The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 16: Training begins

Another year has passed and my gene enhancement were going well. I had decided to pace them out slowly as there was no rush to do so. I have no enemies or dire circumstances so the cautious scientist in me always tested my enhancements many times to make sure they were beyond what I consider perfect.

Almost every part of my body has been enhanced. my blood now clotted much quicker when exposed to air in case of injury.

injuries themselves have an increased healing factor my bones ,which were already strong compared to humans due to the gravity of the planet and my Gyrokinesis, became stronger able to take a lot more strain And my muscles, although now that defined yet as I was only 6, were stronger per pound compared to healthy human 15 year old.

The only thing I have not enhanced is my brain. Orchid said to me that due to my powerful Psionic power my mind was always altering my brain and any enhancements I made to it could be seen as an attack and have dire consequences.

Jewel is still in autopilot mode apparently my remark about mixing psionic and matter is feasible to her and is pretty much overclocking her hive brain which considering that again her brains capacity is essentially as far as hive can get and that is pretty big, and its still taking this long shows how hard it must be.

Over the past year my fascination with watching hive attacks on the bio-pad has drastically increased when I'm not training my mind with another psionic agitator, as jewel is currently indisposed, I'm learning all sorts of battle strategies and tactics offensive and defensive both from the memories.

even though the hive can take over whole planets with swarm tactics, I'd wager if I was on the frontlines with them and had a small elite contingent that I personally controlled, I would be able to take out strong resistances fast and allow the rest of the hive an easier time overall in that area.

but as I currently am right now, id probably die the second I stepped foot on a battlefield. Sure like I said my tactical know how is growing by the day but my actual combat experience? zilch. However that was going to change very soon. For you see while I have been engrossed in overall war tactics, Orchids has been learning everything she can about bipedal combat.

since she can think around 20x faster than I can when she is linked to the hive, she's been conversing with other freethinkers, telling them to retain certain surface memories from their prey about how to better fight.

Speaking of the 6ft6 beaut' I was so engrossed in my bio-pad time I had not realised she had made me the little spoon on my bed. "Orchid, why have you wrapped yourself around me?" letting out a small giggle before relaying through the link "Orchid has been here for 20 minutes dear Apollo Orchid was going to tell you something but you were in analysis frenzy and Orchid was enjoying watching"

intrigued by her words I followed up "Oh? What is it my hug bug wishes to tell me." I made a mistake. Orchids grip on me tightened. "nothing Apollo-mate your hug bug is here to do its job."

Orchid wasted, not in her eyes, another 2 hours not letting me go before she finally decided to tell me what she was going to after I pleaded for the 20th time. "You asked Orchid to let you know when she is ready to teach biped combat. Orchid is now ready to do so" I let out a small smile at this. Finally. "so can we start now or are going to continue to suffocate me?" I was overly excited.

sometimes the hormones in my kid body really do make me act like one its involuntary. I think.

"Not now Apollo-mate you should get some rest you know you can stay up longer now due to your enhancements but you are still growing and need sleep." sighing but without fuss I went to sleep. it took longer than usual as I was excited but I at some point drifted off.

When I awoke Orchid was still grappling me. It took 10 minutes to get her off me and although I was excited about my combat training I still trained for 2 hours with a Psionic agitator to bolster my mind defences before my training with Orchid.

Walking back to my room, as the agitator cant get past the queen guard, I notice Orchid waiting for me in each hand she is wielding 2 white swords. they are both serrated towards to bottom half and the top half is sharp with a slight curve. all in all those blades can mess someone up.

"nice swords Orchid, they remind me of your old scythes." I commented "yes Apollo-mate that is what Orchid was going for. Although this new body is one I cherish dearly, a reminder of what I once was is nice." nodding my head in agreement I understood where she came from I used to have an old body now if I could remember anything about it I would try to draw some inspiration from it.

like a homage to who I once was.

"So what's the plan madam? straight to swords?" Orchid let out a small giggle before responding "while it would be amusing watching you spin your sword around, you would most likely injure yourself. No we will start with basic moving techniques then followed with hand to hand training then basic sword patterns." "sounds easy enough lets get started." I quipped

It wasn't. I thought basic moving techniques would be a breeze but as a novice they are quite problematic. changing the entire way you move doesn't happen right away. you can do it for a short while. front leg slightly forward with back leg back foot facing 90 degrees away from body with both legs having a slight bend. the goal is to keep Orchid directly in front of me while she moves unpredictably.

while at first its a bit easy you body forgets and goes back into its 'normal way' of movement and messes the whole thing up. now my body is currently enhanced so my bodies reflexes are changing at a fast pace but every time I'm getting a little better Orchid changes how she moves. this can make me stumble or confused and makes me fail.

We continued to go at it for hours. my body gleaming in sweat. Although tiring I was enjoying every second of it. its like my body was craving it.

All these enhancements and nothing to do with them. well no longer my body was getting its fix. I could now somewhat consistently follow Orchids basic movements after a while when she was satisfied with my progress she stopped. "Well done Apollo dear. you are a quick learner it takes pray of your age much longer to get those basics down. as expected of our mate.

now come and eat to get your energy back. Orchids chest armour melded back into her body and her D sized breasts came into view, rolling my eyes I walked over and dug in. I was going to stop feeding from her and Jewel a while ago but firstly, they would not let me eat or drink anything else and secondly, I later decided to just stop when I hit puberty.

it is a super food after all and I currently see it as nothing more than getting my nutrition in a rather convenient way.

Orchid on the other hand does not. as i was drinking away from her doll pink nipple, one of her hands was covering her mouth doing her best to stifle her moans. Orchid it would seem has developed a feeding kink she would get all hot and bothered for about 30 minutes after. when Jewel was still operational she did not have this same tendency.

maybe it was because she was still in her giant body but she only got enjoyment out of feeding me her love, not horny like the creature commonly known as Orchid.

After my meal I stepped away from Orchid, I felt 100% again. super food indeed but Orchids legs were bent in slightly for obvious reasons. she thought she was really sneaky at hiding her state as I've never called her out on it... she was not.

"I'm still not quite ready to carry on yet Orchid how about a 30 minute break" I said giving her a chance to recover. Orchids eyes gleamed at my remark "Of course dear Apollo if that's what you need I will just wait over there" she said in a tent pitching tone before walking to the other side of the room. I let out a soft chuckle as I watched her waddle away.

'Come on Orchid get yourself together, your lucky your love hasn't noticed or you would get hit with the stick again.'

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