The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 720

Chapter 720: Slave Trading Village

“...Did you improve the gun again?”

That’s the first thing Albert asked me after witnessing how easy it was for me to kill a master level mage. Someone who was supposed to have the second best physical strength after Aura user.

“No. There’s no change with the gun. The change is how I used it. For piercing power, I think Sara should be as strong as I am. But I infused Aura so it became more powerful. That’s why even though the bullet size is still the same, I still created a hole that big on his chest,” I said.

The master level mage died with a huge hole in his chest. If he was a bit more prepared and used shield to protect himself, the bullet won’t have enough power to kill him.

That’s why I rarely used gun in a fight against master level mage. The most I could do was to use it as a distraction. I can only give that much damage if they are unprepared to take any hit. Like what has just happened.

If I have no confidence in killing the enemy in one shot, it’s best to not use it that way. I don’t want to let the enemy knows how strong I am. Using it is only for a last resort or when I know that I would kill my target instantly.

Other than that, it’s best to let them think that I’m an Aura user who fought from close range. Even if I can slash the enemy from distance, the gun should still be kept secret.


“I think if you make the gun bigger, with bigger bullet, and more firepower, it should be doable. But that’s no longer weapon for self-defense. That’s totally weapon for war. Stick to magic since it has larger area of effect. Or maybe ask Victoria if she knows any other weapon of mass destruction,” I said.

“We did ask Victoria. But we don’t know how to build one. She didn’t research much about such weapon so we don’t know how to build one. If we know, we might be able to end the war right away. I guess sticking with magic is really the best option we have at the moment,” he said.

Something that can kill so many people without the use of magic. That’s scary.

Magic is something that depend on the caster. A single person. So how big the attack is, depend on how much the caster understand about magic and how powerful they are. So unless they are strong mages, we don’t have to worry about the effect of their attack.

But for something that can be created with knowledge, it could be something that anyone can use. And that is extremely dangerous.

What if someone stupid is in control of the most powerful weapon? Someone ambitious? An idiot coward? The world doesn’t need the cult to destroy it.

Unless the cult has anyone from another world like Victoria, who is smarter and didn’t just enjoy their hobbies of observing men like Victoria, we don’t have to worry about such weapon from the cult. It’s all about magic for the cult.

So how could they destroy both Earth and Monsters World in the past life? I was long dead by that time so I don’t know. But I can guess that the Evil God, or someone else from the cult, has reached another stage beyond the stage beyond master level. And we seriously need a name for them.

What about Aura? I’m already an Aura Master but is there any stage beyond Aura Master?

Whatever. The only thing I can do is to improve. Though if the cult can be destroyed while I’m at this stage, that would be great.

“So... how is it over there? Is that guy really is the one you’re looking for?”

I looked over at Derek and the summoner of the cult to see if he was really the person that Derek was looking for.

“Ah! I forgot!”

Well, I guess my shot was just too amazing for them to the point where they can’t think about anything other than awe of my strength. Or maybe it’s fear.

I guess it’s fear.

“Albert, go over there and don’t stay too far from me. Also, don’t block them from my vision,” I said.

“Why? With your Divine Vision, you can see through anything,” he said.

“In case I need to shoot someone. So that you won’t be in the way,” I said casually.

“Oh, right.”

When Albert approached them, Sonia appears and I need to transfer both Kron and Randy to two different locations for reinforcement. The place they were fighting is still in chaos. But at least they have killed the master level mages over there. That’s what Sonia told me.

“...Just how did you use portal so many times?” the summoner of the cult, instead of focusing on Derek’s interrogation, he was more interested in my skill as summoner. Which was far above his level.

I ignored him. I’ll just listen to them from afar while focusing on transferring people.

I listened while Sonia appears and disappears to tell me who and where I should transfer people.

The summoner was indeed related to the slave trader. And he might be the last surviving person from that organization in this world. Well, I killed everyone after all.

He actually had more magic than other summoners. He has reached advanced level in his summoning magic.

And thanks to that, he could easily open portals a few more times than the other two.

And he used that power to transfer people to the transfer point, the church in the village. And the people there will take care of the potential slaves. That place is riddled with slave trader.

There were no more local people in that village. All of them has been sold as slaves.

Well, he actually didn’t say that at first. It’s just that after hearing everything, Albert asked him again. After being pressured so much, he gave up and told everything.

Well, that actually make it simpler for us who will raid that place. We can just kill everyone there.

“You! It was you who sent my niece to be a slave! I will kill you!”

In anger, Derek was about to snap the summoner’s neck. But I stopped him by using a non-fatal Blobbybulllet shot at his head. There’s a huge bump because of it, but he won’t die.

“Don’t kill him yet. We might be able to get more information from him,” Albert said.

Then he looked at me in silence. What is it? Oh, he wants me to make the summoner asleep.

Forcefully or with sleeping gas? I’ll just shoot a Blobbybullet at his head. That alone should be enough to knock him out unconscious.

The summoner fainted. And seeing that, Derek started to calm down without having me use the Calming Gas on him. That’s good.

Then Derek looked at Albert and me respectively. While holding his head where the bump from before is.

“Please take me to that place! I will help you get rid of that place!” Derek begged while Kayla is healing his head.

Albert didn’t say anything and just looked at me.

What? You want me to make the decision?

“If we have a master level mage with us, that will make it easier for us. And the other place where that woman is a lawless kingdom, right? With the Barbarian King? We might need even more power to attack that place. So we need to get rid of the two locations first before we all attack that kingdom right away,” I said.

“Hmm... Kayla, any ideas?” Albert asked Kayla.

“We can just have Roy to watch over him so he won’t act out of line. We will split in two with them on one side, and another one will attack the other village. After we’re done, we can attack the Barbarian King. But just to make sure, everyone in that place should be criminals, right? We can kill everyone there?” she asked Albert back.

“Yes. But that place has been lawless for a long time. And it’s not impossible for children to be born in that place. It’s not impossible as well for the people there to kidnap some really innocent people like peddlers or travelers. I’ll let you make the decision. I trust you that you won’t kill innocent people,” Albert said.

“Then it’s fine. We also still need to be careful of children in that place. Even if they haven’t awakened their magic yet, their common senses after being raised there should be different. I think if we have the help of the werewolves, angels, and vampires, it should be fine even if we don’t ask the help of the kingdoms,” Kayla said.

I don’t think the werewolves are tired. It’s just Shelia who fought the most and needed rest. The rest of the werewolves is always ready for battle.

The angels and the vampires, they didn’t participate much before. So they are still full of energy.

After deciding our plan, I opened two portals in Monsters World and in Cassau to bring the werewolves, angels, and vampires here. With only a few of the werewolves left behind to keep watch on the other two prisoners.

I just told them to prepare to charge in a few hours. I guess I’ll bring some to the village with me as well later.

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