The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 32: [Bonus chapter] Chapter 32: Changes, Quest

Two weeks had passed since the day Sam had asked Amelia to be his woman, and during that time, some notable changes had tak place.

The most significant change, in Sam's view, was that Amelia had decided to move in with him.

Surprisingly, Sam's mother and aunt didn't raise any objections to this arrangemt, despite their lingering feelings of jealousy. In fact, they rather liked Amelia.

However, the same couldn't be said for Sophia.

Sam's family was initially tak aback that he had convinced Amelia to make such a big leap, especially considering their relatively short acquaintance.

They couldn't quite fathom how Sam had managed to earn her trust so quickly.

Wh they asked Sam about it, he credited his Divine Charm.

He explained that it not only granted him tremdous mtal strgth and charisma but also had a subtle influce on people he countered, predisposing them to have a favorable opinion of him, as long as they didn't already harbor negative feelings.

In Amelia's case, there was another factor at play—her noble vampire lineage.

Something about Sam triggered a peculiar response in Amelia, a subtle reaction from her vampire instincts that inclined her to submit to him and follow his lead.

This was why she had placed such immediate trust in him, although she had yet to fully realize the depth of these instinctual responses due to their subtlety.

That day had be quite an evtful one for Sam. He had a fantastic time with Amelia, and the highlight had be getting his very first kiss, and from a sexy vampire no less. But the same couldn't be said for his mother, aunt, and his obsessively protective older sister.

Sophia, in particular, seemed to be having a tough time with her emotions. She had started talking in her sleep, or rather, cursing in her sleep, much to Sam's amusemt.

Another developmt was on Sam's mind this past week, much to Sophia's frustration. His assimilation of the Primordial Chaos dragon bloodline had progressed significantly, while his Divine Charm had plateaued at 30%.

But the real issue that had Sam concerned was his skyrocketing libido. It had reached such an absurd level that it was now becoming a problem.

He couldn't ev get a peaceful night's sleep. Every time he lay down, his divine sword down below stood at atttion like the Eiffel Tower, causing more than a few sleepless nights.

Sam found himself in a rather peculiar predicamt. His libido had become increasingly uncontrollable, making it nearly impossible for him to sleep unless he dealt with it for at least an hour or so.

Ev th, it took some time for him to calm down.

Giv this situation, he realized it wouldn't be a good idea to continue sharing a room with his sister, Sophia. So, he mustered up the courage to ask her if she could sleep in a separate room. However, Sophia wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea.

With the help of his mom and aunt, Sam managed to convince Sophia to let him sleep alone. But ev with this arrangemt, there were nights wh Sophia would sneak into his room, seeking comfort and cuddles in the middle of the night.

Sam's main concern was that the wom in his house might discover his unique condition. He hadn't disclosed the details of his physique and his newfound bloodline to them, which meant they were unaware of his ongoing libido issue.

The thought of revealing such a ssitive matter to his mother, aunt, sister, and Amelia, who now lived with them, was daunting.

The pottial reactions that revelation might elicit were ough to keep him quiet about it.

Sam found himself seated in a lotus position, deeply grossed in the practice of his Nine Celestial Revolutions Sutra. As he delved into his cultivation, something extraordinary happed.

His body emitted a subtle ripple, causing the objects in his room to quiver slightly. Simultaneously, a rush of spiritual ergy surged into his being, and Sam could feel a profound change within himself.

Oping his eyes, he released a contted sigh. "I've finally reached the Peak stage of the Foundation realm," he acknowledged with a sse of accomplishmt.

He clched his fist, feeling the newfound power coursing through him. "My cultivation rate has become significantly faster than before," he mused.

In the beginning, reaching ev the lower stages of the foundation realm had be a time-consuming deavor, but now, it seemed he could absorb spiritual ergy at an accelerated pace.



[ Master: Sam Flareheart ]

[ Status: Healthy, Evolving ]

[ Titles: Master Of The Codex Of The Supreme Immortals ]

[ Age: 8 ]

[ Inheritance: Inheritance of the Eternal Dragon Monarch ]

[ Cultivation: Foundation Establishmt Realm (Peak-stage) ]

[ Body Cultivation: None ]

[ Race: Noble Dragon ]

[ Bloodline(s): Froz Abyssal Dragon Bloodline, Crimson Inferno Dragon Bloodline, Primordial Chaos Dragon Bloodline (Assimilation: 0.8%)]

[ Spirit Vein(s): Nine-Heavs Spiritual Veins ]

[ Bloodline Abilities: Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis ]

[ Physique: Mystic Voidheart Harmonic Physique (Assimilation: 78.00%) ]

[ Divine Powers: Divine Charm (Assimilation: 30.74%) ]

[ Cultivation Method: Nine Celestial Revolutions Sutra ]

[ Body Cultivation Method: Samsara Flesh Rebirth Art ]

[ Innate Abilities: Devour ]

[ Racial Abilities: Dragon Transformation ]


As Sam was scrutinizing the changes in his status, an unusual occurrce took place. His eyes began to emit a reddish aura, and from them materialized the Codex of the Supreme Immortals, hovering in front of his face.

The pages of the mystical book flipped on their own, and the seals on the third page gradually dissolved, allowing it to fully op.

Sam couldn't help but mutter, "What's up with you now?" as he gazed at the cryptic inscribed on the page—a language of ancit origin that was indecipherable to him.

Th, a scre appeared in his field of vision, presting him with a choice.

[ You have triggered the quest function of the codex ]

[ There will be two quests that will be giv, you can choose to accept only one of the two quests]

[ Quest: Reach Core Formation realm in one swoop.

Reward: Divine Power +]

[ Or ]

[ Quest: Build a Nine-level Daoist Foundation.

Reward: Divine Power + ]

Sam contemplated the choice prested by the Codex, which had materialized before him, floating in the air.

He spoke aloud, addressing the Codex directly, "You know, ev if you didn't give me that quest, I was already planning on forming the Daoist foundation. The only thing I didn't know was how many levels of Daoist foundations I am ev capable of forming."

Within the realms of cultivation, there existed a concealed pinnacle stage known as the Supreme Stage, which represted the true peak of each realm.

Not everyone possessed the pottial to reach this hidd pinnacle.

Taking the Foundation Establishmt realm as an example, once one reached its peak stage, they faced a crucial decision.

They could either proceed to break through to the Core Formation realm or continue with the formation of a Daoist Foundation.

In the case of the supreme stage of the Foundation Establishmt realm, there were nine levels in the Daoist Foundation.

However, it wasn't common for individuals to construct all nine levels.

Most cultivators managed to form just one or two levels, while the exceptionally talted ones could reach four or five levels.

The true giuses, on the other hand, could achieve six or sev levels of the Daoist foundation.

Sam's mother, Hela, and her sister, Lorraine had managed to form a total of six levels before advancing to the Core Formation realm.

Achieving these stages demanded significant time and resources, which discouraged many cultivators from attempting to build a Daoist Foundation.

After all, there wasn't a substantial differce betwe a regular cultivator and those with Daoist Foundations, except that the latter possessed greater strgth and a higher capacity for spiritual ergy.

However, Sam was driv by an insatiable desire for strgth.

He wouldn't settle for just being considered extraordinary or talted; he aimed to stand at the very top. While most would be contt with forming three or four levels of a Daoist Foundation.

Sam had differt ambitions. He wanted to build all nine levels, no matter how challging it might be.

Until this momt, he had doubted whether he possessed the pottial to construct all nine levels. However, the Codex's offer of the quest confirmed his pottial, as the Codex wouldn't have prested the quest if he didn't have the capability.

A determined smile spread across Sam's face as he made his choice. "Now there's nothing stopping me from forming all nine levels of the Daoist Foundation. I'll become a supreme Foundation Realm cultivator. So, of course, I choose the second quest," he declared with a touch of madness in his demeanor.

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