The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 57: Sword Aura True Awakening

He turned just in time to see two more Zombie Gerals charging at him, their clubs raised high. Klaus sidestepped the first, but the second managed to graze his shoulder. The impact st him spinning, his feet skidding across the g.

"Damn it," Klaus muttered, feeling the sharp sting of the hit. Although he still has some stamina and his bones are bracing for the impacts, the pain can never be ignored. He couldn't stop, or more like he didn't want to stop. He wanted to test his limit and for one, he got exactly what he craved. He has already tak down one Geral, however, the remaining six are ev more terrifying now.

Taking down one made them gain more room to coordinate their attacks. They now backed each other up, following up each other's attack. It's like they know each other's rhythm. These zombies are more lethal and intelligt than the Tier 4 and below.

He raised his sword, blocking another attack, the force pushing him back a few meters. Klaus grits his teeth, pushing back against the weight of the club. His arms shook, but he held firm.

Th, he felt it—a familiar surge of ergy building within him. His Star Diagram cultivation method was kicking in, circulating his qi through his body, healing him. Klaus immediately felt rejuvated, almost like he hadn't had any injuries during the battle.

'So it works this way too' Klaus said inwardly trying to replicate the feeling. However, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get it. It was like just wh his injuries were about to get severe, the Star Diagram kicked in.

Unbeknownst to Klaus, just wh his internal injuries were starting to become more severe, the tattoo on his back took effect lighting up subtly and the Star Qi circulated within him.

"With my Star Qi pool, I can do this all day" Klaus muttered, summoning every ounce of power he could muster. He released another blast of ice, freezing the g beath the Zombies' feet. The creatures stumbled, their balance thrown off.

Klaus didn't waste a momt. He dashed forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. He aimed for the neck of the nearest Zombie Geral, but the creature raised its club just in time to block the strike. The impact st vibrations through Klaus's arms, but he didn't back down.

With a quick twist of his wrist, Klaus redirected his sword, slashing at the Zombie's side. His blade cut through its armor-like skin, and the creature howled in pain. Klaus pressed on, delivering a flurry of blows, each one chipping away at the Zombie's defses.

But the other Zombies wer't standing idly by. One of them lunged at Klaus from behind, its club crashing into his back. Klaus gasped as pain exploded through his body. He staggered forward, barely managing to stay on his feet.

"Fuck, this bastards are too vicious" he muttered through gritted teeth, forcing himself to stand tall. He spun a, just in time to block another attack. His sword clashed with the Zombie's club, sparks flying from the impact.

Klaus was panting now, struggling to take in breaths. His vision blurred, but he refused to fall. He could feel the blood running down his side, mixing with the dirt beath his feet. But th again, the Star Qi circulated and he was filled with ergy yet again, healing all wounds again.

The Zombies circled him again, their eyes glowing with a hunger for death. Klaus raised his sword, and the momt he summoned his strgth, he felt something shift within the blade. As a Weapon Overlord, he instantly understood what was happing. That ssation he'd be feeling in his sword—it was stirring again.

At first, Klaus had thought he'd already awaked this power, but now he was drawn deeper into the ergy. The sharpness of the blade felt hanced, and he could sse a new connection forming. It was as if the sword and he were linked, bound by a shared force.

"Well, isn't this exciting," Klaus thought with a wry smile. He could feel the differce—his aura felt sharper, more refined. His next attack would be something far more precise and deadly.

"Let's give it a try," he muttered, tapping into the ergy pulsing within the sword. As soon as he did, the blade began to glow with a gold light. An oily, swirling ergy coiled a the edge of the weapon, and Klaus could feel its sharpness intsifying. He was certain now—this sword could cleave through a mountain with a single strike.

Ice essce and star qi surged into his sword, the two ergies blding powerfully. At the same time, he stomped on the g, freezing the area within a kilometer a him. The sudd frost forced the Zombie Gerals to stumble back, giving Klaus the oping he needed.

Without hesitation, he unleashed two Moon Slash attacks. Two icy arcs, now glowing with a gold aura, shot out of his sword, slicing toward the gerals. The first zombie was too slow to react, and the arc cut cleanly through its body, splitting it in half. The second geral, quicker on its feet, raised its club to block the strike.

Though it managed to halt the arc, the force of the attack was too much. The club cracked and shattered into pieces.

"That's more like it," Klaus muttered, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Let's see who has the last laugh." With that, he dashed toward the now weaponless zombie.

The zombie tried to retreat, moving quickly to escape, but Klaus was ready. He stomped the g again, expanding the icy field, freezing everything in its path. The retreating geral found its movemts restricted, its escape cut off.

Klaus wasted no time. He thrust his sword forward, driving it through the zombie's back. Ice spread rapidly through its body until it crumbled into froz fragmts. In mere momts, three out of the sev Zombie Gerals had be slain.

Klaus grinned, finally feeling like he had control of the battle. He turned his gaze to the remaining four Zombie Gerals. Their bloodthirsty eyes gleamed with rage, but now there was a flicker of caution like they were fearing him, something that shouldn't be possible, they are zombies, not humans. Fear is not part of their emotions. Klaus could see they were growing wary of his power.

One of the zombies, the largest of the remaining four, charged at him with a roar. It swung its massive club toward Klaus's head, moving faster than the others. Klaus narrowly dodged the attack, the club smashing into the froz g, sding shards of ice flying everywhere.

Klaus spun to the side, taking advantage of the zombie's slow recovery. His sword glowed again as he slashed it upward, aiming for the creature's arm. The blade sliced through with ease, severing the arm at the shoulder. The zombie let out a screech as its weapon fell from its grip.

Not waiting for a counterattack, Klaus quickly stabbed his sword into the zombie's chest. Ice spread rapidly through its body, and in seconds, the giant zombie crumbled to the g in froz chunks.

"Three left." He muttered

Two more zombies rushed him together. One swung a jagged club while the other had a sharp claw-like club that glowed with a red, ominous light. Klaus braced himself, his mind racing. He knew he couldn't take them head-on like before. He noticed the Zombies were using some kind of skill that made their weapons hurt more than they used. Although he might not die from an impact, he was rather cautious.

He dodged the claw club-wielding zombie's strike, stepping back just in time. But the clawed zombie lunged forward, nearly catching him off guard. Klaus ducked under the attack, feeling the claws graze his armor.

Quickly, he spun a and slashed at the clawed zombie's exposed back. The blade cut deep, and ice rapidly covered its body, freezing it solid. With one strong kick, Klaus shattered the froz creature into pieces.

"Two left." He muttered with a grin

The second club-wielding zombie didn't hesitate. It roared in fury and charged again, swinging its jagged club wildly. Klaus knew he couldn't let the creature keep up this reltless assault, so he decided to change tactics.

Instead of backing away, Klaus rushed forward, meeting the zombie head-on. At the last second, he ducked under the zombie's swing and thrust his sword upward. The blade pierced through the zombie's chest, and Klaus twisted it, forcing ice to spread out rapidly.

The zombie froze in place, its body turning into a block of ice before crumbling apart like the others.

Only one zombie remained.

This last one stood still, its glowing eyes watching Klaus carefully. Unlike the others, it seemed to understand the danger it was in. It didn't rush at him. Instead, it began circling, waiting for the right momt to strike.

Klaus smiled, admiring the creature's caution, but he knew it wouldn't save it. He took a deep breath and prepared himself. His sword was glowing once again, its gold aura swirling with ice essce.

"Circling me won't save you, bro, it's better we d this now. I don't have much time" Klaus taunted

Perhaps being angered by his words, the zombie finally lunged, but Klaus was ready. He sidestepped the attack and, with a single, precise slash, cut the creature's legs out from under it. The zombie fell to the g, unable to move.

Klaus raised his sword high and brought it down, stabbing the creature through the chest. Ice spread one last time, and the final zombie turned to froz dust.

"Sword Aura, quite amazing," Klaus muttered, watching the gold aura coil a his blade. From the beginning of the battle, he had faced two problems. First, he couldn't block multiple emies while counterattacking.

Second, his attacks lacked the sharpness he needed. But now, that had changed. The awaking of his Sword Aura had refined his strikes, making them sharper and more precise.

"I guess that's it," Klaus grinned to himself. "Time to collect my spoils of war, hehe." He sheathed his sword and bt down to gather the Zombie Stones from the fall gerals.

But before he could reach for the first stone, a powerful roar echoed through the forest. It was deafing, shaking the trees and sding birds scattering from the treetops. The g beath him trembled violtly, causing Klaus to freeze in place. His instincts flared up in alarm.

Suddly, Klaus heard the sior spoke from his soul sea

"Be ready, Klaus," the voice said. "You are about to face a true oppont."

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