The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood

Chapter 121:

Emergency! Emergency!  This isn’t the time to be looking at the ocean. At this rate, I’m really going to be in serious trouble!


One early morning, I let out a silent scream while covering my head. I was sitting on a train heading to Seoul. 

In other words, just a few days after arriving in Gampo, I was already on my way back home. 

‘Why aren’t they putting such important information in a more visible place!’

There was a reason why I decided to go to Seoul. Because I had just recently learned the requirements to be careful of when buying dragon lungs.

‘Damn ranking system!’

It turns out that in Korea, to purchase ‘imported items’ of Unique grade or higher, hunters must achieve a certain ranking. Specifically, the requirement for applying to import Unique-grade equipment is to be within the top 50 overall rankings.

And my current ranking that I checked late is.

[Kim Kiryeo [S] – 10th (New)]

10th place. Some may say that I’ve already met the requirements, so what’s the point of worrying? Actually, the current ranking isn’t very significant. Hunter rankings consider both innate talent and acquired effort.

‘I don’t have enough gate clearing points!’

No matter how high-ranking an awakened individual may be, if they take time off without any valid reason, they will receive significant demotion points. Moreover, if no dungeons are raided throughout the three-month period when ranking scores are calculated, it’ll definitely have a big impact even on the 10th place ranking. 

I can’t predict how far I’ll fall, though…

[Kang Changho [S] – 814th]

Looking at this guy, it’s confirmed that there’s at least no limit to how far they can fall.


So let’s summarize. I needed to maintain my rank to avoid issues when purchasing the Dragon’s Lungs in the future. To achieve this, I had to reach the minimum requirement that prevents demotion points. In other words, I had to clear 5 A-class gates…

‘Damn it!’

To be honest, it’s unfair! If I had known it would come to this, I should have brought up the issue of ranks when threatening the Association President. Why did I only discover this important clause now? Why do I have to put myself in danger just to maintain my rank?


But grumbling wouldn’t change anything. I had already taken 3 billion won from the Association President with no intention of seeing his face again. If I suddenly demanded more while doing that, I might get in trouble for being greedy. 

“I’m doomed.”

Coordination through the Association is actually inefficient. Therefore, the only remaining option is to engage in proper Hunter activities as per the regulations.


I leaned my head against the train window with a gloomy expression. Even at this moment, the scenery outside was changing rapidly. 




How can a weak Awakened person like me clear an A-rank gate? Well, I need to make the best use of my strengths.

Whether it’s knowledge about golems or my unique resistance to status ailments.

Anyway, I have to use everything that I can.

“Let’s see.”

And during the process of searching for a suitable gate where I could use these methods, I found a place that has recently become a hot topic in the media.

[Mermaid Pass]

Well, if you just look at the title, it’s pretty fairytale-like. The problem is that there are monsters inside that could trigger intense battles.


Mermaid Pass is the name of a gate that appeared this month.

However, this is where a new characteristic of Earth is revealed.


It’s January. 

It was a special month when a large number of new gates that had not been seen before appeared. The residents of this planet called this phenomenon, which was like a large-scale update of a game, ‘Cataclysm.’ Korea is currently suffering from this ‘Cataclysm.’

[(Seonhan Daily) Nationwide Siren Alert…]

To explain, the ‘Mermaid Pass’ is a gate featuring two types of water-based monsters. It has only appeared on the Korean Peninsula. However, the issue is that no one has yet managed to clear this gate, primarily due to the creatures known as ‘Sirens’ that live inside it. 

“Anyway, it’s a mess every day.”

Sirens. According to hunters who have entered the gate, these monsters are roughly like this. 

“I suddenly heard my mother’s voice from beyond the fog.”

“Well, my ideal type, the one I’ve dreamed of, is beckoning to me inside the dungeon!”

“It was a really pleasant song. I was so absorbed in listening that I lost all strength in my weapon.”

It was certain that there was a mental attack-type monster beyond the mist. In this way, all those who returned from the gate alive testified that they were possessed by something. 

‘The monster sang?’

The distant singing heard from afar was the reason why the [Mermaid Pass] gate remained unconquered. 

‘If the Sirens incapacitate their targets, the Mermen will come in to finish them off. Their division of labor is quite effective.’

Usually, the monster’s mental attack was so ineffective that it was called a ‘freeloading pattern.’ The magicians of Earth had a hard time coming to their senses due to the strong abnormality they had never experienced before. Even blocking their ears didn’t prevent the effects of the Siren’s song. 

[Expensive equipment is useless… Hunters who are troubled by Siren]

It was a truly helpless situation. But the long confusion was over.


Well, this body can destroy that Siren’s song.

‘I can’t help it. I, the archmage, will lend a hand this time, so everyone better be grateful.’ 

So, well…To summarize, I came to conquer Mermaid Pass in order to maintain my ranking. Of course, I already called a companion to catch the remaining monster, Merman.


A few minutes later.


I waved broadly at the person standing in front of the gate. The man with a shaved head turned towards me and spoke. 

“Huh! You’re already here?” 

Wait a moment. Just now, wasn’t there some white smoke coming from Yoonseung’s mouth? 


Moreover, there was an artificial scent in the air around us, almost as if… 

“Yoonseung-ah, what is that in your hand?” 


“Is it a cigarette?”

When I asked, Yoonseung awkwardly smiled and showed me his palm. He showed me what he had hurriedly hidden.

“Hahaha. Oh, uh. That… Yes. It’s an e-cigarette. I thought you would be late, so I waited alone for a moment…” 

My fist flew out at that moment.




In that brief moment, as soon as I recognized that it was a cigarette, I swatted the object away. The reflexive action was so swift that even the A-rank hunter couldn’t react properly. 

‘I… I didn’t see it…!’


When Ahn Yoon Seung was sweating from tension. The square e-cigarette made a pitiful sound and fell to the cold floor. 

“Ugh! Sorry, I didn’t realize it.”

Realizing my mistake too late, I quickly apologized. Since I touched someone else’s belongings without permission, I naturally picked them up and took responsibility for them… 

But at that moment, as I returned the item to Yoonseung, I spoke with unfocused eyes. 

“But if you smoke something like this in front of me one more time, I’ll really kill you.”

It was a sincere feeling that came from my heart. The reason I was trapped in an F-rank body was, in a way, all thanks to that trashy invention. 

“Y… Yes, yes.”

Yoonseung trembled at the harsh treatment he had experienced for the first time and said he understood. Only after lecturing him extensively on quitting did I finally begin discussing the dungeon. 


Anyway, things didn’t start off well today. I didn’t want to treat the reliable ally who came running to help me like this right from the beginning.


After a moment, I took a deep breath and said to Yoonseung. I told him that I was really grateful that he came even though I called him suddenly.

“If it weren’t for you, I would have been worried and couldn’t even enter the dungeon. Thank you.”

“No, I’m the one who should be grateful for being called! You might not know, but even though it’s temporary, this job means so much to me…!”

And unlike before, this time I officially took the role of team leader as an S-rank, but to be honest, the title didn’t carry much significance. Even though I was the team leader, I couldn’t actually choose the team members as I wanted.  

“By the way, are we going just the two of us, Hyung?” 

“No, one more person.”

Then who will be the last team member to enter the Siren conquest? Even a tiger will come if I call it. Soon enough, a familiar Awakened individual appeared from the opposite side of the road. 

A noticeably large physique. Exotic facial features. And those green eyes that he got by tearing apart a dragon.


Yeah. I will be working with this S-class today.

“Hunter Kang Changho.”

I want to go home already.


Kang Changho hasn’t been in a good mood lately. It was natural—anyone would be upset if they were deceived by someone else.

[(Breaking News) Korea, 4th S-class Appearance!]

Honestly, Kang Changho was still half-believing until he saw the rumors on the internet. In addition, in the subsequent call, he strongly denied that he was S-class, so he let it slide. But who would have thought that the contractor he trusted would hit him in the back of the head like this? 


Kang Changho tilted his head as he watched the association’s announcement on TV. At that moment, only one thought crossed his mind. 

“What kind of guy is he?”

What kind of guy is Kim Kiryeo?

Back to the present situation. As mentioned, Kang Changho hasn’t been in a good mood lately. He couldn’t figure out why that young man with the dyed yellow hair had lied.In the first place, if he was S-class, he wouldn’t need anyone’s protection, so he couldn’t understand why he accepted such a contract.

‘What’s his intention?’

At this point, he wanted to open up the opponent’s head and see what was inside.

But soon, Kang Changho calmed down. After all, he had already achieved his goal. 

‘That’s strange. No matter how much of an S-rank they are… they can’t break the Knight’s Oath. Never. I even confirmed it with my own eyes.’

Kang Changho eventually decided to just wait and observe for now. At the moment, there was no other way.

Besides, it worked out perfectly. He had plenty of money, immense strength, and even an abundance of time. In this era of dungeon shocks, there wasn’t much in his life that could truly be called a hardship. 

‘I guess I’ll just watch for the time being.’

He was feeling a bit fed up with his uneven life, and at some point, he felt like killing time with a unique hunter he hadn’t met in a long time.

Boredom. To relieve boredom. 

It was as if he was saying he forgave the deceptions he had suffered for rather trivial reasons. But when he thinks about it, the other person’s position is probably not much different. 

Kim Kiryeo.

The man standing before his eyes was a strong man who far surpassed the existing human race…

‘This is Korea’s 4th.’

Could it be that he also can’t control the overflowing leisure characteristic of S-class? Is that why he always does such unpredictable things?

Kang Changho closed his eyes with a brief guess. 


Why were there two S-classes in one hunter team?

The truth was simple. When Kim Kiryeo reported his entry into the Blue Gate with Ahn Yoonseung, Kang Changho had suddenly felt curious and insisted on accompanying them. 

‘Damn it! I gave permission several times not to come according to the contract, but he’s following me like this…’

Thanks to that, the three of them were now stuck in the worst possible three-way confrontation.

“K, Kang Changho. How have you been?” 

Kiryeo cautiously tried to break the ice, but the response he got back was rather fierce.

“More than you.”

Kang Changho, who had briefly taken his eyes off the contractor who had been involved in an accident without saying a word, looked at him displeased. What followed was a sharp sarcasm.

“Anyway, thanks for letting me join today. Although you’re ‘S-rank,’ so you probably don’t need any help. Still, a contract is a contract.” 


“Oh, but I might end up being a hindrance. After all, our Hunter Kim Kiryeo is a remarkable person who deals with ‘S-rank’ monsters all by himself.” 

At this point, it’s almost like he’s laughing and cursing.

“I’m already worried about whether I can keep up with your level.” 

Kang Changho, who had accumulated a lot of frustration, overtly emphasized the fact that the other party was an S-rank powerhouse and criticized him once again. 


However, at this moment, Ahn Yoonseung’s eyes actually sparkled in response to Kang Changho’s comments. 

“Hyung-nim, you’ve been recognized even among S-rankers like this…!” 

The alien just looked at the A-class with a cloudy face. He didn’t say anything in response. Now, even minor corrections were annoying.

“Shall we start heading out?”

He quickly moved to finish this painful team as soon as possible.

To be exact, to Mermaid Pass.

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