The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 202: Scored Twice

Chapter 202: Scored Twice

"Warning! All employees please pay attention, this is not a drill, and employees from all regions immediately enter the nearby safe area!"

"Complete blockade!"

"Repeat! Enter a state of total lockdown!!"

When Lu Chuang and Shadowcat walked out of the confinement room, they heard a piercing alarm bell, which quickly spread throughout the Essex laboratory, and the warning lights in the corridor flickered red.

"Looks like we've been spotted."

Shadowcat didn't panic, she had expected this scene a long time ago, and turned to look at Lu Chuang.

"What should we do next?"

"That's a good question, let me think about it."


Hearing Lu Chuang's words, Shadowcat suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Don't tell me you haven't planned anything."

Shadowcat guessed right, Lu Chuang really didn't have any plans, after all, he came here just by accident, according to Lu Chuang's original plan, as long as he got the information, he could slip away, who knew that someone would be picked up along the way.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional, I guarantee you will be fine."

Lu Chuang signaled Shadowcat not to panic, it was just changing from stealth mode to breakout mode, and he had rich experience in this situation.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from the end of the empty corridor, and the armed forces of the Essex Laboratory arrived and quickly surrounded the entire area. The nearest special operations team held an assault rifle, Come to the prison cell.

Seeing Lu Chuang and Shadowcat standing in the corridor, the special operations team collectively raised their guns and pointed them at the leader of the two, Captain Wei: "The two in front don't move, raise your hands! Otherwise we will shoot!"

"There is a problem with what you said. You want us to hold still and raise our hands. The problem is how can we raise our hands if we don't move?" Lu Chuang complained, showing no sense of tension at all.


Facing the muzzle of the black hole, Shadowcat reacted quickly and immediately grabbed Lu Chuang's arm.

Da! Da! Da! Da

Shadowcat's action instantly startled the opponent, the special operations team pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and countless bullets came, covering the positions where the two were located.

The next moment, something weird happened.

The bodies of the two seemed to be unreal, and the bullets went straight through, hitting the wall behind them all.

When the special operations team collectively emptied the magazines, Lu Chuang and Shadowcat, who were the targets, were still standing intact. Such an unscientific picture shocked the special operations team, and even forgot to change the magazines.

Without the containment of the flea collar, the Shadowcat Ability can already be used normally.

I have to say that blurring this ability is really stupid. Even if Hulk comes, facing Shadowcat is at most a 50-50 situation, and no one can kill anyone.

"Let's get out of here!"

Shadowcat knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he pulled Lu Chuang directly into the wall next to him, and the two passed through the wall without any hindrance, and disappeared into the corridor, leaving the special operations team with a ghostly look on their faces.

"What happened, and why did the alarm device go off!"

In the control room, a middle-aged man in a white coat hurried in.

His name is Roderick Can Bell, he is the high level director of the Essex laboratory, and he is also a researcher and the main person in charge of the hound project.

"Suddenly, a Mutant prisoner escaped from the cell just now. According to the surveillance in the cell, the two guards who were in charge of the injection suddenly had a dispute. One of the guards attacked the other guard and released Mutant prisoner in cell."

While speaking, the staff called up the monitoring screen of the prison room.

When Dr. Bell saw Lu Chuang untie Shadowcat's flea collar, his face became extremely gloomy. This is the Mutant he values most. Ability is of great research value, so he didn't inject Shadowcat with drugs.

And now, this important research material has escaped!

Dr. Bell pointed to Lu Chuang in the picture: "Who is this guard?"

"His name is Gera, and he has been working here for half a year."

The staff hesitated for a while and continued: "But he seems to have asked for sick leave today. The reason is that he had a whim in the bar. If he hit his head on the table, would his head hurt or the table hurt more? As a result, he suffered a concussion and was hospitalized. There was a diagnosis report from the hospital, and after investigation, it was confirmed to be true."

Dr. Cam Bell:""

How did this kind of great intelligence get into our laboratory?

Then, Dr. Bell felt something was wrong.

"Since he's on sick leave, who is this guy?"


A bald man followed Dr. Bell into the control room and said firmly.

If Lu Chuang were here, he would definitely recognize Agent Turner from Sentry's Secret Service.

Dr. Bell shook his head and denied: "Impossible, every area of our laboratory has installed a Mutant detection system, if a Mutant sneaked in here, we would have discovered it long ago.

"Nothing is impossible for Mutant."

Agent Turner looked at the surveillance screen of the confinement room, and said in a deep voice: "This ability to disguise itself as other people can also open the flea collar. In my impression, there is indeed a Mutant that can do it."

"who is it?"


"...Needless to say, I can tell that this guy is a spy."

"No, that's not what I meant."

Agent Turner explained: "Spy is the code name we gave to this Mutant. He can pretend to be other people, including appearance, body shape, voice, etc. Before, the spy was our agent who disguised himself and robbed him secretly. A criminal in transit.

"You mean the Mutant criminal who can open the portal?"


Good guy, it turned out to be a habitual offender!

Dr. Bell's eyes were full of anger, because the place where the Sentry Secret Service transferred the prisoners was their Essex laboratory.

In fact, Essex Laboratories and the Sentry Secret Service have already reached some secret cooperation.

Essex Laboratory is responsible for providing hound weapons to help Sentry Secret Service capture Mutant, and Sentry Secret Service provides Mutant, and regularly sends some Mutant criminals to Essex Laboratory, otherwise there are so many Mutant in Essex Laboratory Where do the prisoners come from? They can't catch them themselves.

In a sense, this is the second time that Lu Chuang has snatched someone from the Essex laboratory, so Dr. Bell is so angry.

At the same time, in the real-time surveillance footage, Lu Chuang and Shadowcat are moving fast, and the wall is like an illusion in front of them, unable to stop them at all. Even if the armed forces lay an ambush on the walking route in advance, they still cannot stop them Moving footsteps can't even be delayed.

"Arrange the pulse to release the Ability, and let the armed forces capture the escaped prisoner for me!"

"Remember, I want to live. As for that damn spy, if he dares to resist, allow him to be eliminated!"

Dr. Ken Bell roared loudly regardless of appearance.

Agent Turner beside him didn't speak, and stared at the surveillance screen intently.

When Lu Chuang robbed Clarice from him, that was the biggest shame in his career.

Detective Turner has always wanted to arrest Lu Chuang, but it is a pity that Lu Chuang did not leave any useful clues at that time. His identity is fake, his face is fake, and even his voice is so fake, there is nowhere to go. investigation.

Agent Turner happened to be in charge of escorting new prisoners to the Essex laboratory today.

He never expected that Lu Chuang would appear in front of him on his own initiative.

Agent Turner swore secretly.

He will never let Lu Chuang escape from him this time!

On the other side, Lu Chuang and Shadowcat are already approaching the outer area of the Essex laboratory.

As the saying goes, the line segment between two points is the shortest, the two did not choose to detour, and focused on one direction to rush.

Just as Shadowcat was pulling Lu Chuang to pass through another wall, there was a bang, and Shadowcat covered his forehead and sat on the ground.

Ignoring the pain in his head, Shadowcat didn't dare to say: "My Ability is invalid!"

Lu Chuang also hit the wall, but he was not injured, but there was a hole in the wall.

After the blessing of many super high school talents, now Lu Chuang's body has begun to develop in the direction of not being a human being.

"This is the ability to pulse."

Lu Chuang did not forget his character design, showing a sad expression: "He is a former member of our organization, and his eyes can release a special destructive interference pulse to interfere with the abilities of other Mutants. The coverage area is very large, but Not long ago, we found out that he had become a member of Project Hound."

Lu Chuang had looked for Pulse in the confinement room before, but he didn't find him. He was probably locked up in another area of the laboratory.

"If this is the case, we will be in trouble. Now I can't take you out at all."

Shadowcat realized the seriousness of the matter, and said solemnly: "We need support, how many people did you organize for this operation?"

"Not many, just me."


Shadowcat suddenly regretted coming out with Lu Chuang, now is it too late for her to go back to the cell?

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