The King of the Underworld is Tired

Chapter 14: The Story of Typhon – (3)

Chapter 14: The Story of Typhon – (3)

I witnessed an utterly ordinary human gaining the courage of Ares.

I’ve seen countless humans before, but never have I been so deeply impressed as I was today…

But mere determination is not enough to fulfill the command given by Zeus.

Does this Cadmus truly possess such abilities?

So I asked him directly.

What method would he use to retrieve Zeus's tendons from Typhon?

“Though I may not be comparable to Apollo, the god of music, I am confident that I possess enough skill to mesmerize a monster.”

Cadmus rummaged through his belongings and pulled out a flute, bringing it to his lips and blowing gently.

His posture while playing the flute was skilled and natural, indicating that this was not his first time.


At the sweet sound of Cadmus's flute, the animals around him paused.

Even the nymphs dwelling in nature emerged to listen to the music, and the air itself trembled softly, resonating with the melody.

The entire space where the sound of the flute reached flowed in harmony with his tune.

When the soft rhythm that echoed all around ceased, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret.

Removing the flute from his lips, Cadmus confidently spoke to me.

“The monster will not be able to resist my flute’s melody!”

I briefly compared the music I had heard from Apollo, the god of music and Zeus’s son, with this.

Similar to Apollo… No, perhaps even better than Apollo?

A skill in playing music that might dare to challenge the very seat of the god of music.

And yet… it is still dangerous.

It’s not just about the performance; he would also need eloquence, courage, and luck to retrieve the tendons from Typhon.

If the monster were even slightly experienced, this gambit would never work.

However, imagining the somewhat clumsy Typhon in my mind, there was a glimmer of possibility…

“Lord Hades, I am already prepared.”

In truth, I still think Zeus has gone mad…

But the eloquence and courage Cadmus displayed earlier in response to my questions were certainly beyond the realm of ordinary men.

After finishing my thoughts, I slowly nodded.

Still, if Typhon pays no mind to the sound of the flute and attempts to kill Cadmus or if something seems off, I’ll intervene with the Kynee and the Sword of Styx.

* * *

'Piriri~ Piriri~'

In a place a little distance from Mount Olympus.

A man disguised as a shepherd, Cadmus, walked along while playing his flute.

A few steps behind him, I followed, sword of Styx drawn and wearing the Kynee.

Though he was approaching a monster capable of killing him instantly, he continued to play his music calmly.

As he entered Typhon’s domain and fierce winds began to howl, he stumbled, losing his footing.


But soon, the tempest that had been raging fiercely started to subside.

It was a sign that Typhon, intrigued by the music, was withdrawing the winds that shrouded him.

Seeing clear evidence that his music was affecting Typhon, Cadmus regained his confidence and pressed forward.

Gradually, the animals dwelling in the mountains disappeared, and the number of fallen trees increased.

The closer he got to Typhon, the greater the sense of pressure grew, yet Cadmus pressed on, sweating but resolute.

And finally, he encountered the monster.

“Hahahahaha! Truly an extraordinary performance! What is your name, human?”

The earth and sky trembled at Typhon’s laughter as he lay reclining on his side.

Yet despite this, Cadmus stood firm on his two legs.

“I am merely a passing shepherd named Cadmus, great one!”

“A shepherd? Merely a shepherd! You produce heavenly music, yet you claim to do such a trivial job?”

Typhon looked down at Cadmus with an eye full of goodwill, as if watching an ant perform tricks.

Even Typhon’s hair, made up of a hundred snakes spewing lightning and venom, remained silent in front of Cadmus.

“Come with me. If you play that music for me whenever I wish, I shall grant you a great reward.”

“What kind of reward do you speak of?!”

Feigning contemplation, Typhon, as if bestowing charity upon the ant before him, spoke.

At least, that’s how it appeared to me, Hades.

“If you desire, I will give you any goddess—except Athena, Aphrodite, Leto, or Artemis. What do you think?!”

That crazy monster, so Hera must be his prize.

For a moment, I worried that Cadmus might succumb to the temptation.

For a human man, the promise of possessing a goddess is an irresistible temptation. Moreover, if it meant not having to risk deceiving the monster…

“Of course, I will follow your command, great one! But wouldn’t you like to hear an even more exquisite melody?”

“Oh… even better than the flute just now?”

Cadmus’s throat bobbed noticeably, and then he boldly began to argue with Typhon.

“In the past, I once defeated the god Apollo in a lyre contest. But when Zeus found out, he struck my lyre with lightning and broke it!”

“You are someone who could defeat Apollo, yet he cut your lyre strings with lightning…”

“If I could remake my lyre, I could play you a melody even sweeter than what you just heard.”

Indeed, his eloquence, courage, and wisdom—all fit the image of the first human hero.

“Very well! This is the tendons of Zeus, who lost to me. Use this to remake your lyre and return to me!”

“I am merely grateful, great one.”

Typhon moved his massive body and retrieved the tendons from beneath the bear skin he was lying on.

They pulsated with a strong rhythm, even though they were separated from their owner’s body, and there wasn’t a single rotten or damaged part.

“I will go and make the lyre and return.”

“Haha! Yes, return quickly!”

With the courage of Ares, the musical talent of Apollo, and the wisdom of Athena, the hero completed his task.

* * *

“You’ve truly retrieved my tendons, mortal.”

“It is an honor to assist you, Lord Zeus.”

Cadmus and I returned to the mountain with the sinews and found the cave where Zeus was trapped.

For a moment, I was startled by the sight of the mighty Zeus, stripped of all his power, lying flat on the ground...

But as soon as the tendons were recovered and reattached to his legs, he returned to being the Zeus I knew.

“Zeus, it seems the Fates intervened with Typhon.”

“The Moirai helped me?”

When I informed him about the weakened state of Typhon, he clenched his fist with a confident smile.

It seemed his confidence had returned.

"I know where Typhon hid my Astrapē. Could you, brother Hades, perhaps gather the other gods while I retrieve it?"

"Of course."

Even though Zeus had regained his strength, Typhon, who had single-handedly brought Olympus to its knees, was not an entity to be underestimated.

Zeus might be planning to join forces this time, knowing that he could be defeated again if he fought alone.

I immediately set out to find the other gods.

First, I removed my Helm of Darkness to make myself recognizable and began searching the area.

Fortunately, one of the gods found me first.


It was Hestia, the goddess of the hearth.

Terrified, she ran to me and embraced me.

The warm and gentle divine power I usually felt from her was trembling with instability.

Like a hearth’s fire flickering, nearly extinguished by a fierce wind.

"You’ve come to help! But Zeus couldn’t escape in time..."

"I’ve already met with Zeus, so calm down."

For a seasoned god who had endured wars with the Titans and Gigantes to tremble with such fear,

It reminded me just how powerful a monster Typhon truly was.

After explaining to her about Zeus’s tendons, I went to search for the other gods.

Hestia was also shocked to hear of the remarkable human hero who aided us, whom she had only seen as a figure to be nurtured.

"My goodness… A human hero helped us…?"

"I’ll introduce you to him after we defeat Typhon."

She also decided to gather the other gods and converge at Mount Olympus, now under Typhon’s control.

The pace at which the gods are gathering will surely pick up pace from now on.

As I was thinking this, a god with the lower half of a goat and the upper body of a man came running toward me.

He wore the same expression that humans usually have when they look at Zeus.

"H-Hades, my lord!"

He stopped before me.

"Gah... You’ve come to save Olympus, even descending to the mortal realm... I am truly ashamed!"

So it was you, Pan, who had transformed into that creature I saw before meeting Cadmus—a being that was half-goat, half-fish?

I thought you were just another minor god and passed by while tracking Zeus’s traces. If I’d known it was you, I might’ve removed my Helm of Darkness and spoken to you sooner.


The god of nature and shepherds, a satyr who is half-man and half-goat.

Incidentally, he is the son of Hermes and the grandson of Zeus.

You really need to work on your transformation skills.

Thank goodness Typhon was only focused on chasing down the fleeing gods and spared Hermes.

"Is my father safe? Grr... It was such a chaotic situation..."

I informed him that Hermes was currently recovering in the underworld, and he gritted his teeth.

The powerlessness and bitterness of being a god yet fleeing from a monster seemed to weigh heavily on him.

Like with Hestia, I calmed him down and told him to help find the other gods.

"Yes, my lord! I am the god of nature, after all. If I ask around, I can find the others quickly!"

I didn’t need to ask whom he would ask.

I confirmed that birds, squirrels, and other animals had gathered around him.

Given Pan and the number of gods who had turned into fish, perhaps I should head to the river.

Luckily, there was a suitable river nearby.

Revealing my presence, I expanded my divine power, and two fish in the river suddenly leapt out.

Their forms shifted in an instant. And powerful divine energy leaks out.

The Twelve Olympian Gods.

"Uncle Hades!"

"And what has become of the god of war?"

"...I’m sorry. The sense of defeat was so overwhelming that I..."

One was Ares, a muscular male god who had greatly assisted the underworld during the Great Flood.


The other was a goddess with luxurious golden hair and a beauty so intense it was almost chilling.

Her aura captivated everyone who laid eyes on her, regardless of age or gender.

Her flawless body and the floral scent she exuded.

It had been a while since I last saw Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.

Born from the sea foam that arose when Cronos castrated his father Uranus, she was the epitome of divine beauty.

"It’s been a while, Hades."

Of all times, she was wearing the Kestos Himas, a girdle that amplifies her power to enchant men.

The allure of the goddess of beauty, irresistible to all.

Feeling a headache coming on, I averted my eyes and told Aphrodite,

"Save that for when you’re fighting Typhon."

"Heh... As expected, it doesn’t work well on the three elder gods."

The manifestation of perfect beauty muttered under her breath as she undid the girdle.

If her son Eros, the god of love, and Peitho, the goddess of persuasion, were here as well, I might’ve been swayed a bit.

"Ah... Aphrodite."

My nephew was already under her spell, grinning foolishly.

Even though Aphrodite is already married to Hephaestus…

There’s no point in telling the goddess of love not to seduce men, so there’s nothing to be done. Will she eventually gain a divine aspect related to infidelity?

I explained the situation to them and asked for their help.

"I see... If Father’s tendons are restored... Then we shall go seek out the other gods as well!"

"I’ll see you again soon, Hades."

She really is like a female Zeus, trying to lure anyone who fits her taste into bed.

As I turned to continue my search for the other gods, a breeze from the forest whispered in my ear.

The rustling grass conveyed Pan’s message to me.

Zeus’s eagle, his messenger, also flew towards me.

"[Lord Hades! We’ve found everyone!]"

"[Brother, while we engage the enemy first, we ask you to safeguard the Sceptre. Perhaps Olympus’s...]"

The time for a counterattack had arrived.

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