The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 25: Prelude to battle

"So, how did I do?" I said to my surroundings. It was silent for a moment before the stalkers large 3 digit finger grasped my shoulder. "You fought excellently the prey which you killed was beyond equal for your current strength. Your smarts and instincts are what allowed victory. As expected of my future mate."

I continued to stare at the dead jungle cat before me stroking its dead body in contemplation. Its said you form a sort of bond when you engage with something in a fight to the death and I truly felt close to this being.

"Where's Orchid." I asked looking around finally "Ah yes my apologies Apollo, I still have her signature blocked off to you, here." When she said that, Orchid suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the beast looking at me with eyes full of pride and a hint of sadness from her reading my emotions.

Although she was confused as to why I was feeling sad over this prey, she didn't comment only be here for me.

A few minutes later I got up and declared with steel "I want her biomass preserved this creature is mine and as a hunter I need to honour her the best way a can when we return home." The stalker walked by me and crouched down next to the beast. "I shall devour It myself if it pleases you that way it will no be mixed with others."

As I nodded to her, she turned to the beast and unhinged her mouth three ways and her large mandibles were now on display. Turning back to Orchid while the feast was going on behind me I had to ask. "So who's idea was the ambush? It felt very well planned." "The ambush was a whole decision.

The queen noticed that in our sector a few of the vanguard warriors were killed by something nearby as such, when the stalker variant found it and assessed its strength and relayed it to us we decided It would be a good way to lessen your nerves for the rest of the upcoming fight. She hid our presence from it so it would feel confident in attacking you.

We are sorry if we upset you however that was never our intention."

I mulled over her answer for a second before replying "Its fine, the creature would have been killed anyway by the conquest I'm just glad I was the one who killed in so I can honour her when we get home, anyway enough feeling sorry for myself lets press on towards the Ker'mins, I don't like the sound of those barrages so close."

Since the stalker practically hoovered down the beast, we left straight away and continued to push through the jungle. It didn't take long until the foliage dissipated and before us was an elegant cityscape. Building tall and small made in a unique cylindrical style scattered over every square inch of it.

I could imagine the city bustling with Ker'mins coming to and fro going on on with their daily lives. Now however, the outskirts looked like an urban wasteland.

The Ker'mins had used and are continuing to use fire bombs to hinder the advance of the hive from entering this city and those in the outer regions were either 'cruelly' killed by the invasive bugs or 'mercifully' killed by their cleansing fire as a sacrifice so the rest of the cities inhabitants have a chance to organise a defence.

Not to far from the front lines I spotted 2 figures, a psionic agitator and a freethinker. I walked at a brisk pace towards them. Upon arrival I stroked the large leg of the freethinker and linked "What's the situation." the freethinker was having a hard time not releasing her pheromones but still calmy responded.

"The preys fire rain should stop shortly this is their basic counter defence strategy the majority of their elites reserves are located on the other side of the city distracted by a larger force we expect heavy firepower from their side once we resume the hunt."

Listening to the freethinkers report gave me an idea. As I was thinking of the details I had not realised I was still stroking her long spiked leg making it go weak at the joints.

Orchid was watching on the side lines with a frown on her face. She didn't trust other freethinkers around her beloved. Although she knew Apollo was mate to the whole hive, Her freedoms allowed her to gain possessiveness as a trait since she is basically her own being now and does not like others who she was once like around him.

It doesn't help that Apollo's boon amplifies those feelings almost infinitely.

After a short while scheming I relayed to all present my plan. "So the freethinker here said we expect heavy firepower correct?

What if I lead the charge with my armoured warrior in their shield wall while the rest of the forces follow closely, while those at the back would still be able to get shot at the elite will be closest and should be safe and when we are close enough we strike hard like a battering ram and make a hug breach in their battle line."

The agitator respectfully cut me out of the link for a moment. They are probably going over the benefits and costs and a thousand words per second. While my mind defences are strong enough to be able to hear all that mumbo jumbo now, I would still get a major headache from all the communications in such a short time.

After only a short moment I was re established to the link and the agitator told me the results of their collective thinking. "This one has decided to agree with your strategy Apollo-mate.

Although we usually send in the warrior caste first the draw the enemies projectiles then send in the elites, With the unique gene-Variants we have here and the stalker gene-caste your proposal of the elite becoming this 'battering ram' you have thought of and decimate their forces from behind. Also here."

After agreeing to my plan the agitator regurgitated some biomass onto the floor in front of me. I was pulling the most confused face I have ever done but that couldn't be seen through my helmet. luckily for me Orchid came to the rescue and answered my query.

"Feed the biomass to the centre Psionic sphere on your chest plate and it will repair the damage to your armour" I raised my eyebrows at this remark 'that is a handy feature.' I thought, but it did make sense this power armour is technically alive so a good luncheon should get it back into tip top shape.

Using my telekinesis as I did not want to touch the big ball of wet alien meat, I brought it up to the centre sphere. As it made contact the part that did just started dissipating as the sphere hummed an even deeper purple. I supposed that the raw psionic energy was sapping the nutrients from the corporeal matter then when it had no use destroyed what was left.

It was a very intriguing phenomenon one I will continue to study later but for now, with the suit repairing before my eyes I started preparing for my upcoming attack.

Ker'Mon'Ard was furious. He had just been given temporary leave after fighting against swarm fleet heron for two years straight to come back to his home planet to visit his 42 offspring who were here. It was supposed to be a relaxing time in king like status as they tended to his every need as the spawnlets should.

Instead a new undocumented swarm fleet has appeared in this sector of space when an attack had not occurred here in over 17 years.

His position in the navy was high enough that he had permission to take over the east sector of the cities defence. He was currently inside of a suit of scout power armour. The heavy stuff was currently deployed on the west and south as the swarms were seemingly endless over there. Staring out into the Fire covered ruins he had a bad premonition.

Not being superstitious though he gave a short speech to the nearby defensive forces.

"Listen up! I know an invasion of this magnitude is a frightening sight to behold, but we must hold on! In my estimations we Have 12 hours before any semblance of reinforcements will arrive from nearby sectors but fear not the swarm may be vast but they are predictable. The tactic of sending their fodder towards us will not work here our defensive line is strong.

incendiary artillery will periodically bombard their frontlines breaking up the tides allowing us to resupply and re organise. These bugs are no threat. We Will destroy them like we destroy a nice bowl of dranaut on the weekends! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!"

After the short speech the Ker'mins morale was greatly boosted and were ready to take on anything the swarm could throw their way...

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