The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Amelia Scarlett - 2

"You're not like what I thought you would be like," Sam admitted.

Amelia turned her gaze toward Sam as she listed inttly.

"I always thought that vampires were scary and would kill us for our blood and stuff, but you're so collected, cute, and definitely not scary," Sam said with a warm smile, offering a differt perspective on Amelia's kind.

A small smile crept onto Amelia's face wh she heard Sam use the word "cute" in his stce.

Unaware that he had called her cute, Sam continued his conversation with the vampire girl.

With the knowledge provided by the Codex, Sam understood that there was no animosity betwe vampires and dragons.

Being the heir of two of the most influtial clans on the Azure Dragon Contint, Sam's status put Amelia ev more at ease.

Amelia saw no reason why they couldn't become frids. In fact, she was ev contemplating asking him for a favor in the near future.

"By the way," Sam inquired, "you didn't answer my earlier question."

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "What question?"

"What are you doing in the human world, acting as a school studt?"

She sighed softly. "I ran away from my clan."

"Why did you run away?" Sam asked, guinely curious.

"Because my father, Count Nicholas Scarlett, tried to marry me off to that bastard from the Wichura clan," Amelia explained with a hint of frustration and heavy disgust.

Sam decided not to press further, understanding that it wasn't his problem. However, Amelia's frustration continued to pour out, and she found herself compelled to share more.

"Years ago, Count Wichura saved my father's life," Amelia explained, her hands tightly clched. "In return, my father promised him that I would be married to his son once I came of age."

Her anger was palpable. "That bastard, Tomasz Wichura, is a despicable vampire, and to make matters worse, my father seems to care more about fulfilling his promise than my well-being." She paused, taking a deep breath. "That's why I ran away. I came to the human world about a year ago, using some artifacts I stole from my father to hide myself from him."

After some time, Sam noticed that there were no studts left in the school, only a few staff members and janitors still a.

"It's getting late. Why don't we continue our talk tomorrow at school?" Sam suggested, checking his wristwatch.

Amelia hesitated for a momt but didn't respond. She simply stood there, watching Sam as he packed his bag with the books from under his desk.

Once he finished, Sam noticed that Amelia was still standing in the same spot, looking at him with an unusual expression. "Is something wrong?" he inquired.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something," Amelia finally spoke up.

"Mm?" Sam tilted his head, indicating that she should go on.

"Can you follow me?"

Sam nodded and followed her as Amelia led him straight to the school infirmary.

"The school infirmary?" Sam questioned, puzzled by her choice of location. Inside, he found a clean room with four neatly arranged single beds, spaced about sev feet apart.

The room was currtly empty except for them and the nurse, who was wrapping up her duties before heading home.

Amelia stepped in front of the nurse and used her compulsion ability, commanding, "Go home and forget you ever saw us today, and don't forget to lock the door from the outside."

The nurse responded mechanically, nodding her head and th promptly leaving the infirmary, locking the door behind her as if nothing unusual had occurred.

Sam couldn't help but express his admiration, saying, "That's a pretty useful ability you have."

Amelia acknowledged with a simple "I know."

Curiosity piqued, Sam questioned, "So, why did you bring me here?" He couldn't help but secretly hope that she had some romantic inttions, reminisct of those cliché sces in anime where the protagonist and their love interest were left alone in a school infirmary.

Sam had briefly tertained a vivid memory of an anime sce featuring a protagonist named Basara and a heroine named Mio but quickly shook the thought from his mind.

Amelia continued, "You know, we vampires drink blood, right?"

Sam nodded in acknowledgmt.

"Usually, we prefer blood with more... nutrits. I've had blood from beasts, other vampires, elves, and ev dragons," she explained, her gaze fixed on Sam as she smiled. "But after coming to the human world, I could only rely on human blood, and it doesn't quite fulfill my needs. Human blood lacks spiritual ergy, and it doesn't taste that great.

Ev the so-called 'gold blood' doesn't satisfy me for long. I find myself craving blood again after just a day or two."

Amelia took a seat on one of the beds and gestured for Sam to join her. "Normally, wh I drink blood from other species, I can go without it for up to two weeks."

"But now my urges are getting stronger and stronger, and I'm scared that I might lose control soon," Amelia admitted with a pleading expression. "I can't ask just anyone for help because I have trust issues."

"You want to drink my blood?" Sam asked, his expression knowing.

"Can I?" Amelia inquired.

Sam took a momt to consider the situation, weighing the pros and cons.

He knew his vitality was exceptionally strong, ev for a dragon.

With two noble dragon bloodlines and his Primordial Chaos Dragon bloodline in the process of assimilation, his life force was remarkable.

What's more, he cultivated using various types of spiritual qi from heav and earth, which further hanced his vitality to an extraordinary level.

Seeing no problem in sharing his blood with Amelia, Sam agreed, "Fine, I'll let you drink my blood." A wide smile spread across her face at the prospect.

Before proceeding, Sam had one more question. "But first, tell me something."

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to know?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Why are you suddly asking me that?" Amelia inquired.

"You mtioned earlier that you couldn't ask for help from just anyone because you have trust issues. That's why I'm asking if you trust me."

After a momt's thought, Amelia replied, "Yes, I trust you."

Sam pressed further, "Why?"

"I've se how girls fawn over you. They practically throw themselves at you because you're incredibly handsome," Amelia explained. "And yet, you never take advantage of them. That's why I trust you."

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