The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Madman - 3

The crowd fell into a heavy silce, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief.

"That was the big guy? He was one of the best cultivators with high raw physical strgth in the core formation realm within our sect...and he lost miserably."

"Just how many levels of Daoist foundations has he cultivated?"

"...he really deserves to be the young master of the great Hailstorm clan."

The cultivators of the Froz Dragon Blade sect were stunned.

All of them were in the core formation realm, and they initially came here for training during their batch's time in the Hailstorm clan's training g.

However, they never would have imagined they would meet such a cultivator who made them kely aware of the vast differce in power despite having the same realm of cultivation.

At this momt, they all realized the significance of cultivating Daoist foundations.

Sam looked at the unconscious big guy, who was already injured and being dragged away by his fellow cultivators. Sam wore a disappointed expression.

The cultivators' eyes twitched as they watched Sam's expression. "Why does he look so disappointed? Could it be that he still hasn't used his full strgth?"

Upon considering this possibility, they were ev more shocked and unwilling to accept being disrespected in this manner.

Some of the cultivators were raged by Sam's attitude, but they didn't say anything. After all, they lacked the strgth to challge him.

However, some among them were beaming with battle intt.

Sam looked at the cultivators with a scoffing expression. "Is that all you guys have? I know he wasn't the strongest core formation realm cultivator in your ranks. Are the strongest ones afraid of me? Why isn't anyone stepping forward?"

Hearing Sam's words and his tone made many of the cultivators extremely dissatisfied, and some of them were instantly filled with fury.

"Why is he so arrogant?"

"Someone needs to teach him a lesson."

"I can't stand being disrespected like this."

On the bleachers, Sam's grandmother couldn't help but chuckle as she watched her grandson's bold and brave attitude. "Oh, God, he is so arrogant...I love it."

Hela and Lorraine, seated beside their mother, exchanged eye rolls. Lorraine looked at Sam with desire-filled eyes and whispered to herself, 'Control yourself, Lorraine. There will be time for everything.'

Hela observed her younger sister and couldn't help but think, 'My sister is definitely planning something to get close to my son... I wonder what she's up to?' She pondered with a complicated expression.

Sophia, noticing the strange looks her mother and aunt exchanged, couldn't help but grunt inwardly, 'These horny bitches.'

Back in the bleachers, Sophia saw three cultivators approaching the ara with a fiery battle intt in their eyes.

"I wish to have a go with the young master," one of the three cultivators named Huang Jian stated with burning determination.

"It's Huang Jian!"

"Liu Ming and Guo Fg are with him too."

"These three are the strongest cultivators in the core formation realm within our sect."

"All three of them have cultivated high levels of Daoist foundation and formed more than three cores wh they reached the peak stage of core formation realm."

"Huang Jian hosts the Prismatic Sword-Forged Physique, not a supreme physique, but it makes him highly proficit in swordplay."

"Don't forget that the other two also have their unique advantages. Liu Ming possesses an innate ability called Earth Fire, granting him the power to release earth fire."

"Guo Fg is no slouch either; he's already a half-step Nasct Soul Realm cultivator. He definitely won't be an easy oppont."

Sam looked at the three individuals before him with a small smile. "Hey, fellas, let's have a fight."

"I'll go first," declared Huang Jian, the cultivator possessing the Prismatic Sword-Forged Physique. He stepped forward with a macing look, eager to test Sam's abilities.

"Are you kidding me?" Sam frowned. "Why don't all three of you come at me together? That way, we'll finish this sooner."

Upon hearing his audacious proposal, the tire crowd fell into a stunned silce.

"Has he lost his mind?"

"Doesn't he realize that these three are some of the best core formation realm cultivators a? And he wants to take on all of them at once? He must be crazy."

"This guy is definitely out of his mind."

"Is he trying to get humiliated in front of the tire clan?"

"Yeah, he's an absolute madman."

"Young Master Sam, don't underestimate us; we're not like that big guy. We're much stronger," Huang Jian snorted dismissively.

"That big guy is nothing compared to us," Liu Ming added indiffertly. Beside them, Guo Fg shot a furious look at Sam but remained silt.

"Oh, is that so?" Sam chuckled. "That's fine, just come at me together."

Huang Jian, Liu Ming, and Guo Fg exchanged glances but didn't seem to have a choice.

"I'll make the first move," Sam declared. His eyes gleamed with a reddish hue as his dragon aura intsified. He shot forward from his position, leaving a deep footprint in the g.

His first target was Huang Jian. In a flash, Sam arrived in front of him and unleashed the Dragon Fist Strike.

Huang Jian's eyes wided. 'He's still faster than me.'

He quickly employed his sword technique to counter Sam's move. "Dragonflame Sword Burst!"

A torrt of raging sword-intt ergy erupted from his core formation-grade sword, forming a powerful sword ray that intsely surged toward Sam's face.

Sam, unfazed by the intse sword ray, didn't halt his advance. Instead, he rushed ev faster and punched the ray of sword intt with his Dragon Fist Strike.

Wh the two techniques collided, the impact produced waves of spiritual ergy that left the tire audice in awe.

As the dust settled, they saw that both Sam and Huang Jian were uninjured, but Huang Jian had be pushed back five steps from where he had initially stood wh facing Sam's attack.

This surprised everyone, including Huang Jian himself. It was the first time someone in the core formation realm had managed to push him back in a direct confrontation, and he didn't like that.

"You're good, at least better than the big guy, but that all" Sam remarked, his eyes glowing ev brighter red.

Huang Jian's eyes narrowed dangerously as a strong desire to defeat Sam welled up within him. 'Now he's practically asking for a beating.'

Suddly, his body emitted a powerful ripple of spiritual ergy. Liu Ming and Guo Fg jumped back, putting some distance betwe them and Sam and Huang Jian, ssing the dangerous ergy surge coming from Huang Jian.


"Meet my Prismatic Sword Avatar!" Huang Jian roared.

A tremdous ergy spiraled out of his body and transformed into a t-foot-tall armored warrior avatar, holding a pristine sword in its hand.

An avatar is the physical manifestation of one's physique, and it can channel all of the user's powers, skills, divine abilities, and innate talts.

The appearance of the avatar is unique to the user and depds on the abilities the user possesses.

The stronger the user, the more formidable the avatar becomes. The Prismatic Sword Avatar was the manifestation of the Prismatic Sword-Forged Physique.

Although not a supreme physique like Sam's Mystic Voidheart Harmonic Physique, it was still one of the finest physiques related to swords, although it couldn't rival Sam's.

The Prismatic Sword Avatar stood tall above Huang Jian, exuding an imposing presce like a guardian willing to do anything to protect its master.

"It's... It's the Prismatic Sword Avatar!"

"I can't believe the young master actually forced Huang Jian to use it... He must be highly intimidated."

"They say an avatar is ev more powerful than the user themselves."

"That's because the avatar embodies all of the user's abilities, divine powers, and skills. It's esstially the physical manifestation of the user's capabilities, so it's naturally much stronger than the user."

Sam's eyes gleamed with excitemt, his red irises glowing ev brighter. "Interesting... an avatar, huh?"

Huang Jian smirked with an air of superiority as if he believed he had the upper hand. "Looks powerful, doesn't it? Now, how are you going to defd against my mighty avatar?"

Liu Ming quietly admitted, "Ev I won't be able to win against him in this state."

Among the three, Liu Ming was the weakest, relying on his innate ability, Earth Fire, to keep up with the others. If not for that ability, he wouldn't have ranked among the top core formation realm cultivators in the Froz Dragon Blade sect.

Guo Fg, the half-step Nasct Soul realm cultivator, stood stoically beside Liu Ming, observing the unfolding situation with indifferce.

Hearing Huang Jian's provocation, Sam's eyes sparked with a dangerous intsity, yet he couldn't contain his excitemt. He emitted a crazed laugh, leaving everyone baffled.

"He's up to something," Hela muttered while watching her son.

Adriana, her mother, turned her eyes to Hela. "Hela, has he always be like this, or did you raise him to be this way?"

Hela sighed and replied, "He's always be like that... Sometimes he gets carried away and does crazy things for fun and excitemt. At least I've managed to keep him out of trouble until now."

Sam, facing Huang Jian's Prismatic Sword Avatar, trembled with excitemt. His smile took on a sinister edge.

"Don't think you're the only one who can summon an avatar."


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