The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1126 The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Lory was certain if she let him be he will start to dismantle the whole bathroom.

[Li Xin, that is a showerhead, it is used for showering so if you want to take a shower stand under it and turn the knob below, unfortunately, this place only has cold water usually in nicer places there is a red knob for hot water so you twist both knobs to have warm water too bad this place is very cheap so we can't get hot water] Lory sighed disappointedly cause she actually really really wanted to take a hot bath.

On the other hand, Zhao Li Xin's face lit up with deep interest, he wanted to know where the hot water came from - how it works, so the water will just pour down like rain and it can be warm too, how marvelous! Zhao Li Xin stares at the showerhead fervently.

Once again Lory was scared to see Zhao Li Xin raising both hands towards the shower head [NO! you cannot wreck any of this if you want to learn there's a way but not now, okay! LOWER YOUR HANDS, NOW!] Lory screams like a policeman.

Zhao Li Xin reluctantly lowers his hands like a dejected little kid. Lory patted her chest and blow her cheeks it was then Lory becomes more determined to make money as soon as possible so she can buy him a mobile phone or tablet so he can't learn anything he wanted.

Lory also feels guilty she can't give him a comfortable life like he once gave her in his world [Li Xin I'll go down to check what tasks are available, you just rest okay!]

[Don't need me to accompany you?] Zhao Li Xin asks.

[I'm just going for a moment, you better get some rest because later we will be hunting somewhere] said Lory.

Zhao Li Xin realized that he had to increase his cultivation immediately if he wanted to protect Lory, therefore, he better take this time to cultivate but before that, he will need to take a bath first, Zhao Li Xin then nodded "I'll meditate here, then" he sat on the bed and crossed his legs into the lotus position.

[Okay, take it easy, I won't be long!] Lory walked towards the door before turning back again [Oh yes, don't forget to lock the door, there's a lot of weird people around here" Lory remind him.

[You also have to be careful Lory] Zhao Li Xin reminded her as well even though he was sure that there weren't many people who could harm Lory.

[I know] Lory giggled before she closed the door slowly but something bothered her so she open the door again suddenly she find Zhao Li Xin staring at the electric kettle on the table next to him.

[Li Xin!] Lory caught him by surprise then she raised her index finger [Don't touch anything!] she remind him sternly.

Embarrassed, Zhao Li Xin pretended to clear her throat and then closed her eyes [I just thought of something] she acted as if she was continuing her meditation.

Lory of course didn't believe him. [Uh-huh] Lory gave him a warning gaze while closing the door.

As the door closes Zhao Li Xin peek with one eye and then waits for a few seconds after he is sure Lory has left he opens both his eyes he then turns his head back on the electric kettle.

In the meantime, Lory went down to the first floor from there she found a row of old computers that hunters could use for free to look up information on what tasks were available, Lory then sat down after the previous hunter that using the computer left Lory then checked the most profitable tasks at her level.

What surprised Lory was the large number of requests for hunters for various things from clearing their fields or complex areas from beasts to the rescue missions or searching for missing people in the area infested with beasts. It was then Lory realize that the world still hasn't fully recovered since the death of Nazareth.

Lory eventually found the most lucrative assignments she could get at her level yet, Lory still found an urgency to level up her hunters level cause without a citizen card she and Zhao Li Xin would need to be at least a level B hunter to be allowed to cross the city without a clear citizenship cause only hunters from level B and above who will get support from the world guild association as a guarantor for those certain hunters.

"Oh, this might work..." Lory clicks the accept button on the screen.

It was a simple job to get rid of a pack of wild hounds in a long abandoned village it seemed the local government wanted to rebuild the place unfortunately the place had been swarmed by a pack of wild hounds and they didn't want to be wasted their own people to do the job so the task fell on hunters.

Lory thought the job was easy and the pay was quite high. Lory was surprised that they were willing to pay quite high for a level E job, it seems the high demand for hunters it's no joke. Lory logs out and then steps away before another hunter comes and takes her seat.

But she faced another urgent problem which is, dinner.

Unfortunately, he had no more money and this work would take him at least six hours because the village was quite remote at that time after that, they had to finish the job and return home which meant an additional two days, in the meantime, they had to eat and because of Zhao Li Xin's cultivation returned to its beginner level, so Lory thought his body would return to that of a normal people who needed a normal portion of food to live, so Lory wrecking her brain to finding food, well, actually she could go hunting to get the meat however...she couldn't at all! moreover, she had never seen Zhao Li Xin cook either so it was very likely that neither of them could cook.

Lory sighed thinking about how to find the money for now then suddenly a black shadow loomed over her Lory stop typing and then raised her head.

Before her eyes a large, muscular man with a bald head and an unflattering grin across his ugly face looming above her head, Lory then immediately take a stand away from him.

"Hello cupcake, do you need help with your assignment, it would be a shame if you hurt your pretty face while hunting" his lewd eyes trace along Lory's face then circle around her chest while behind him a few men cackled.

"Yo, you might not be enough, why don't we help her too, she looks need all the help she needs!" another man came then placed his elbows on the muscular bald man's shoulder while glancing at Lory with a mocking look.

All the men in the room immediately laughed seeing Lory was being harassed openly, while the women who were standing at the registration area looked at Lory with concern but didn't dare to interfere because small guilds like this place didn't have much authority because for afraid to upsetting these hunters and caused them to leave the guild and make this small guild to go bankrupt still she cannot pretend she didn't see anything.

While people were busy laughing at the bad luck of the woman who looked like a novice hunter, on the other hand, Lory inwardly screamed with joy in her heart.

'Oh, Hello Money!'

But she cannot let it show on her face so Lory pretended to be anxious "Uhm...I don't need your help, thank you anyway" she tried to get around them.

But her arm was grabbed by the brave man "Oh sweetie, we insist!" his voice filled with obvious threat.

Lory feigned shock, she looked around for help but everyone avoided her gaze pretending to be preoccupied with their own business.

Lory rolled her eyes inwardly even though she knew she will get this reaction but she inevitably still feel upset.

Lory has been a hunter since she was thirteen even when she was under the protection of her friends and brother but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what's going on around her and it's not like people don't try to harm her behind his brother and friends, though it always failed with Girsha guarding her like a vigilant mother hen.

"Then...what do you want?" Lory asked anxiously.

The bald man and his gang exchanged sly glances then he turned his eyes back to Lory again "Follow us, we can talk about it!"

Lory didn't want to but they don't give her a choice so she can only obediently follow them out of the guild. As soon as they came out, several people shook their heads in pity for the poor woman's plight.

The woman who had helped Lory register stared at the exit with a stressed face. She then remembered that Lory had a husband who might still be in her room. She immediately ran to the third floor and knocked frantically on their bedroom door.

Zhao Li Xin frowned when her meditation was interrupted but she couldn't heed the sound of an urgent knock on her door.

Zhao Li Xin opens the door [Yes?]

The woman who had been panicking before was silent for a moment when she faced Zhao Li Xin's captivating beauty.

[Miss?] Zhao Li Xin asked with a slightly impatient tone.

"Oh, yes, sorry!" The woman shakes her head feeling embarrassed for her reaction she then remembers why she's coming for [Wife, the wife...your wife…trouble...I mean danger!]

Upon hearing the word 'danger' the thing that popped into Zhao Li Xin's head was 'Is there another devil who wants his wife?'

[Five people...uh, five men kidnapped...Uhm, I mean, taking your wife... your wife…hurting!] The woman desperately tried to explain with broken Astern to Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin didn't understand this woman's messy sentence but the word 'your wife' and 'five people' was enough to explain what had happened.

[Where?] he simply asked.

[Me…follow!] The woman beckoned Zhao Li Xin to follow her right away.

Zhao Li Xin was actually not worried cause no one better than him knew how strong Lory was since they had fought intense battles together so he knew very little in this world that could harm his Lory still he wanted to know what happened.

The guild lass led him out of the guild side building but then was confused as to where to take Lory however Zhao Li Xin who got keen senses didn't take long for him to pick up Lory's unique scent and it didn't seem far either, Zhao Li Xin tilted his head on his left soon a lingering sweet fragrance wafted from the small alley just beside the building.

Zhao Li Xin walked at a calm pace into the small alley at the side building meanwhile the guild lass strides behind him then suddenly a body fly passed them.

The guild lass screamed from shock on the other hand Zhao Li Xin not even flinched, he barely made an expression as he continued to step inside the alley.

The guild lass didn't know what happened she look multiple times at the flying body that now lay on the ground covered with wounds, she recognize it as one of the hunters that took the poor lady, she confusedly peeked into the alley and her mouth immediately dropped.

Lory stood imposingly around the pile of large men's bodies that lying unconsciously on the ground while Lory took money from each of their pockets happily.

Lory felt a stare behind her back she immediately become vigilant, however, her fierce expression instantly turned sweet the moment she saw Zhao Li Xin's face.

[Li Xin!] Lory bounces towards Zhao Li Xin while shaking off the pile of money in her hand proudly, [look what I got? Let's eat, my threat!]

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