The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 8: Chapter 08: Unsealing the Cultivation

"Where are you taking me, Mom?" Sam asked, his curiosity piqued after a long Sunday morning.

Hela smiled at her son and revealed her plan, "We're not going anywhere. We're going inside this."

Sam examined the object she handed him, a large snail shell that looked more like a cresct-shaped treasure. It was too big to fit in his hand comfortably.

"It's called the Moonlit Nautilus Crest," Hela explained. "It's a Mystical-Grade Treasure. It allows the user to ter a separate space stored within the Crest. What's ev more intriguing is that we can cultivate once we're inside this treasure, and it completely conceals our aura. No one outside the shell will be able to sse us, not ev someone with high cultivation."

Sam chuckled at his own joke, thinking, 'Not ev my little brother in my pants would fit inside this thing.'

Hela's eyes narrowed at her son. "You just thought something rude, didn't you?"

Sam was tak aback. How did she know? He quickly composed himself and replied, "It's nothing. I was just wondering how we'll go inside this treasure."

"It will activate once I infuse it with my spiritual ergy," Hela explained.

Just th, Sam's aunt arrived and stood so close to him, holding his hands near something soft, which earned her an annoyed glare from her older sister. However, Hela chose not to say anything about it.

"Sam, take your aunt's hand," she instructed. Sam obeditly held his aunt's hand while his mom held the other.

"Mom, I thought you sealed your cultivation. How do you have the ergy to activate it?" Sam asked, curious about the sudd resurgce of her power.

"We are dragons, son, and not just any dragons, but of a noble rank. We naturally have a little amount of spiritual ergy in our bodies once we awak our bloodlines," Hela explained with pride in her heritage.

Hela channeled a portion of her lingering spiritual ergy into the crest. The crest, ssitive to the spiritual ergy, quivered in her hands and suddly whisked them away at lightning speed, so fast that Sam couldn't ev blink.

Inside, Sam found himself in a vast expanse, within which there stood an unexpected house. To his surprise, the house had all the necessities, including a bathroom and a toilet.

Hela and Aunt Lor guided Sam to the rear of the house.

"Lor, before we proceed with Sam's Awaking, we should unseal our cultivation," Hela suggested.

Lorraine nodded in agreemt.

It was esstial to unseal their cultivation, for ev though this hidd place concealed their actions, there was still a risk of their clans discovering them once Sam became a novice cultivator.

Thus, they needed their cultivation to protect Sam as he embarked on this new path.

Sam patitly sat cross-legged, awaiting his mother and Aunt Lor to complete the unsealing of their cultivation.

Hela carefully etched a design onto the g, resembling a magical circle akin to those Sam had se in movies. Upon finishing the circle, she continued to draw a peculiar symbol at its cter, using her own blood.

Aunt Lor followed suit, drawing another distinctive symbol using her own blood.

The magic circle soon began to emit a brilliant blue glow, temporarily blinding Sam with its intsity. After the radiant light dissipated, two -colored crystals appeared in the place where the magic circle had be.

"Ha... it's finished," Hela said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. It may not have seemed like much, but unsealing their cultivation had drained a significant amount of ergy from her.

With her cultivation sealed, she had relied solely on the residual spiritual ergy within her bones, muscles, and bloodline to complete the process.

Both of them held one crystal each and hurled them forcefully to the g.

As the crystals shattered, an immse surge of spiritual ergy rushed towards them at an alarming rate.

Ev Sam, who couldn't sse spiritual ergy, could feel the palpable changes in the air a him.

The ripples caused by the rush of spiritual ergy nearly made him faint on the spot. Evtually, the space returned to normal, and both his mother and aunt had successfully unsealed their cultivation.

Coughing violtly, Sam spat out a mouthful of blood.

The overwhelming reactions triggered by their unsealed cultivation had tak their toll on him.

He was injured, not fatally, but ough to sd him tumbling to the g.

However, instead of hitting a solid surface, Sam found himself descding onto something incredibly soft.

Just as he was about to make contact with the g, a figure flashed before him at lightning speed, dispersing the smoke gerated by their cultivation unlocking, and caught him before he could hit the g.

"I've got you!" Aunt Lor embraced Sam, and he nestled his face into her loving out-of-the-world bosom.

Sam, seizing the momt, pretded not to be feeling well and remained in his aunt's comforting embrace.

He was evidtly savoring the momt, to say the least.

Aunt Lor was well aware of what Sam was up to, but would she dy him?

Of course not. This was indeed a significant opportunity for her to grow closer to her nephew, after all.

She had always harbored feelings for him, but she had restrained herself, knowing that Sam was neither a cultivator nor aware of the otherworldly customs.

On Earth, a romantic relationship betwe her and Sam would be considered taboo, but in the cultivation world, such norms didn't apply.

Sam remained bound by Earth's societal norms, but once he vtured into the cultivation world, he would soon shed these earthly constraints.

At that point, she was confidt he would accept her. Until th, she wouldn't hold back; in fact, she would become bolder and more daring in her pursuit of him.

"Don't give me that look, sis," Aunt Lor ssed a piercing glare behind her and found her older sister staring at her with an expressionless face.

"Didn't you already tell me you were okay with our relationship? Don't tell me you're going back on your word," Aunt Lor frowned.

"You know very well our father and mother won't approve of this relationship," her sister replied bluntly.

"You think I'm afraid of them? Or are you afraid they might harm him?"

Her sister remained silt for a momt, but suddly Aunt Lor felt a chilling, intse presce veloping the space a them. "He's still my son, Lor, and I won't let anyone harm him, ev if that person is his father or our parts. He belongs to me and me alone."

Aunt Lor narrowed her eyes at her older sister's reaction. "I didn't expect her to be so attached to Sam... Could she also have feelings for him like I do?"

She wasn't tirely sure.

Fortunately for them, Sam had lost consciousness long before due to blood loss, so he remained unaware of the intse exchange that had tak place betwe his mother and Aunt Lor.

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