The Hero Proposed to Me

Chapter 5

Ten or eight, were both still kids but Louis treats me like a baby just because hes two years older than me. The only good thing about him was that he had dark hair after our grandmother like Clara. Although he was a prankster, Clara was able to melt into our family thanks to him. It was time to talk to him about it.

You know what?


Clara was adopted. Did you know that?

Huh, Im sorry to burst your bubble but I knew this way before you. But if I did tell him that I knew, he was sure to ask and probe so I acted as if I didnt know.

What do you mean? Claras my sister.

Huh, you dont understand a thing. Shes adopted. Adopted.

He must want to make me angry since he was repeating his words. I knew one thing was for sure.


So she didnt come from mom and dad.

Louis didnt mean anything ill towards Clara. He was just jealous of me and Claras relationship.

But, I had one last card up my sleeve. Pretending not to know anything. Even if I did understand, I would pretend like I didnt and make the other person frustrated.

What do you mean that she didnt come from mom and dad?

So mom wasnt pregnant with her.

I dont understand what you are saying.

Keep on talking. I pretended not to know and Louis said again in a frustrated voice.

Come on. So Clara has different parents. Like different parents from our brothers.

Of course not brothers. My sister and I are sisters. You are brothers.

Louis turned red with anger. I took this opportunity to laugh and stomp on Louiss foot.

Whoops, sorry Louis.

It was on purpose. He couldnt tell dad or our brothers because then hed have to explain everything. It was one of my secret hobbies, making fun of Louis. Meanwhile, Clara was dancing with someone else but the hero was nowhere to be seen.

What are you looking for?

Nothing. I want to stop dancing now.

Thanks sis.

Louis happily let me go and grabbed his swollen foot. Walking away from my brothers, I wandered around looking for the hero.

Where did he go?

I was planning to check where Alex was and bring Clara to her. I ran around the house ecstatically. But huh, where was this guy? The Valentine house was too large for an eight year old to cover and my magic staff was taken away from me until I had more control over my magic.

To make matters worse, I was wearing high heels so I became winded after only a few minutes. If I meet my second brother now, I wouldnt have another chance for a few years.

Ciel, where are you!

Izark could sometimes be annoying, like times like this. He swooned all the ladies but he only looked at me. I hid behind people until he was gone and continued my search for Alex.

But he was nowhere to be found. The only place I hadnt looked was the garden. It was dangerous, but I had no other choice.

Do I really need to do this?

I went to the open terrace and tied the curtains to the pillar. After checking a few times to see if the rope was tight, I went down carefully.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Im not much of an athletic person. I fell down and hit the gra.s.s. Ouch, my back. I never thought that I would be doing this. I just hope Clara knew what Ive done for her.

Whos there?

A familiar voice said.

I finally found him. The prince.

Although his voice was a bit low to be a regular boys voice, he had a certain aura that made him look old for his age. I didnt want to look like I just fell down a rope so I dusted off the dirt on my dress and greeted him.

h.e.l.lo, Your Highness. Its Lady Ciel Valentine.

What are you doing here at this time?

Huh, that was direct. Also, what could I do about that voice that makes him look so old?

He would be much colder once he became older but for now, I had nothing to worry aboutmuch. I didnt want to look guilty so I tried to think of an explanation.

I fell off the terrace. Im lost, can you take me to my sister?

Lost at your own house?

Alex proceeded to stare at the curtain which I had forgotten to hide. I was already caught but I decided to bluff it out.

Um, yeah. I ran away from my brother because I wanted to see my sister.

You must really like her.

Yes, thats it. I really like her so please dont kill me. I decided to talk a bit about Clara just to change the topic.

Shes really kind. And you can see that shes really pretty. Shes going to be a great bride one day.

I heard that she was adopted, you dont seem to have anything against that.

I was surprised that he would speak so freely about a sensitive topic like that but he seemed to know everything. Typical of the hero, would you like a clap on the back?

Judging from his att.i.tude he didnt seem to like me. I didnt know what he didnt like about me but I decided to suck it up. I had to show Alex that I didnt hate my sister so that he wouldnt kill me.

But I like my sister the most. Im going to marry her.

The best part about being a kid is that you can say anything. Alex laughed coldly.

Its going to be quite hard, marrying your sister.

I know I cant.

The innocent kid route didnt seem to work, so I decided to try a different one. The important thing for me was my sister and Alex to get together so I decided to talk about her again.

But still, I like her the most. Shes better than any man out there.

It was half joking and half serious. But it was true, no man had caught my eye yet. Of course, there were a lot of handsome men but unfortunately they were all family, except for Louis. Louis wasnt handsome, he was just cute to me.

Huh, it would be better living alone. I would still be rich and have some magic in me. If my sister has a baby, Id take care of her and my life plan would be complete.

I want her to be happy.

Alexs face didnt change a bit as he was listening to me.

He suddenly said.

So, are you saying that your sister isnt happy right now?

Huh, who knows. I wasnt Clara but if I was, I wouldnt be happy. Everyone only liked me and Clara was always second.

It was quite surprising that a kid would ask this kind of question. I decided to respond with silence. I tapped my sore legs and looked at the sky.

Whats the matter?

My legs hurt, I cant walk.

My shoes were for kids but that didnt mean that it didnt hurt. I wasnt lying.


Can you piggyback me to the party room?

I had no other choice. I had to make the prince meet Clara so that they would remember each other when they met again.

You want me to piggyback you?

Alex didnt seem to like the idea so I decided to encourage him a bit.

My legs. I cant move a bit.

Youre a pain.

I got mad because my brothers would do everything for me, whether I liked it or not.

You dont have to if you dont want to.

I was considering walking back by myself when Alex came in front of me and kneeled down.

Your Highness?

Get on my back.

Things were going so well for me.

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