The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound

Chapter 2210

Chapter 2210

Randidly strode purposefully South, the Cloak of Utter Night wrapped around his body to increase his speed. He felt the slight uptick in efficacy of its space eating as he moved; possessing both the Cloak and the Hollow Needle created a weird resonance, as indicated by the notification from the Pantheon. It didn’t affect all of the Dread Homunculus, just the Nyx-related Skill. Each step ripped through distance so that a mountain at the edge of the horizon found itself abruptly under his foot.

With another step, he was gone from the mountain range, now standing at the edge of a placid lake. But inside Randidly’s mind, his thoughts whirled in a constant rotation; he had so many new issues to consider. An independent zone where icons of significance linger…? Not that it is actually within me, but only connected through significance… Then there is the influence of Nyx on this body, although that effect should be diminished in the way the statue gave up the needle and allowed me to Seize… Bah, plus those translucent veins reaching for me, once they became aware of my presence…

Randidly shivered. That impression I received from looking at the Statue of Nyx… It purposefully gave me an opportunity to take this new Second Authority. But why? And why did all the other statues react when they noticed me? If every Nether Core has within it a connection to that place… well, I doubt I would have been able to force my way through without the Alchemist’s Passport. I shouldn’t have been able to go there.

And most people wouldn’t have been dumb enough to even try it… Somewhere, I bet Neveah is shaking her head.

Almost frustrated with how much loomed before him, Randidly paused and dragged a hand through his hair. I didn’t even have time to address all the distortions where the vein systems met, or the fact the original position I entered that zone was surrounded by broken pieces of statue… maybe the broken remnants of the statue that Pine would become?

Or a statue representing the current Nexus.

He huffed out a breath and took another step. The mountains gave way to grasslands and sluggish rivers. However, there were networks among the different statues. If each isolated universe becomes a statue in that area of significance, then the actions of the Cult of the Savior begin to make more sense. Trying to influence the Nexus isn’t an isolated incident, but part of a broader push to strengthen their ties to that place.

What is the prize for that, I wonder?

However, he quickly pushed those thoughts to the side. He simply didn’t know nearly enough to even hypothesize. But also because Randidly had arrived at the edge of a vast, scarred bowl of land that still had the smell of burnt flesh and iodine leaking up into the sky. Image remnants and small whirlwinds of significance spun in and out of existence in the area. The air felt heavy with the stench of blood.

Randidly clenched both of his hands as he surveyed the impacted ground. The dirt had been pressurized, melted, and also sundered. This was where the leader of the Nether Horde had fought against Fatia Cerulean, and won.

As Randidly’s gaze wandered, he found chunks of rotting flesh left in the shattered land. The wind brushed lightly against the scent of death hanging over the area, but couldn’t get it to move. And in this horrid place, Randidly saw the fascinating dance of organic significance patterns evolving and mutating at a visible pace. In a way similar to the otherworldly radiation released by the Stillborn Phoenix, the violence of that battle would linger on the ground, sinking deeper into the geography and nudging its environment in the future.

The bones of an unconscious Nether Ritual had been carved into the soil. Now it just needed time to solidify and grow.

The significance of this place became a wound on the history of the Aetherlands, from which Randidly could see vibrancy and meaning seeping. The shape became less important as Nether triumphed over Aether. He narrowed his eyes as he studied the currents in the sky; in a very real way, Aether and Nether were fighting for the soul of the Nexus, likely the soul that would develop within Pine.

All the while, the Cult of the Savior waits in the background, ready to swipe the prize. Randidly bit his lip and tore his gaze away from the sky. Although he wanted to linger for a bit longer and study the significance, he felt the climax approaching in the South. Soon, the Nether forces would encircle Cerulean City and force a fight.

He needed to be there for that confrontation. Randidly stepped and ripped his way through space, hurtling after the Nether force. Yet during his entire journey, his mind didn’t cease its constant considerations.

Because he wasn’t quite sure what he intended to do about the attempt on Cerulean City.


Devick lit a candle by snapping her fingers with enough force to create a spark. She delighted in the easy capability she gained after pushing his Class Level up to 41, all the hours of brutal training turning sweet after a period of fermentation. She flicked her wrist to disperse the smoke and frowned at her aide. “Just throw the damn thing away. I don’t have anywhere to put it.”

Lowanna clasped a massive plaque, covered in smooth and gleaming stones. It was made in the style of Homewell art, with polished shapes arranged into the vague shape of a blooming lily. Colored stones for the highlighted art, surrounded by dark slate to set off the chosen design. Devick’s aide raised and lowered the item speculatively. “It’s quite heavy. Probably very expensive.”

“Do I look like the type of woman to be swayed by gifts?” Devick rolled her eyes. “Especially such tacky ones?”

“Honestly? Yes. Pretty baubles hold enormous sway over your behavior; do you think I haven’t seen you toying with that choker?” Lowanna set the gift down on the table. She folded her arms across her chest as Devick sputtered out a gasp of denial. “Look, if all he is requesting is a dinner in order to get to know you better, I don’t see why-”

“A dinner,” Devick swept across the room and plucked up an apple from the bowl. She waved the fruit meaningfully at Lowanna. As a metaphorical device, it felt very powerful. “You poor, poor sweet child. Of course they call it a dinner but is anything but a meal! This is an interview combined with a test and laced with hooked expectations! This is about sinking into vulnerable flesh, do you feel me? Small openings will be spread wide and invaded. And worst of all, don’t you think this Colonel seems insultingly boring?”

Both looked at the local piece of art. The soft blue and green tones were inoffensive. Lowanna rolled her eyes. Devick sighed dramatically.

“Better boring and interested than not interested at all,” Lowanna pursed her lips.

Devick likely would have likely used this barb to launch into a whole new tirade, had not a knock come at the door. Both paused and looked up. They glanced at each other, but neither had asked for anything to be delivered. Devick and her squad had finished her their routine patrol earlier in the day, with a night of long-awaited rest ahead of them. And there were no alarms ringing around the city, which meant it wasn’t a Nether attack.

Devick stood frozen, small drops of cold sweat suddenly on the back of her throat. Her choker felt very warm against her skin. Why am I so worried? Maybe it’s just-

“I’ll get it,” Lowanna said. But when the woman moved toward the door, Devick’s hand snaked out and seized her wrist. Lowanna looked at her in confusion. “What’s the matter?”

Congratulations! Your Skill Methodical Recalibration (Ru) has grown to Level 395!

Congratulations! Your Skill Methodical Recalibration (Ru) has grown to Level 396!

Devick licked her lips. Some part of her felt like what she was about to say was unreasonable, but another part preened and danced, embracing the impulse. “Let’s climb out the back window into the alley. Quick, you go first.”

“Are you serious…” Lowanna grumbled, but she allowed herself to be dragged along. When another knock came at the door, the two had already hopped out into the shadowy lane between theirs and other military lodgings.

Devick suppressed a giggle and moved on her tiptoes down the lane until they reached a main street of Homewell. Although it was late, Turtlelines continued to wander around in the area, chattering about mundane nothings. Very purposefully acting like the city wasn’t under siege. Only amongst them did that strange panic begin to ebb.

“You really hate art,” Lowanna complained. “But you know-”

An oppressive image settled over both of their shoulders. Devick’s hackles rose immediately and she spun around. The Turtlelines that had been present in the area fell immediately silent in their conversations, then hurried away with their heads lowered. Lowanna made to follow, but Devick shook her head minutely.

Her instincts were sure; this horrible specter was here for them.

Congratulations! Your Skill Methodical Recalibration (Ru) has grown to Level 401!

The figure walked with echoing footsteps down the lane. With eyes narrowed, Devick pulled out a flare and twisted off the top with enough force to ignite it. However, when she threw the item up into the air to attract attention from the city authorities, the figure threw out a punch that obliterated the bright light of the flare. A frown covered her face, but she pulled out another flare without any hesitation. The end of the tossed stick sputtered out sparks for another second before a second punch annihilated it.

Her heart began to race. Devick ground her teeth and pulled out a third flare. Next to her, Lowanna’s eyes widened. “...he’s here for me, isn’t he?”

“Why would anyone care-” Devick snapped off her words, realizing simultaneously that what she was about to say would come across as cruel and that the whole reason she had met Lowanna had been because a mysterious woman related to Nether King Hungry Eye had passed her off, giving some vague story about escaping from pursuit. Devick’s face screwed up, trying to take the measure of the figure walking purposefully toward them.

When the figure’s features resolved themselves, Devick felt surprised to see that the individual seemed more exhausted than anything else. He approached while absentmindedly rubbing his knuckles. “Give me the Nether Arbiter and this will be over quickly. I mean neither of you any harm.”

Devick’s eyes widened in surprise. “I know you. You are the one they call Elhume, correct? You are a friend of Nether King Hungry Eye.”

For a second, the figure Devick had glimpsed briefly at the Nether King’s farm faltered. Yet then his gaze grew heavy. “...we are acquainted. But I would hesitate to call us anything more than that. Now don’t-” Elhume punched out again, blasting the flare Devick had just lit to pieces, only a short distance from her hand. She blinked back tears from the concussive smack that hit her face. With bloodshot eyes, Elhume barred his teeth.“-try that again. I’m not here to play around. She’s coming with me, with you alive or just as a pulped corpse in front of me.”

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