The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 743 - 743 Talking About the Cult

743 Talking About the Cult

The first meeting was about introduction. The newly joined members need to know everyone in the alliance.

I heard that there were some countries who refused for some reason. Those countries are still being watched by the spies to see if they are related to the cult or not.

I heard that the circus will go to a country that rejected the alliance soon. But I feel like I will be too busy to join them. I’ll just leave it to everyone there. There are other clowns who can perform well albeit the fact that I’m much better than them.

...Man, I miss performing in front of an entire audience.

By the way, the fact that the circus members are also functioning as agents for the alliance to interact with smaller kingdoms is written in the documents given to each representatives in the alliance. So by now, everyone must have learned about it.

Even if the documents are neatly written, there must be a whole lot information that everyone need to process. Though I didn’t read it.

Everyone was given. Including me, Angela, Kron, and even the bodyguards of the kings of the smaller countries. But I didn’t read it.

My job is just to fight. Though if there’s anything important I needed to know, Kayla will inform me about it. I already asked her to just tell me anything important that I might need to know about if there’s any.

Yesterday, after the first meeting was over, Kayla read the entire documents. But she didn’t tell me anything after she finished reading. So I guess there’s nothing really important for me to know.


Which mean the documents didn’t include the location of the place that Sonia scouted. I wonder where it is.

Also, last night, I entered Monsters World and waited at the destroyed base to see if there will be any other cult members who entered the portal to go there. The result, there were none.

I waited with the werewolves who have gotten bored and started sparring among themselves. But no one was coming.

I checked with my Divine Vision just in case, but within the range of my vision, there’s nothing strange at all. Other than the occasional monsters who came and got themselves killed by the werewolves.

Which mean by now, the cult already knows that their base in Monsters World is already gone. There’s not even some tamed monsters there.

We have destroyed one of their source to get powerful monsters. I don’t know if there are other bases in Monsters World or not. But my guess is that there are several more of them.

The destroyed base was too far from the sea. But they somehow managed to tame a King Orca and several other sea monsters. So there should be at least a base here close to the sea. I asked some werewolves to scout near the sea just in case.

I also thought that there might be some master level mages who would camp outside for days, weeks, or even months, before they return back to the base. That’s why we can’t leave that destroyed base alone yet.

Today is the second day for the meeting. And like yesterday, I brought everyone back to Arturo. some of the kings and the bodyguards seem to be tired. Must be because they were up the whole night reading the reports.

“Well, we have finished the introduction yesterday. So it’s best if we start our discussion for real this time. What we’re going to discuss first is about the cult. Does anyone have any question from the documents you have received?” Fabio asked.

So it’s just a question and answer session. I’m bored. Even Angela is sleeping. Maybe she should just left and train by herself.

Since I’m free, let’s just read the documents I received. In the end, I need to read them.

The first page is about the cult first. The enemy. Maybe it’s to make everyone aware the challenge ahead. Instead of about our alliance and the goal of our alliance, it started with the cult.

The question is mostly about the kings’ curiosity about the so-called Evil God. Or what’s called as the True God according to the believers.

“Then, anyone knows about the cult’s real intention? About their faith, their God, or anything at all related to the cult?” Fabio asked.

I guess this is the real goal for having the cult mentioned first in the meeting. For Albert to use his lie detection ability to see if any of the newcomers are lying or not.

Fabio even asked them one by one about the cult. I don’t need to see their reaction since Albert will just tell me about it if he finds any liar.

I just read the documents instead. Apparently, they didn’t write anything about the Evil God was a human who killed Aura users to extinction. Or maybe I haven’t read that part yet.

The wrote that there are factions inside the cult. But even though they fought against each other, they still believe in their True God.

It’s also written that Celestine and Veronica were members of the cult. The master level mages from the cult that I brought here were shocked.

But they understand after hearing Celestine’s explanation about different factions. Without ever being told what factions they were in before.

“Derek, do you know about Celestine and Veronica?” I asked Derek who is seated close to me.

“I don’t know them personally. But I have heard that the big butt factions and big boob factions both had amazing representative. Seeing them here, I guess they were right. I also heard that the faction leader from each side were missing. I guess they joined you guys,” he said.

Everyone heard what Derek said. And obviously, they started looking at Veronica’s butt and Celestine’s boobs. Those two have gotten used to it so they ignored them.

“Wait, is that man also a former member of the cult?” one king asked.

“Yes. I helped him with his revenge and he’s going to help us with our mission. Don’t worry because we have confirmed all the former cult members’ loyalty. And it’s not toward the cult or the Evil God. And having more master level mages would be great to increase our strength,” I said.

Then I introduced those who were former members of the cult and have reached master level in their magic.

...I just pointed my finger at them and tell everyone that they are master level mages. I don’t remember their names other than Derek.

“Oh, and the bodyguard of the representative from Rygis is also a master level mage. She’s the only master level mage here who wasn’t a member of the cult. Though her granddaughter was one. And we have put her in prison,” I said.

“What?! I thought that she was someone’s daughter! But she’s a grandma?!”

Yeah. That’s the obvious reaction that someone would have after seeing Patricia. I mean she does look like a kid.

Once she told me that her height never increase even when she was young. So as she increases her level, her appearance became younger and younger. And that made her look like a little girl.

She said that when she gave birth to her child, her appearance was a bit older than she is now. I guess she hadn’t reached master level yet at that time.

Now the attention is turned to the former members of the cult and the master level mages. Patricia included.

“We have this many people reached master level? Don’t you think that we can win easily then?” one optimistic king asked.

“Actually, there were more of them that we encountered. Most of them are dead though. And the rest have been captured. I don’t think they will join us or leave the cult,” I said.

“...Does that mean we will lose?” he asked again.

I didn’t answer because Fabio stopped me from answering. I guess he wants to show everyone how capable he is even though he’s only been a king for a short time.

“I believe everyone has read the reports, right? Then everyone knows that the cult is planning for world destruction. Maybe it will not just about the world. But the system as well. Killing kings, queens, emperors, and everyone in high position so they are free to do whatever they want. We have confirmed it with the cult members we interrogated. So, if we win, we can protect the world. If we lose, we all die. Even if you joined the cult, you will still die in the end. If you’re thinking of joining hands with the cult, I suggest that you don’t,” Fabio said.

I see. They didn’t mention why we know about the cult’s real goal to destroy the world. I mean who would believe that I came from the future thanks to a slime from even distant future who witnessed the destruction of the world?

Though it did seem like these people were being coerced to join us. I guess they did experienced what the cult did to their own country. That’s why they were willing to join us in the first place. And none of them actually thinking to join the cult. That is a good news.

Albert also told me that none of the people here were lying. None of them are related to the cult directly. But I guess we still need to investigate more about the people in their country later.

And the discussion progressed.

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