascertain Zhao Li Xin's identity, but after speaking and seeing this youngster's performance Hugo did not dare to underestimate this man.

[It seems I have underestimated you, Master Zhao] Hugo smiled resignedly before lifting the teacup with both his hands as his wife taught him then he take a small sip.

A sweet fragrance wafting by his nose, he realized that it was not only the aroma but even the taste of the tea was very different from the tea he drank before even though it was made from the same tea leaves.

[There's nothing wrong with being underestimated, in most situations it's the best advantage you can have] Zhao Li Xin spoke honestly based on his experience.

It was funny to say that underestimating the people helped him survive as the sixth Prince. Noble Consort Ying, Zhao Li Xin's 'mother' was so sure that he was a worthless prince who was not worthy of being cared for in the same way as the Emperor, he never suspected how normal the situation in Zhao Li Xin residence was, and never wondered where Zhao Li Xin got the information or the guts to find and kill all the maids that empress Ying sent to spy on him.

Everyone thought Zhao Li Xin's erratic actions were due to the stress of his incurable disease and the emperor didn't care because it was only the life of a maid and thought Zhao Li Xin would not live long so why bother?

It was funny how this belief ended up being shared among officials and noble families as well, hence even the most intelligent and careful person like Zhao Yi Chen ended up ignoring his existence.

[I'm not lying when I say I'm amazed by your talent but you're right at a time like this I'll be too stupid or crazy to fuss over painting even after what happened to my family, thankfully, people thought I was so devastated by my wife's death that I became obsessed by ink painting as a means to preserve my wife's memories, well they weren't wrong but I'm not that senile yet] Hugo took another sip then sighed [Do you think the world is peaceful Mr. Zhao?]

Zhao Li Xin gives an impassive look he doesn't dare to make A assumption since he only had a few weeks in this world and he had no idea how the world was before the time of the Dark Age war.

Hugo assumed Zhao Li Xin didn't know or perhaps didn't care and he somewhat expected that but then Hugo realized he had never seen Zhao Li Xin surprised or fluster the only expression he had seen is a sneer and indifference.

'What a waste of a handsome face' thought the old man.



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