The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Progress

Sam surveyed his surings, his curiosity piqued. "Where is the dimsional crack? I don't see it."

Amelia offered a slight smile before responding, "You can't see the dimsional crack unless you've comprehded the space dao. Just extd your aura; you should be able to sse it," she suggested.

Sam nodded in understanding and th began to extd his aura. As he did, he felt something unusual. It was difficult to put into words; it resembled a door, but it was severely damaged, almost like a collection of cracks fused together.

"Yes, I can feel it," Sam exclaimed. This was his first counter with concepts related to space that he only knew from watching movies like Interstellar.

"Th let's proceed. The matriarch is likely waiting for us," Takashi urged, a sse of foreboding gnawing at him. He had always be superstitious and trusted his instincts. Right now, those instincts told him to hurry to the Hailstorm Clan.

Takashi was a Dao Seeking realm cultivator who specialized in Sword Dao, making him a sword master. His expertise allowed him to perceive and comprehd swords and the inttions and fluctuations associated with them, a skill reserved for those deeply versed in Sword Dao.

Sword Dao was just one of the many martial daos, including Axe Dao, Spear Dao, and more. In total, there were 5 martial Daos, each corresponding to the 5 martial weapons used in warfare.

For those exceptional giuses who mastered all 5 martial Daos, there was a pinnacle achievemt known as the Dao of War. In simple terms, it combined the essce of all 5 martial daos.

Takashi, specializing in one of these martial Daos, ssed a faint resonance of Sword Dao emanating from Sam. It was nearly imperceptible but undiably prest.

It wasn't exactly Sword Dao, but rather a minuscule fragmt of the greater Dao of War, and more.

Takashi could faintly detect the whispers of Myriad of Daos emanating from Sam. It was subtle but steadily growing stronger by the minute.

'Is the young master on the verge of lightmt?' Takashi pondered. 'Could it be that his Physique is undergoing Awaking Paraphs?' He furrowed his brow, realizing how far-fetched the idea sounded.

After all, this was the realm of Daos, a domain of profound mysteries.

He had remained stagnant in the Dao-Seeking realm for nearly three decades, unable to make any discernible progress in his Sword Dao.

As he observed Sam, his young master, who had only embarked on his cultivation journey for a mere two weeks, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Sam's body radiated an array of Daos, some of which were completely unfamiliar to him, leaving him with a profound sse of inadequacy.

Granted, it wasn't a substantial manifestation; it was more like a faint trace. Yet, ev the slightest wisp of a Dao was ough to gain insights into its essce.

This was a significant feat. Many cultivators, upon reaching the Dao-Seeking Realm, found themselves stuck, unable to choose their path of Dao. And ev if they did, it oft took them countless years to make ev the smallest strides in their understanding of the Dao.

Witnessing Sam, not just a novice cultivator but also a teager, emanating multiple traces of differt Daos, made him feel like literal shit.

Takashi had always be considered an above-average cultivator, but in the presce of Sam, he couldn't help but feel like the world's Trashiest trash.

Without wasting any time, Sam and his companions, their bodies veloped in protective spiritual ergy, stepped through the dimsional crack.

As they emerged on the other side, Sam found himself in a dse forest, filled with the echoing roars of various beasts.

"We've arrived in Vaprewood Forest. We'll need to traverse this forest before we can reach the outskirts of Iceheart City," Hela explained.

Iceheart City was one of the cities governed by the Hailstorm Clan and also the residce of the clan's main family.

Lorraine cast a warm smile toward Sam. "Your mother and I used to hunt beasts in this very forest during our training wh we were younger."

"Really?" Sam inquired.

Hela nodded, reminiscing, "Yes, indeed. This forest is vast and dsely populated with beasts. As we vture deeper, we'll counter stronger and more formidable beasts. It's an ideal training g for combat."

A sudd realization dawned on Sam.

"Mom, is there any urgcy in our journey?"

"No, why?"


[ Master: Sam Flareheart ]

[ Status: Healthy, Evolving ]

[ Titles: Master Of The Codex Of The Supreme Immortals ]

[ Age: 8 ]

[ Inheritance: Inheritance of the Eternal Dragon Monarch ]

[ Cultivation: Foundation Establishmt Realm (Peak-stage) ]

[ Body Cultivation: None ]

[ Race: Noble Dragon ]

[ Bloodline(s): Froz Abyssal Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Inferno Dragon Bloodline, Primordial Chaos Dragon Bloodline (Assimilation: 35.00%)]

[ Spirit Vein(s): Nine-Heavs Spiritual Veins ]

[ Bloodline Abilities: Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis ]

[ Physique: Mystic Voidheart Harmonic Physique (Assimilation: 90.56%) ]

[ Divine Powers: Divine Charm (Assimilation: 33.87%) ]

[ Cultivation Method: Nine Celestial Revolutions Sutra ]

[ Body Cultivation Method: Samsara Flesh Rebirth Art ]

[ Innate Abilities: Devour ]

[ Racial Abilities: Dragon Transformation ]


"I've just come to realize that I lack any combat experice, and..." Sam trailed off, hesitating. He wasn't sure if he should reveal his secret in front of Takashi, a total stranger he had met only a day ago. After all, his Mystic Voidheart Harmonic Physique was on the brink of awaking fully.

Who could say whether Takashi was trustworthy? In Sam's eyes, he was still an unfamiliar face.

Seeing her son's hesitation, Hela narrowed her eyes knowingly. She, too, had noticed the multitude of Dao traces emanating from her son. She surmised that Sam's reluctance must be related to that.

She turned to her younger sister, Lorraine, who nodded in agreemt, sharing the same thought.

Hela th addressed Takashi, "Takashi, you should go on ahead. We have some matters to attd to, and once we've dealt with them, we'll join the clan."

Takashi understood that the conversation was likely ctered a his young master but hesitated because he had received direct orders from the matriarch. "But, First Princess, the matriarch will-"

"No 'buts,'" Hela interjected firmly. "I will personally sure that you won't face any repercussions with my mother. Now, please, leave us," she stated with a steely resolve.


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