The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: The Sennyu Resonance

After spding some 'quality time' with her little brother, Sophia reluctantly left with a pouting but happy face.

During this time, he learned an interesting thing about his older sister – she loved head pats.

He found another fun way to spoil his older sister.

"Phew... finally, now that the issues with my loving sister are resolved, I don't have to worry about her doing something that I will regret. As for me, I don't regret accepting her as my woman," he looked a the cave.

Once again, he was alone.

He waved his hand, and three scrolls containing two sage techniques and one great sage technique floated in front of his face.

"I wonder what they're like, those half-sisters of mine...," He wondered.

"There is also that Snyu Resonance for me to worry about..."

Sam got tired of calling that obsessive and familiar ssation he ssed from Amelia, Lora, Yuna, and his teacher Mia Hasegawa, as just 'weird' and 'strange,' so he decided to give it a name.

The name he came up with was the Snyu Resonance.

His face suddly frowned with a bad premonition. "I hate that I don't know anything about the things happing to me. It's like my life is not in my control."

"My life is getting more complicated by the minute," he muttered under his breath before sighing.

"Tch whatever... I will leave this matter to the future me to deal with."

His mindset was simple: If he was strong ough, there would be nothing that could harm him or those he was close to.

Looking at the three scrolls emitting various patterns and ergy signatures, Sam thought, "Now that my mind is clear, I'm ready to comprehd all three of these techniques in one go."

He rubbed his chin as he wondered about something in his mind.

The scrolls floated still as if waiting for him to comprehd the techniques they held within.

"Let's start th." He waved his hand again, and the three scrolls floated one after another. He th proceeded to infuse his spiritual ergy into the three scrolls simultaneously.

What he was doing was bold.

If his grandmother or any other expericed cultivator were to see this, they would be shocked.

Sam was trying to comprehd all the three techniques at the same time.

Usually, wh one wished to gain insights into Sage techniques or higher-grade techniques, they could do one at a time.

Ev th, there was a limit to how many techniques one was capable of learning unless they had a special physique like the Transcdt Coalescce Daoist Physique. But such physiques were rare.

Of course, one could still forcefully learn them if they had the ability to do so, but that level of comprehsion and cognizance was simply unheard of.

But not Sam.

He already possessed an extremely high level of comprehsion, and to make things more fortunate for him, he had an Innate Ability – the Rumination Clarity.

This Innate ability increased his learning and comprehsion ability to another level.

Sam soon tered the comprehsion state as his face adopted an indiffert expression, with his eyes gaining insights rapidly into all three techniques at the same time.


While Sam was delving into the three techniques, the third day of his closed-door cultivation arrived.

He still hadn't come out.

Ancestral Manor, Hailstorm Clan.

"King Shun, I was wondering wh you would show up." Adriana took a small, graceful sip of tea as she spoke.

The man she spoke to was the currt king of the Lumin Dynasty, Shun Fulmine.

"It can't be helped. My situation is dire. If I do not acquire the support of the noble clans in the Azure Dragon Contint as soon as I can, I will lose my kingdom to those ungrateful bastards from the branch family," King Shun said, with killing intt evidt in his eyes.

Beside him sat a girl with brown hair and bangs reaching her eyebrows, two long tresses that reached her neck on both sides in the front on her cheeks, and brown eyes to complimt.

She was the princess of the Lumin Dynasty and the only daughter of King Shun, Yuna Fulmine.

'I don't see him...' Her eyes wandered as if searching for someone important, but they didn't find that person.

Disappointmt grew on her face, but th it turned into curiosity. 'Wait, why do I feel so disappointed that he is not here?'

She shook her head. Her eyes th found a figure in a Japanese maid uniform. 'An alpha-class werewolf, huh?' She squinted as she ssed something. 'Why does she seem so familiar?'

Lora ssed eyes on her and found Yuna looking at her curiously.

'It's that same damn feeling I got from that vampire, Amelia...' Lora could sse the Snyu resonance from Yuna, and it annoyed her.

This was the third time she felt the Snyu resonance from another woman, four people if you count Sam in.

In Lora's opinion, this Snyu resonance was something unique to Sam and his possible love interests.

In her words, she would say that it was like a spider's web, Sam was the cter of the web, and these wom who could experice Snyu Resonance were the big threads of the web connected to him, while also interlinked with each other with a thin web.

'Now that I think about it, I only experice Snyu resonance from Sam and some random wom... no, not just some random wom, wom with a special origin.'

'I am a direct descdant of the Lycan progitor. As for that vampire, Amelia Scarlett, I know for a fact that the members of the Scarlett clan are direct descdants of the Vampire progitor.'

Lora thought about her theory, noticing that Yuna was looking at her with the same kind of gaze she was looking at her.

'Yuna Fulmine, the daughter of Shun Fulmine, who is a descdant of the main branch of the strongest Qilin clan... There is a possibility that she could be a descdant of the Qilin progitor.'

'There is also that girl from the branch family of the Hailstorm clan who also gave me Snyu resonance. Ev if she is from the branch family, they are still the descdants of the Dragon progitor.' The woman Lora was thinking about was the daughter of the second brother of Alexander Hailstorm, whom Adriana divorced some time ago.

Since Lora was acting as Adriana's personal maid, she countered that girl a couple of times.

Lora tried to connect the dots and was successful.

She was the direct descdant of the Lycan progitor.

Amelia Scarlett was the direct descdant of the Vampire progitor.

Yuna Fulmine was a descdant of the Qilin progitor.

As for the woman from the branch family of the Hailstorm clan she was talking about, the Hailstorm clan itself was a direct descdant of the Dragon progitor.

She came to this conclusion only based on the things that were common among these wom. She felt like it was no coincidce that they were all descdants of their respective races' progitors.

Lora still didn't know about the other woman who had expericed the Snyu resonance from Sam—Mia Hasegawa.

Sam's teacher wh he was in the mortal world, like her, there was a probability she could be a descdant of the T Tailed Celestial Fox.

In the d, all she did was make assumptions and theories caused by her curiosity, but she understood three things.

The first was that this Snyu resonance only occurs with one man, and that was Sam.

The second thing was that all the wom who could experice the Snyu resonance with Sam were connected to their respective races' progitors.

The third thing was that all these wom connected to Sam were going to d up becoming his lovers. This third theory was something she was unsure of, but she felt this was the case.

Just as Lora was pondering over her theories, a guard tered, bowing before Adriana.

"Respected Matriarch, Count Scarlett of the Nightingale is here to see you," the guard kneeled with one leg and said.

"Count Nicholas Scarlett?" King Shun exclaimed in surprise.

"He must be here for his daughter," Adriana remarked, and just at that momt, Amelia tered the room after three days of closed-door cultivation.

King Shun narrowed his eyes, 'It's the second daughter of Count Scarlett. What in the world is she doing here?'

Beside him, Yuna wore a strange expression wh she saw Amelia ter the room. 'She gives me the same strange feeling as that werewolf... I don't believe I have met her before or that werewolf. I wonder why I am feeling like this?'

Just as Adriana was about to give instructions to the guard, two more guards came in and bowed on one knee.

"Respected Matriarch, Lord Duncan Hailstorm, along with his family, is here for an audice," the second guard said in a respectful tone.

After the second guard finished speaking, the third guard looked at the Matriarch, waiting for her approval to speak. Th he said, "Respected Matriarch, Lady Victoria of the Flareheart clan is here to see you."

'Shun Fulmine, Nicholas Scarlett, Victoria Flareheart, and Duncan Hailstorm, they sure chose a great time to come here, all at the same time too... Did they plan this meeting ahead, or is it just a coincidce?' Adriana mused to herself, ev if she was joking about it, she still considered that possibility.

After taking a few seconds to rearrange her thoughts, Adriana instructed, "Bring them all in."

The three guards nodded their heads and wt to do as they were told.


Suddly, everyone prest in the ancestral manor of the Hailstorm Clan heard the sound of an explosion caused by a sudd ergy surge. The ergy ripple resonated through the tire area, signaling the presce of a powerful cultivator.

"It's coming from Jade White Mountain," Adriana said, contemplating an absurd possibility before disappearing from the room.

Witnessing her abrupt departure, the others were dumbfounded, especially King Shun and his family. However, those accustomed to Adriana's unpredictable actions followed suit, their curiosity piqued. What could prompt the typically cold and cunning matriarch Hailstorm to act in such a manner?

They followed her and arrived in front of the sevth peak of Jade White Mountain, located just behind the Ancestral Manor.

Adriana, her family, King Shun and his family, Duncan Hailstorm and his family, Count Nicholas Scarlett, and Victoria Flareheart—all stood together before the sevth peak of Jade White Mountain.

There, they bore witness to a young man with crimson hair in a lotus position, floating in the air sured by various dao patterns. His fingers were interwined, and his eyes remained closed. The young man exuded an incredible calmness, his face radiating perfection and beauty, like a prince charming.

Various indescribable marks and symbols whirled a him, resembling planets revolving a a great star—the sun.

'Crimson hair, the Crimson Inferno dragon bloodline, his presce, it's unmistakable... He is my nephew,' Victoria Flareheart murmured, her eyes expressing intrigue and curiosity.


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