The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 362 The Main Battle (End)

His intimidating appearance aside, the aura that Goap was exuding was enough to terrify the people. The pressure he washed them with was so overwhelming, it was hard for them to keep their feet from buckling.

It was unsightly for them considering who they were—Seventh Circle Mages, Violet Core Knights, Senior Paladins, and Senior Priests—but they felt justified for being scared given how fearsome Goap currently was.

"Bollocks... Just how many people we should sacrifice to defeat this abomination." Anthony gulped dryly.

Like Anthony, the others had been excited when Basil won against Scylla; which, in turn, killed Charybdis. They had thought they should end the fight quickly, so they were pumped about killing Goap.

Given the current situation however, they weren't sure if Basil's victory would still hold any meaning in the future. They weren't ashamed to admit Goap was way beyond their level, and because of that, they were afraid to try fighting back.

'What if our effort end up in vain?' was on their mind. None of them wanted move because they didn't want to risk dying futilely. 'What if they run away after my death? Why should I die here? I want to escape this place!'

Not even 10 seconds had passed since Goap's transformation, but the people had thought about countless of self-deprecating thoughts. Their fear was increasingly getting stronger, along with their desire to flee the scene.

"D-Don't question yourself!" Anthony, after regaining his composure, shouted. "You know you can't do that alone, but no one tells you to face him alone. Let us face this together!"

Such an encouragement in this kind of situation would usually be dismissed as a mere hypocritical statement. Anthony, however, wasn't just anyone; he was the King of Braxtein, who had painstakingly claimed his spot as the King.

Right after he said those words, he immediately dashed towards Goap. In the next moment, all of the remaining Legion Commanders who were his personal escorts, Carlyle and his friends, quickly followed him without any hesitation.

The people were knocked out of their fear when they saw the scene. They began to follow Anthony one by one; they were ashamed of their cowardly thought.


When Anthony arrived in front of Goap, said Demon immediately swung his trident. Anthony blocked it with his Magic Sword in time, but he was still thrown away to the back because of the power Goap put behind his swing.

The people could rarely see their King fight, let alone be blown away, so the scene really made them uncomfortable. His status aside, Anthony, after all, was an outstanding Battle Mage; for him to be thrown away like that must mean how powerful Goap had become.

Regardless of the fact that they were intimidated, the people still came at Goap. He swung his trident here and there in response, deflecting their bladed weapons.

When he tapped the ground with the butt of his trident, the ground that the people coming at him stepped on shot out a powerful stream of water. Although none of them were hurt because of that, it was still hard for them to fully concentrate on killing him.

"Curse this water jet!" Anthony, who was coming at Goap after regaining his balance, cursed. "He has been hiding that many tricks up his sleeves, huh? Well, it's time to—"


Anthony's monologue was cut short when he saw that Goap had disappeared just before he swung his sword at said Demon. Like the others who were bewildered by the development, he looked around to find where Goap was.


They found him soon after, and they couldn't help widening their eyes in surprise. Goap was already within the rank of Priests.

Swinging his trident widely without a care, he killed more than one Priest with a swing. The Priests were panicking because of that, meanwhile the Paladins were all rushing at the Priests to protect them.

Goap's eyes were planted on Eban, who was hiding behind the Priests he led. He didn't even bother to help erect a Barrier to protect themselves from Goap's attacks; he erected one, but it was merely for himself.

Aware he might have of Eban's cowardice, Goap still couldn't help sneering at Eban's attitude. Eban's selfishness—he wondered how many people could miss it for all this time.

"Let us finish our business, Eban! You know the matter can quickly be settled if you just surrender yourself!"

"Amongst all of the nonsense I have heard, yours is the most nonsensical. Don't make me laugh!" Eban responded disdainfully.

Ignoring the Paladins who were already swinging their Miracle powered swords at him, Goap sneered, and dashed towards Eban. He dashed through the ground like a streak of light, while simultaneously swinging his trident.

Tens of Priests and Paladins were cut in the process, bringing their number down to a dangerous level. The humans began to panic, they wondered if they would be able to really defeat him.

"Keuk. This accursed Demon!"

Eban couldn't help panicking when Goap arrived in front of him. He channelled all of his Miracle into his Barrier, hoping to strengthen it, so it would have a better chance of withstanding Goap's attack.


To his absolute horror, Goap easily broke it with a swing of his trident. Gone was the Barrier that should have protected him from Goap's attack, leaving him wondering if there was going to be a miracle happened.

"[Arrow of Annihilation]!"

Fortunately for Eban, a miracle did occur. With the help of the Magic Battle Formation, Effie's Aura Ability managed to pierce through Goap's abdomen a second before he struck Eban.


Effie's Aura Ability, after throwing Goap away, enveloped him in an explosion. Unfortunately, he survived it with a light burn.

Looking for his benefactor, Eban found her in the Eradicator group. He immediately told the Priests to retreat there as he deemed it as the safer spot in the battlefield.

The decision elated the Priests greatly; but the Mages, the Knights, and the Paladins couldn't help frowning at it. After all, the Priests were essential to the Eliminator group.

They were their main support—the reason why the Battle Mages and the Knights could leave the rank and trade blows with Goap without any worry.

"What is the meaning of this, Head Priest Eban?!" Anthony shouted furiously.

"Your Majesty, there is no way for us to win against him. It is time to retreat, and ask for help from our neighboring Kingdoms!"

"Fucking twat!" Anthony cursed under his breath. "How dare you to tell me to ask for those snakes' help! Do you know how many citizens I have let die just so this Outbreak can be ended without their help? How dare you to tell me to spit on their death!"

Gnashing his teeth in anger, Anthony was about to command the Battle Mages and the Knights to engage in combat with Goap when he noticed something: although there were many humans around them, Goap was just chasing after the Priests and Eban.

"Hoh? So, that's the case, huh? You shouldn't have disappointed me, Eban." Raising his hand, Anthony shouted, "Everyone, stay where you are!"

The Mages and the Knights, who had also noticed who Goap's main target was obeyed the command instantly. They were still surprised that their King made such a bold decision, but none of them said a thing as they were also pissed by Eban's decision.

"Protect the Head Priest, quick!"

"Run as fast as you can!"

The Paladins, as Anthony had expected, didn't follow his command. Of course, he didn't mind it in the slightest.

With interest, he watched as the Paladins clashed against Goap. He was quite expectant towards the outcome of the situation.

"Your Majesty, will it be alright? Aren't you concerned about what the other party will say about us in the future?" Carlyle asked in worry.

"Look at them, Carlyle." Anthony pointed to the people who had previously been led by Basil—the Eradicator group. "They still haven't fled the battlefield despite having won their fight. They know that their victory won't mean anything if they flee the battlefield now."

"Your Majesty?"

"Those people are worth fighting for," Anthony said softly. "Those who know how to win and how to treat it—that is the kind of people I want to fill my Kingdom with ... Cowards can go kill themselves." His eyes gleamed coldly.


The expected moment came in less than two minutes. After cutting and piercing through countless of Paladins who had stood in his way, Goap finally managed to lay his hands on Eban.

Holding Eban by his neck with his right hand, he used his left hand to summon a black, dense, spherical substance from the sky. The ominous aura and overwhelming pressure it was exuding were spread throughout the battlefield, making everyone's feet buckle.

The battle stopped temporarily as the humans and the Demons fighting there were too intimidated by the black substance to move. They could see it wasn't aimed at them, but they still felt as if it was right above their head.

"Do you regret ever betraying me, Eban?" Goap sneered, though it couldn't be seen due to the exoskeleton covering his mouth.

"Betraying you? An endless punishment will await me in the afterlife if I ever uphold my deal with a Demon!"

"Not upholding your deal is a sin that still can be punished, no?"

"It doesn't work on Demons," Eban answered spitefully.

"Really, I don't understand you, 'holy people's' logic."

Huffing coldly, Goap brought down his hand, prompting the black substance to descend from the sky. The pressure was getting more intense the closer it got to the ground; each second of it felt like a countdown of their doom.

"Everyone, release!"

Just a moment before the black substance touched the ground, Anthony surprised the remaining Paladins and Priests by commanding the Mages and the Knights to release their ranged Spells and Techniques.

Goap was also surprised, but he still smirked since he had expected them to do something like that. He had prepared a countermeasure, or rather, payback for them, so he wasn't really worried about the conclusion of the battle.

Even though he couldn't survive after receiving those ranged attacks, he was sure the people who had sent them wouldn't too. After all, the great tsunami he had caused, which was overwhelmed with Demonic Mana, would be able to wipe them off clean.


When the dark spherical substance touched the ground, it expanded its size, covering Goap and Eban while eating away any matter nearby. Eban was gradually disintegrated, but Goap remained unscathed.

At least, until the Spells and Techniques reached him.


As the lethal Spells and Techniques were destroying Goap, the tsunami he had caused swept over the humans and the Demons in Southern Sea Region. They did everything they could to survive it, and hoped for their effort to not be in vain.

The chaos in Southern Sea Region peaked at this moment. No one could tell exactly what the end result would be, but they knew it was the end of the main battle.

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