The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 19: First kiss

Around 5 years has passed since I bonded with my sword. I decided to name her Zircon after the beautiful blue psionic energy she hums out.

I was currently duelling Orchid. We had made it a daily thing about 2 years ago after I had 'mastered' basic training. Not that training can ever be mastered. Noticing my current nostalgia, Orchid took advantage of my mistake and kicked me across the room. I landed face first into the wall and broke my nose. "Son of a-" *snap* Snapping it back into place, Orchid walked over and said "Are you ok dear?

Its not like you to get distracted and leave such an easy opening during a spar." "Yeah I'm fine, I just started feeling a bit nostalgic for some reason I don't know what came over me."

We decided to end sparring early today to lounge and practise some psionic abilities. A few hours later, Orchid turned to me and said "Are you hungry at all all dear?" I flinched at those words as I was going to discuss changes with my current diet with her. I was going to turn 12 in a couple of days thats too old to still be fed the way I am.

On top of the fact that I started puberty early last year and was already 5ft8 it had to stop.

"Orchid a long time ago I asked you and Jewel to stop feeding me the way you do, now that my 12th year is coming up, I promised myself I would stop feeding from you as I am no longer a child."

Orchid paused at me for a while before water started to secrete from her eyes she tried to wipe it away but more kept coming. She didn't know why her eyes were leaking as they have never done before, but she was feeling sad. This was all she knew. Her love no longer wanted her sustenance.

She understood why, the hive had eaten enough prey species to know that most don't feed their spawn from themselves for as long as she had fed her mate. But she still felt this sadness as she knew she could not convince him as she had done last time to continue and burst into tears.

I did nothing but hold her in my embrace at the sight of her crying. It hurt me deeply that she was as I had never seen her do it before. But I'm not going to attempt to fix it, she just needs to process her emotions all I can do is hold her and support her.

20 minutes of sniffling later, Orchid stammered out. "O-Orchid is very sorry for the outburst she has just went through dear Apollo, I hope you can forgive me." With that I hugged her tighter "Don't be silly my love, there's nothing to forgive." Deciding to to something I was not planning on doing for a few more years I grabbed Orchids chin gently.

"look here." and planted a tender kiss on her rosy pink lips. There was no lust clouding the emotions of the kiss, just pure feelings of love, care and understanding.

After parting Orchid just stared at me a while eyes bulging with a flurry of emotions. She understood what a kiss was and she understood why it felt so amazing. She felt many amazing emotion so many that if one in particular didn't hold her back she would attack her mate there and then, but that one emotion was dread.

Not dread at her love, goodness no she felt like 200 Orchids right now, dread at the notion that she broke her promise to the queen. She was given clear instructions that the queen was to be the first to receive Apollo's affections once she had her new body. She was afraid of the queens reaction to the knowledge that Orchid got her mates first affection over her.

Noticing that Orchids eyes were bulging still I quipped "I had a feeling the kiss was going to be good but not that good."

Huh? Realising she had just been staring at her mate she brushed off the dread she was feeling and hugged my gene-enhanced body to the point my bones almost broke she exclaimed.

"The kiss was wonderful dear I want to do it 10,000 more times it felt so good." Catching herself before falling to far down the prey hole she said "But you said you wish to change what you eat no problem Orchid will find a solution."

A few hours later, I was sprawled out on my back with my bed bug acting as a pillow. I was watching a ongoing invasion on my bio-pad through a psionic agitators relapse it was around 12 seconds behind the actual battle itself but I was trying to give my own advice to it. Apparently the battle for this planet has been going on for 6 months.

The defenders are the same yellow aliens I usually watch, the Ker'mins in their language. The Ker'mins are a multiple galaxy expanding race and have been the hives main food source for the last century. The Ker'mins are on average 6ft. They appear to be naked but on closer inspection they wear a special clothing that they integrate into their Epidermis for the ability to control it.

They are humanoid in body proportions and their heads are rounded with pointed ears, no nose and a pair of green eyes. They reach maturity in 3 years and lay frog-spawn like eggs in the hundreds. Its the closest the hive has ever gotten to a farm of sorts there's just so many of them. Of course there's more hive, but they don't know that.

As a matter of fact, no-one knows where the hive Originates from. Most species have invented some form of anti paradox field on their ships which allow FTL.

Its these type of devices which can be traced by very, very distant galaxies easily and Therefore the hives home system with its lack of technology and its rather unimpressive 3 brown stars does not even begin to seem like a habitable solar system, therefore is completely ignored.

While giving the agitator some advice to attack a left bunker type building as they have repeatedly ran out of ammunition every 12 minutes for 45 seconds each time. I was interrupted by something landing on my chest.

looking away from the pad, before me was a... block of meat? looking to me left at the smiling Orchid I asked "so I take it this is my new food?" "Yes Apollo-dear.

Although not nearly as efficient as my milk, your enhanced body will get all the nutrition it needs from one of these a day." Hmm not bad, I thought she would try to stall a little bit but it seems she is ok with my separation from her bosom. I went to take a bite but before I did I decided to ask her. "This doesn't contain anything I would consider a sentient race right?

I may be ok with you lot munching down on any Jim or Jane, but I do not fancy myself a cannibal." Orchid looked away for a moment before taking the meat block back." "I- I'll have this one Apollo-dear just in case I will go get you another one with what you consider animal prey."

Letting out a chuckle at her dashing away I recalled I've never seen her eat as she always does so whilst I'm asleep and then she does not have to for multiple days because of how perfectly made her body is.

Looking back at the pad I was greeted with a wall of fire in the distance from the agitators Point of view. "What happened?" I spoke into the pad which then entered the whole hives connection before getting to the agitator as my psionic telepathy was not powerful enough to go that far. I'm only an augmented human after all.

"This one attempted your strategy Apollo-mate it was successful, but the prey considered this a place of extreme importance and used their fire explosives to hold us back and are now reinforcing the area with their powered suits. The benefits of this strategy has outweighed the costs of the drones and warriors deaths as this one can now attack with the elite caste against their powered suits.

Weakening their defence. Well done Apollo-mate."

I pondered for a moment 'hmmm my goal was to puncture through and cause an entrapment. I did not take into consideration artillery support to halt the advance... Still I'm glad I've learnt something.

Orchid came back shortly after and confirmed only what I considered animals were in this meat block. It did not really taste like anything, but I was not bothered.

As I was eating Orchid decided to be cheeky. "So tell Orchid dear, now that you no longer wish to consume your nutrients from my breasts should I remove them and replace the space with just a thicker armour.

Spitting out my food that I was chewing out I shouted.


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