The Indomitable Martial King

Chapter 21

[ Chapter 21 ]

The goat-headed demon shook its head, discharging blue lightning between its curved horns. As the demon writhed, crimson flames sprang up around it, scattering a scorching heat. Black smoke billowed incessantly from the sword in its right hand.


A monster famous for its massive size, even larger than an ogre, was spewing dark-red demonic energy without restraint. The demonic energy was so tangible that it could be seen with the naked eye. As the demonic aura washed over Stefan and his companions like a tidal wave, they all screamed.



Being wrapped in the horrifying demonic energy, fear instinctively arose. Sillan quickly prayed, protecting the minds of his companions. Thanks to him, they did not fall into panic, but they all retreated in fear. The orc slaves had already fainted, foaming at the mouth, and even knights like Todd were barely holding onto their consciousness. Sillan, being a conduit of divine power and thus more resistant to fear, was still clattering his teeth.

Stefan cried out in horror.


The demon blocking their escape was one of the highest-ranking demons among the otherworldly monsters. Upon closer inspection, chains of light bound its limbs, connected to a magic circle behind the stairs. Thanks to this, the Grelbeast was unable to attack Stefan and his group, only howling in rage.

Sir Edward assessed the situation and exclaimed.

“Argh! Was this demon the guardian of this place?”

Repenhardt frowned.

‘Huh? Why is it here?’

Ruins from the Silver Age, broken by dimensional rifts, occasionally attract beings from other dimensions with their powerful magic, absorbing them into their defense systems. Originally, this magical function was meant to supplement any deficiencies in the system itself, but a malfunction had instead captured an ‘otherworldly monster’ to fill its place.

To ordinary explorers of the Silver Age ruins, these beings guarding the ruins were feared as ‘dungeon guardians,’ but Repenhardt knew the truth. These creatures, in fact, were rather pitiful beings, kidnapped and forced to work without pay.

‘There wasn’t such a creature here last time I came.’

Suddenly, his expression hardened.

‘Ah, this is the time period before it has been defeated!’

Repenhardt pondered for a moment. Should they push through as is? This demon was no easy foe. Merged with the ruin’s system, the demon became a being far more powerful than ordinary monsters. A Grelbeast itself was a much higher-ranking demon than a Tagrel, and now as a guardian, it was emitting even more terrifying demonic energy.

Moreover, this demon was the one that had killed Sir Claude, a former Aura User, in the past. The extent of the difference in skill between himself and Sir Claude was unknown, but the mere fact that the demon had awakened its Aura meant it was not an opponent to be taken lightly.


After a brief moment of contemplation, Repenhardt cleanly decided to abandon this path.

There was nothing of value to gain from confronting the demon. If necessary, they could simply exit the way they had entered. Unlike the first and second underground levels, this area had been personally explored by them, so they were well-versed in the conditions and locations of the monsters. If they played their cards right, they could return to the surface without engaging in a single battle.

“Let’s turn back. It’s too difficult to face this creature with our current strength.”

Seeing Repenhardt suddenly revert to formal speech, Edward was puzzled. Why the change in attitude? Regardless, now was not the time to worry about such matters. As a knight of vast experience, Sir Edward could feel that the demon’s presence was extraordinary. The demonic energy it emitted was palpably different from that of a Beiter or Tagrel. Even Stefan, who usually acted without regard for the consequences, suggested looking for another exit.

For the first time, Repenhardt and Stefan’s group were in agreement. They were all ready to turn back when one of the knights, failing to read the room, shouted out.

“Your Highness, look at the sword that demon is holding!”


Stefan, puzzled, turned to where his subordinate was pointing. At that moment, he saw the longsword held by the Grelbeast and exclaimed in astonishment.

“The magic sword, Altion!”

The jewel decorating the blade, the intricate craftsmanship, and the delicate blade forged from mithril. Despite continuously emitting black smoke, it was unmistakably the treasured sword of the Altion family.

Stefan stopped in his tracks.

They had finally found what they had been so desperately seeking.


Without hesitation, Stefan drew his sword and assumed a battle stance. Sir Edward, surprised, asked.

“Your Highness? Are you planning to confront that demon?”

“Of course, isn’t it obvious?”


Sir Edward looked back at the Grelbeast. The demonic energy was still formidable. They were only safe because of the chains. Had the demon been free, they were certain they would have been annihilated in an instant.

“The opponent is too strong. Now that we’ve located it, perhaps we should return to the family and gather more forces?”

In response to the loyal concern for his lord’s safety, Stefan snapped angrily.

“What are you saying? Do you intend to simply watch as the sword of a great knight is defiled in the hands of that demon!?”

Stefan’s eyes blazed with determination. Return to the family with nothing to show? If they did that, the glory would no longer be his. Only by returning here and now with that cursed sword in hand could he truly grasp honor and glory! There was no turning back.

It was impossible to leave things as they were.

The sword must be reclaimed.

Even if it meant reaching into the clutches of certain death!

“Everyone, draw your swords!”

His commanding voice brooked no dissent among the knights. The knights hesitated. Cowards, all of them! Stefan cursed inwardly as he continued.

“That monster is chained. If it gets dangerous, we can retreat beyond its range of safety. Are you telling me you’re so cowardly that you’re afraid of an opponent that’s bound?”

Though blinded by greed, Stefan was still a competent knight. He recognized that the demon’s movements were limited by its chains. That meant they weren’t entirely without a chance!

Spurred by their lord’s call, the knights gathered courage. They readied themselves for battle, while Repenhardt tried to dissuade Edward.

“Look, do you really intend to fight that monster?”

Even if the demon was bound, lives could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye once combat began. Did he think the demon would give them a chance to run away upon recognizing the danger?

“There’s no chance of winning. Everyone might die.”

Yet, the knights’ resolve was unshaken. Edward looked pensively at Repenhardt.

“We appreciate your help. But in the end, you’re just a barbarian who knows nothing of honor.”

He muttered indifferently.

“There are things in this world more important than life itself.”

‘No, I’m saying it’s impossible to beat it.’

They couldn’t even handle a Tagrel, how were they supposed to confront this? They really wouldn’t listen to reason.

Stefan raised his sword and yelled at the knights.

“Knights of Altion. Show your bravery at the risk of your lives.”


“Magician Todd, prepare for support!”

Todd began concentrating magic in his hands. Seemingly regaining his courage now that he could stay at a safe distance and cast spells, the magician seemed ready.

“Priests of Philanence, may the Goddess’s blessing be upon us!”

Convinced by Stefan’s words, Sillan began to pray with a brave face. The knights were enveloped in the Goddess’s blessing, and a powerful magical protection settled upon their armor. In this fortified state, they courageously charged towards the Grelbeast.

“Be gone, you wicked demon!”

And Repenhardt stepped back, clicking his tongue in resignation.

‘Ah, there they go, just as I warned…’


With a valorous shout, a knight charged forward. Chained, the Grelbeast swung its massive arm in a simple but wide-reaching motion. The knight, unable to dodge in time, was struck squarely.


With a loud clanging sound, the momentum of the charge sent the knight flying backward, bouncing off the ground.

‘Oh dear, there goes another one.’

Hidden in a corner of the chamber, Repenhardt watched the knights with a pitiful gaze. The fallen knight groaned as he picked himself up. His armor was battered and dented, but it still retained its shape relatively well. This was less due to the quality of the armor and more to Sillan’s divine protection.

“You beast!”

Seeing his comrade fall, another knight charged forward with his shield raised, aiming for the Grelbeast’s back. It seemed futile. Detecting the approach, the demon whipped its thick tail like a spear, striking the knight’s shield. The shield cracked, and this knight too was sent flying.

Repenhardt scratched his cheek with a look of ‘I knew this would happen.’

‘They’re just getting pounded.’

Despite his expectations, Stefan and the other knights were holding up better than anticipated. They circled the perimeter like dogs fighting a trapped tiger, continually seeking the Grelbeast’s weak points. Unable to move from its spot, the demon could only seethe in frustration.

It seemed Stefan’s judgment wasn’t entirely wrong after all.

Stefan’s voice rose, boosting the morale of his troops.

“Do not lose your spirit! We are the knights of Altion! Even this demon is terrified of our bravery!”

The Grelbeast’s roar followed suit.


While it’s unclear why a demon would unleash such a ferocious roar if it were truly frightened, the knights were bravely confronting the Grelbeast nonetheless.

These knights, carefully selected from the Altion Marquis Family, possessed the skill to at least block the first blow, no matter how formidable the opponent. Normally, blocking the initial attack would merely disrupt their stance, making them easy targets for a follow-up. However, now, as long as they could roll away and escape the demon’s attack range, survival was possible. Freed from the immediate fear of death, this battle felt easier than facing the Tagrel.

This left Repenhardt feeling uneasy.

‘Ugh, I was hoping that young brat would just get knocked out so we could drag him out of here.’

From their conversations alone, it was easy to tell what kind of person Stefan was. No amount of explanation would make him listen. Repenhardt had planned to persuade Sir Edward to leave the place as soon as the young noble fell. Sir Edward seemed to have a more realistic sense of danger and might have listened to him.

Surprisingly, Stefan showed commendable skill in holding his own against the Grelbeast.

He moved adeptly, dodging incoming attacks and finding opportunities to strike. Positively described, he fluttered like a butterfly and stung like a bee. Negatively, he was merely pecking annoyingly. But it was clear he was managing to survive.


With a sharp cry, Stefan lunged at the Grelbeast’s left side, slicing through its thigh. A faint wound opened, bleeding. Relsia then soared to the demon’s right, targeting its head. While the Grelbeast raised an arm to block, Stefan quickly slashed at its side.

The cut seemed deep, dark blood spurted out, and the Grelbeast screamed.


Quickly creating distance and escaping beyond reach, Stefan praised his companion.

“Well done, Relsia!”

“Thank you, master!”

Repenhardt suddenly clicked his tongue in wonder.

‘That Relsia, she’s quite skilled, isn’t she?’

Aside from Stefan, she clearly seemed like the second most skilled of this group. Perhaps even more capable than Sir Edward. Moreover, their coordination was impeccable. They had obviously fought alongside each other frequently.

‘Well, if she’s that young brat’s Slayer, it makes sense.’

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