The Newt and Demon

Stub Announcement

I've put it in the title, but I'm going to put the notice here!

I'll be honest. Book 1 has so many edits, I can't even remember how much we changed. It went through my personal editing cycle, which includes a lot of feedback delivered here on RoyalRoad. Then it went through another round with me, then to my personal editor, then back and forth with the publisher's editor. Of course the final version isn't without errors. Come on. I've never been able to get 100% of the errors before it goes out. But this one is like 95% solid and I'm very excited.

The story-based changes I made are subtle, but they're going to help Theo feel more in line with what his end goal ends up being. I've got subtle hints that help understand his state of mind, along with some Tara'hek related stuff. I also kinda scrubbed some specific numbers related to money. Since I realized I don't like tracking every single coin. Mostly that just generates errors, and I've found a much better way to write about that now.

Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.

So, this book launches with KU, regular kindle, and audiobook formats. While I love all the support I get on here and Patreon, downloading the KU version, buying the kindle version, or audiobook will go a long way to show my publisher that I'm not an idiot.

At this time, I am working on TWO more series, one of which will hit RR Soon™.

I also just want to point out that since the first chapter for N&D dropped here, it has released 3 times a week, every single week, without a dang break. "Wow no breaks? Are you mentally okay?" Yeah, I bank chapters so I can take a break. No worries. You might not have noticed, but I also dropped the chapter length from 3k to 2.5k. Believe it or not, that has made writing N&D A LOT easier for me, and I'm going with 2.5k for all future projects. I love this chapter length, and I don't find myself writing filler to fluff a chapter out.

Anyway, for everyone that's been here (no matter how long) thanks for joining me. I'm looking forward to bringing you more stories that explore the more "boring" aspects of the genre. I want to see how far I can push a character literally never fighting something while still having an interesting story. The first one is about a druid, and the next one is secret. Cause I only have like 5 chapters and I'm still working it out.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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