The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: She's here!

"Finally, I've reached the Lower Stage of the Foundation Establishmt Realm," Sam exclaimed to himself, noting that there were still five hours until sunrise.

"I might as well get some sleep," he decided. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get comfortable, ev with the air conditioner turned on.

Frustrated, he looked down at his waist where his 'miniature dragon' companion resided. "You know what, you're really starting to annoy me."

Of course, his little dragon couldn't speak, but it seemed to understand Sam's irritation.

"Fine, I'll take you out for a walk th," Sam grumbled. He got up and made his way to the bathroom, taking care of 'deed'.

One hour later.

Sam oped the door with a stone-cold expression, muttering, "I hate myself."

He grunted and shuffled back to bed, determined to get some sleep. He closed his eyes, but within seconds, he shot up, glaring at his miniature dragon companion. "Why are you standing up again?"

The 'miniature dragon' stood proudly, as if it were a mighty dragon ready to soar through the skies, and Sam couldn't help but roll his eyes at the absurdity of the situation.

Three hours later.

Sam jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. He stared in a particular direction, ssing a strange connection with something outside the window.

His voice trembled as he spoke, "W-What is that? Why does my heart feel so heavy all of a sudd?"

He placed a shaky hand on his chest, where he could feel his heart racing and his whole body trembling with an inexplicable sadness.

Without wasting any time, he leaped out of bed and rushed downstairs.

"Good morning, honey. Up early, I see," Hela remarked, her brow furrowing as she noticed her son clutching his chest. "What's wrong?"

"Mom, I'm feeling some kind of connection all of a sudd" Sam replied, his sse of connection growing stronger, as if whatever it was, it was drawing nearer and nearer.

Hela's frown deeped as she touched Sam's forehead, trying to understand what was happing. It didn't take her long to realize the truth.

"Sam, what you're feeling right now is the connection you share with your sister," Hela explained, her gaze fixed on a specific direction.

She, too, could sse her daughter's presce, and it was growing stronger by the momt. It was the unmistakable pull of their shared bloodline, and it meant that Sophia was approaching them rapidly.

"Wait, she imprinted on me?" Sam was tak aback. He hadn't learned to sse his bloodline yet, and ev if he did, it wouldn't explain this intse connection.

Imprinting was a rare and profound bond, usually reserved for mates, but it could also occur betwe companions and, occasionally, siblings for emotional reasons. While it wasn't unheard of for siblings to imprint on each other, it was still relatively uncommon.

'I've never ev met her. Wh did she imprint on me?' Sam was puzzled by the sudd revelation. 'Does she really love me so much that she wt as far as to imprint on me while I was still in my mother's womb?'

Now that he understood the situation, Sam's nervousness began to outweigh his concerns.

This was going to be his first meeting with his older sister, Sophia.

He couldn't help but wonder what she looked like, what her personality was like, and how they would interact.

Questions raced through his mind. Should he address her by her name, or should he call her "older sister"?

Despite not oply admitting it, Sam had be looking forward to this momt ever since he learned that he had an older sister.

After all, who wouldn't be excited about having an 'Onee-san', right?

"Wait, she was in the Hailstorm Clan, right? Is she coming here to kidnap me back to the Hailstorm Clan or something?" Sam inquired, still concerned about the unexpected arrival.

"No, Sam. She's coming to meet you. Don't worry; she won't do anything to harm you. She loves you so much that she ev wt as far as threating me to get the chance to meet you," Hela reassured him.

"She threated you?" Sam was tak aback by this revelation.

"Yes," Hela nodded. "She cares for you deeply, and she's the best daughter a mother could ask for."

Sam listed inttly, his heart warming at the thought of his older sister's love for him. Hela finally oped up about why his sister hadn't be with them while he was growing up, revealing the painful truths of their past.

"Woah, Mom, you really screwed up this time, didn't you?" Sam chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head.

"Yeah, laugh at my pain," Hela replied, rolling her eyes before heading outside. It was still very early in the morning, with traces of night lingering in the sky.

As Hela looked at the sky, she felt the presce of her daughter approaching rapidly.

"You better help me make up with her," she said to Sam.

Sam nodded, feeling both excited and nervous about meeting his sister for the first time.

"Are you happy that you're going to meet your sister?" Aunt Lorraine asked, noticing his mixed emotions.

"Yes, but I'm really nervous," Sam admitted honestly.

"Don't be nervous. It's not like she's going to eat you," Aunt Lorraine teased with a mischievous grin, adding siltly to herself, 'At least not before me.'

"Seriously, Lor? Can't you stop thinking about 'that' for a second?" Hela raised an eyebrow, and Lorraine blinked in surprise.

Only cultured people would know what 'that' means.

Had her older sister really figured out what she was thinking? If she had, Lorraine was thoroughly impressed with her sister's perceptivess.

"Did you just read my mind or something?"

Hela snorted, shaking her head. "I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking, because your face tells it all like an op book."

"What are you two talking about?" Sam asked confused, as he was totaly ablivious to his Aunt's thoughts.

"Nothing," both Hela and Lorraine said in unison.

Lorraine pointed to the sky with an small smile. "She's here!"

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