The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 56: Chapter 56: Forbidden Desires

After some time, Sam and Amelia made their way to the main hall after a delightful bath together.

Their manner of walking naturally drew the atttion of those prest in the hall, which included Hela, Lorraine, Sophia, Adriana, Ava, and Maid Lora Frir.

Amelia held onto one of Sam's hands, cuddling it affectionately. To those watching, they resembled a newlywed couple.

Amelia addressing Sam as "darling" added to the intrigue, and for Lorraine and Sophia, it was particularly frustrating. They longed for the same treatmt from Sam, but they hadn't yet mustered the courage to reveal their feelings. They couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

The overnight transformation in Amelia's demeanor was equally surprising. Previously distant and stoic, she now appeared to be a lovesick teager.

Each person prest had their own thoughts as they observed the couple.

'Look at that big smile on her face; just what kind of fucking did he give her to make her act like a puppy? I wonder how big his dick is; it's definitely huge, as I can tell from her expression. I should ask Amelia about Sam's performance wh I get a chance,' Lorraine quipped with an amused click of her tongue.

She wasn't vious; rather, she was impressed by Sam's performance, which she inferred from Amelia's expression. Lorraine was guinely looking forward to expericing the kind of fuck Sam gave Amelia.

'So they finally did it, huh? My son finally lost his virginity.' Hela sighed with a complicated expression. 'I can't believe myself; I shouldn't be feeling this jealous, but I do.'

Hela covered her face with her palms, trying to hide her blush and embarrassmt.

While Sophie's face was red with jealousy and fury, it was unclear what she was thinking.

All three of them didn't ev attempt to hide their thoughts on their faces, and Adriana easily discerned their feelings. 'It seems both my daughters and my granddaughter are smitt with my grandson. I can't say I don't understand why. He possesses unparalleled talt and looks; ev I could find myself falling for him...Why not?

Now that I've finally divorced that useless man, I do need a companion, and my grandson is more than qualified, especially if I set aside his low cultivation level. In any case, I should have a conversation with my daughters before I take any action. I can sse they won't be pleased if I make a move on him before they do.'

Sam raised an eyebrow wh he noticed something swirling a Amelia's figure, a mixture of pink and red auras.

Sam frowned, and th he remembered something, so he oped his codex to check.

[ Divine Powers: Divine Charm (Assimilation: 8.00%) ]

"My divine charm assimilation finally crossed 80%? So that's why I was seeing this aura suring her," Sam sighed in relief.

For a momt, he'd felt a surge of anger, suspecting someone was targeting Amelia. However, upon checking his codex, he realized it was his divine charm at work.

The Divine Charm power had two distinct perks. First, it passively granted him unparalleled charm and beauty, making him the most handsome person in the world.

The second perk turned him into an empath, allowing him to sse the emotions of others more easily.

Sam th gazed at Amelia, seeing the pink and red auras swirling a her. They were tangled but not fully blded. Two threads extded from these auras, connecting them to him.

"The red color indicates lust, and the pink must be love," Sam smiled, understanding.

The Divine Charm allowed Sam to perceive people's emotions by assigning unique colors to differt feelings. It used the sev deadly sins and sev heavly virtues as the foundation for these emotions, each represted by specific colors:

For the sev deadly sins:

Lust was represted by Dark Red.

Gluttony was associated with Dark Orange.

Greed was doted by Dark Gold.

Sloth was indicated by Dark Blue.

Wrath was symbolized by Dark Black.

Envy was linked to Dark Gre.

Pride was depicted in Dark Purple.

Regarding the sev heavly virtues:

Chastity was represted by Pearl White.

Temperance was conveyed through Sunshine Yellow.

Charity was symbolized by Neon Pink.

Diligce was represted by Wood Brown.

Patice was reflected in Ocean Blue.

Kindness was signified by Forest Gre.

Humility was depicted in Ash Grey.

The Divine Charm also compassed various sub-concepts or feelings, some of which might evtually lead to one of the core sins or virtues.

For example:

Love derived from the virtue of Chastity.

Wh a person loves someone deeply, they might willingly give up their chastity as an act of love. However, once chastity was lost, love could transform into the sin of lust.

It was complicated and simple, at the same time.

Desire, stemming from the sin of lust, had the pottial to evolve into love, a concept originating from the virtue of Chastity.

Dishonesty was an action driv by motives rooted in the sin of greed.

Exaggeration had its origins in the sin of pride.

Sam could see the colors of love and lust flowing from Amelia, connected to him by threads of those same colors. Love appeared to be more promint than lust, which brought a smile to his face.

Curious, he decided to check the emotions of the others prest.

Starting with his Aunt Lorraine, he was tak aback.

"Love and...lust? My aunt lusts after me?"

The mere thought seemed wrong, as he was raised among mortals, making it difficult for him to accept such a notion.

He blushed at the idea, unable to help himself from imagining his aunt in a more ssual light now that the thought had be planted in his mind.

His gaze th shifted to Hela, and he had a solemn expression. "She... Why? Why does Mom lust after me?"

The revelation about his mother's emotions left him bewildered and uncomfortable.

Sam continued to assess the feelings of those a him.

He observed Sophia, his grandmother Adriana, Ava, and Lora Frir, the princess's maid.

Except for Ava, he could sse intse lust from the other wom, especially from Lorraine, Hela, and Sophia.

Sophia not only exhibited lust but also overwhelming love and obsession for him.

On the other hand, Ava displayed some level of lust toward him.

Adriana appeared to feel lust but was overshadowed by her love for him.

Lora Frir showed interest in him, tinged with lust.

"So all of them are lusting after me?" Sam couldn't help but feel a complicated mix of emotions. "Is my charm really that effective, to the point where ev my own mother is lusting after me?"

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