The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

Chapter 168: 155, Soul Sense _2

Chapter 168: Chapter 155, Soul Sense _2

The lunatic tank zombies were rushing around within the horde, chasing after the zombies on the wall.

Wu Heng immediately gave the order, saying: “Attack!”


The skeletons started to attack more fiercely.

In the front row, the skeletons buried under the pile of bodies struggled to climb out and began to slaughter the zombies ahead.

Without the command of the Big Head zombie, the behavior of the horde was closer to that of mad beasts.

Simple traps and obstacles were enough to cause them heavy casualties.

The skeleton army of more than ten thousand began to counterattack, pushing the zombies and slaughtering them.

On the rooftop.

The dusk light cast onto a few survivors.

No crying or idle chatter.

Everyone had their eyes wide open, watching the battle taking place below.

At their position, they could observe the changes in the entire battlefield situation.

From the initial defense to throwing gasoline barrels and shooting fireballs into the sky.

In the end, a tall skeleton sniper climbed the roof, killing the second-level Mutated Zombie with a few shots.

And now, the entire group of skeletons began to counterattack.

Like a huge wave of bones, it instantly slapped the zombie horde under it.

Dropping in groups.

“What’s with this mixed battle tactic, cold weapons below and hot weapons above?”

“Are they from the auto repair shop? If they keep fighting like this, the battle will end soon, are we still running away?”

“We can confirm it’s a survivor’s team, but we don’t know if they’re from the auto repair shop.”

“I remember, people from the auto repair shop said, their leader is called King Yama, probably referring to the superpower of controlling skeletons.”

“This superpower is too terrifying.”

“Yeah, they’re actually chasing the zombie horde to attack, it’s too perverse.”

“Should we leave? The skeletons are counterattacking right now and all the zombies are being attracted there.” Someone asked.

Now is the best time to evacuate.

The original plan was also to make use of this time to evacuate.

But upon seeing the battle power displayed by the skeletons, the crowd began to be a bit uncertain.

If they are from the auto repair shop.

They also have a shelter over there.

If they are not afraid of such a large horde of zombies, it should be very safe there.

A few people looked at the middle-aged man acting as the leader.

The man looked at the military vehicle in the crowd of skeletons below, then at the women and children in the team.

He said, “Everyone, evacuate according to the original plan. Xiaolong and I will stay behind to see if we can contact the other party. No matter the result, we’ll meet up at the planned location.”

“Isn’t it too dangerous for just the two of you?”

“If anything happens to you two, we won’t survive either, it’s better to die together.”

The man continued to say, “Do as I said, we’ve already lost too many people, we can’t afford to lose any more.”

The rest of the people hesitated.

They eventually agreed and turned around to pack their things and begin descending the stairs.

They jumped out of the windows on the second floor from the back and left towards a distant location.

Night fell.

The battle continued.

The orange firelight illuminated the surrounding area.

The skeleton team had killed most of the zombies, and the remaining zombies were still fearlessly fighting the skeletons.

[Your level has increased to level 7, Intelligence +1, Charm +1.]

[Unlock trait: Soul Sense.]

[Soul Sense]: Your soul has been strengthened, and you can sense the presence of a soul within a certain range, invisible and ghostly entities cannot evade your sensing when close to your range.

Leveled up.

The number of zombies in this wave directly leveled up his level by one.

And at the same time, a trait [Soul Sense] was also unlocked.

According to the introduction.

It enables him to enhance the sensing of his surroundings through the soul.

This trait.

Wu Heng seemed to have seen it in the [Book of Necromancy]. It seemed to be a trait unlocked only by Necromancer Professionals who mainly focused on the soul and reached above the third rank.

Each rank consists of five levels. Levels one to five are the first rank. Levels six to ten are second rank. Levels eleven to fifteen are the third rank.

Did he unlock this skill now?

Wu Heng attempted to close his eyes and concentrate.

The next second, everything around him was blank, and a surge of light flashed in his mind.

In addition to the large number of skeletal undead, he could also sense Li Yahong in the truck, the woman curled up in the cabin with her head in her hands, and Xiaoxiao floating in the distance.

As well as some insects.

Indeed it is a powerful ability.

It can actually detect these too.

But it’s clear there is a certain limit to the distance, which is approximately within five meters around him.

Further distances still needed to be observed with the naked eye.

In the future, I could fully rely on this ability to survey my surroundings.

I reopened my eyes, keeping my attention on the ongoing battle.

Big Guy and Second Chunk, as well as two giant zombies, were entangled in combat.

Fist against fist, they landed heavy blows on each other.

The Gecko Zombie and my Skeleton Gecko were in a chase along the outer wall of the staircase.

Meanwhile, Lieyi, still on the rooftop with his sniper rifle, fired occasional shots.

Providing suppressive firepower and support to the battle below.

Wu Heng looked at the scene, heavy smoke billowing, and the ground littered with bodies and fragments of bones.

The entire battle had raged from day into the night.

It gave off a sense of a prolonged battle.

It was a good thing that the combatants were all zombies and skeletons; if it were ordinary creatures, they would have withdrawn due to exhaustion long ago.

“Bawudong, go help Big Guy and finish this fight quickly,” Wu Heng ordered directly.

This mutated zombie had intelligence.

If it realized they couldn’t win, it would choose to flee.

Right now, the skeletons have gained a significant advantage.

If we continue the attack, we could completely eliminate the zombies.

If the mutated zombie tried to escape at that time, it would be hard to capture.

We’ve already lost one Corpse Core from Big Head, we must keep these ones.

Bawudong nodded, took a step, and launched himself over the zombie crowd, heading straight for Big Guy’s location.

He sprinted, leaped, and launched a mid-air punch.


His fist smashed into the giant zombie’s temple.

An explosion of air pressure followed.

The giant zombie’s head twisted unnaturally to one side.

Its body staggered sideway for two or three steps, then thudded to the ground.

Seeing his chance, Big Guy swung his fist, encased in iron gauntlet, in a relentless downward rain.

Like an enraged gorilla.

Thuds rang out, and the giant zombie’s muscular frame disintegrated like tumorous growths bursting.

Lying on the ground, it struggled to counter-attack.

Bawudong, too, continued to rain blows on the fallen mutated zombie.

Brutally beating it to death.

After annihilating one, he dove back into the zombie crowd, smashing any that came at him and advancing toward the second giant zombie battling Second Chunk.

He joined in the assault.

On the other side.


The deafening sound of gunfire resonated from the rooftop again.

The Gecko Zombie, which had been rapidly scaling the wall, was hit in the back of the head by a bullet and fell down.

The Skeleton Gecko leaped from the wall, crashing onto it.

At the same time, hordes of skeletons swarmed it.

They enveloped it like sticky rice cake.

The blade in their hands endlessly hacking at it.

The situation was finally stabilizing.

Wu Heng directed another fireball spell at the densely packed zombies and ordered, “Attack with full force!”


The undead skeletons increased their assault, striking at the remaining zombies.

Again, the battleground fell silent.

Only the crackle of the still burning flames echoed.

Wu Heng surveyed the corpses strewn about and ordered for the battleground to be cleaned.

In the firelight, the skeletons quickly got to work, piling the bodies to one side.

The dark blood pooled into little streams on the ground.

Flowing into the drain.

At this moment, Wu Heng looked towards the open space.

Xiaoxiao slowly appeared and pointed to the side and said, “Uncle, there are people coming from over there.”

Wu Heng looked up.

At the doorway in the distance, two figures stood.

If it weren’t for the brightness of the fire, he wouldn’t be able to make out their location.

Maybe they were afraid of the skeletons; they didn’t get too close, they anxiously stood far off, waving something around.

“What do they want?” Wu Heng asked.

“I eavesdropped a little, they want to pledge allegiance to you but fear you are not human and that you would kill them.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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