The Hero Proposed to Me

Chapter 15

Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? Just say no. Whats so hard about that? Why do you always end up treated like that?

Even after hearing my harsh criticism, she laughed rather than getting angry at me once. My sister, who couldnt say no to any demand and lived like a fool all her life, ended up caught in a fire accident and died because she accepted to change shifts like she always did since she was in school.

At first, she had escaped safely but when she heard there were people trapped inside, she ran back in.

I was amazed at the survivors words. If she had stayed, she would have saved her life, but my sister, who foolishly jumped into the fire scene, saved the lives of more than 10 people.

Among them, there was an old man and a five-year-old girl. I couldnt smile, even after leaving behind those who cried because of the joy of their precious family returning.

After saving so many people, my sister couldnt escape from the huge flames.

I dont think I can get back home. Im sorry.

Only messages that could not be sent were left intact on my sisters phone, which was discovered after.

Im not curious about why I came into this book. I no longer exist over there.

However, one thing I realized is that I dont want to have the same regrets again.


Yes, family. My sister is my precious family.

Just as Clara cared about me in place of her lost brother, I was also looking for traces of my sister who died in Clara.

If I had known it would be like this, I wouldnt have been so hard on my sister by asking why she lived like such a fool.

I didnt mean to make you cry.

Tears streamed down my cheeks before I knew it. I thought I had forgotten about it already, but the traces of my sister still seemed to remain somewhere in my mind.

I told you. I like my sister the most in the world.

Im sorry I couldnt tell you when I was alive.

PR/N: Shes talking about her real sister and Im- :davscry:

QC/N: (`)

Knowing that it would not be passed on, I recited the words that have become a habit now.

Alex seemed quite embarrassed by me suddenly bursting into tears. He rummaged inside his pocket for something, took out a handkerchief, and stuck it out to me.

Use this to wipe your tears.

I didnt mean to show you this. No matter how pretty Ciel is, when her eyes are swollen, she looks a bit ridiculous, so I pressed my eyes hard to wipe my tears.

Give it to me.

Perhaps I wasnt doing it right, but Alex took away my handkerchief and wiped my teary face.

Its a poor performance, but it was better than what I did.

Thank you, Your Grace.

Im sorry.


Ive misunderstood thinking that you were being hypocritical to look good in front of me. Ill take this opportunity to apologize.

I was stunned by his tone that sounded as mature as I was.

Hypocrisy. Well, it could look like that. He, who was hurt by the Empress, wont be able to understand my mind easily.

I dont even want you to know how I feel. As long as this relationship doesnt get worse, thats enough.

You really feel sorry, dont you?


You didnt expect me to ask you this again, did you?

If your Highness says so, I cant help it. I have no choice but to understand with a broad mind.

I stuck out my tongue slightly, saying it as if I was deliberately teasing him. Its not bad to add another debt like this. The more insurance, the better.

You must want something from me.

Just like I said earlier. From what I heard from my brothers, I thought that the Prince was in a difficult situation.

Do you want me to protect your sister instead?

I nodded my head quietly. Even the Empress cant do anything to me, Valentines legitimate daughter, but Clara is different.

Even though shes Valentines daughter, shes still a foster daughter in an Empire with a strong status system. Moreover, her ability to grow herbs makes money. Above all, she has a pushover personality, so she is bound to get involved in some kind of accident.

Thats the way it is. Adults look at me first when we stand side by side. They dont even look at my sister.

She must be hurt.

Its so strange to me, and Im a child, why dont adults know that?

Alex stared at me without saying anything. I was wondering why he had such sad eyes and suddenly realized it.

Clara and Alex got closer because the two were in a similar situation.

Like Clara, who was bullied in the Valentines family, Alex was holding out alone with the harassment of the Empress and her ministers.

Alex was attracted to Clara because he saw himself in Clara, who was bullied endlessly.

It feels like by taking Claras side, I accidentally took Alexs side too.

Your Highness?

The more I see it, the more I cant believe youre only ten years old.

Gina: yes, shes ten. Dont be a pervert dude.

Yeah, I dont believe youre 14, you old man. I dont know who will catch whose faults, but I decided not to hide my true self in front of Alex.

So lets make a deal. If the Valentine family cant help her, Your Highness will protect my sister.

Its a deal.

At least I dont think Empress Lotte will treat my sister properly.

Even the Emperors only son, Alex, is often bullied by the Empress, who took great pride in the fact that she is a legitimate descendant of the Imperial family.

When Alex was still a child, she didnt hesitate to slander him, talking about how he came from the belly of an unknown woman.

She was sorry she couldnt do anything as long as the temple admitted him, but anyway, the Empress always judges people by their status, so its clear that Clara will be in trouble more than once even if we dont encourage her.

Its late, but Ill show you the Palace.

Alex offered to escort me without waiting for a positive or negative answer. I didnt answer clearly, but it was definitely a positive sign.

Thats right. You said youd guide me through the Palace, but instead, you made me cry; the Prince is a bad person.

Alex looked down at me and burst out laughing for some reason.

Come to think of it, its my first time seeing him smile. I didnt realize it because he always had an icy face.

Looking at it like this, his smiling face was also very pretty.

4. Proposal

Alex couldnt take his eyes off Ciel, who was holding his hand and walking calmly.

Its amazing.

The more he saw her, the stranger she was. Ciel was the precious daughter of a Duke who seemed to have nothing to do with trouble or hardship.

He never imagined that the word deal would come out from the mouth of the precious lady.

As far as he knows, Ciel has never lost her family. Nevertheless, Alex was upset when he saw Ciel understanding the pain of others.

I envy your sister.

It would have been nice if he had a younger brother like this. But Ciel couldnt understand what he said, so she made an absurd remark.

Of course. My sister should be pretty and smart.

He didnt mean it like that, but theres no reason to refute it. He calmly showed her around the Palace, leaving her to think as she pleased.

This is a newly remodeled music room.

Wow, thats so cool.

Starting with the white grand piano, there were various kinds of instruments lined up. Ciel looked around curiously and asked Alex.

Can you play an instrument, Your Highness?

I know how to play the violin.

Even though he learned enough to be cultured, he had never shown it to anyone except his teacher because he didnt want to appear to be lacking.

You never know what kind of trouble youll get in if you make a mistake.

Can you play for me?

You want to hear it?

Yes, I want to see Your Highness play.

Ciel sat down on the piano bench with her eyes shining brightly.

It is difficult to refuse her request, as it requires Valentines cooperation to officially become the Crown Prince.

I cant help it. I have no choice but to play it.

Wait a moment, sit down while I tune.

He handed a chair to his small audience and took out his favorite violin from the instrument box. After checking the notes, Alex asked with a serious face.

Is there a song you want to listen to?

Ciel shook her head. Alex chose the song he was most confident in because she didnt seem to have a particular song she wanted to listen to. He picked up the bow lightly and caught the first note.

Lets get started.

Early in the morning, the girl quietly closed her eyes and fell in love with the warm, fluttering melody that was as soft as a mountain bird chirping.

Apparently, the name of the song was written to commemorate the greeting of love and the engagement of lovers.

A beautiful melody filled the room. Ciel listened to his performance without taking a single breath.

On a warm sunny afternoon, at least this space was as peaceful as if time had stopped.

The melody stopped when the performance reached its climax and the note reached its peak. The performance ended with a fine melody.

There was a pause. Only after Alex put down his bow did Ciel open her eyes. Clear eyes filled with greenery shone.

That was truly amazing.

Ciel got up from her seat and applauded Alex.

He missed a few beats in the middle, but Ciel didnt seem to have noticed anything like that.

How can you play such a beautiful performance? Youre amazing!

The enthusiastic response that was more than expected made him feel embarrassed and his face burned up. Feeling shy, he turned away.

What instrument are you learning?

Piano. If I improve, I think itd be nice if we could play together.

I look forward to it.

He felt good about the compliments that poured out even though he knew it was something said without meaning.

Alex glanced at Ciel. Then he recalled her proposal again.

To draw the Duke of Valentines cooperation, marriage is the surest means for the alliance. Alex came to a quick conclusion, as even the Emperor himself recommended it.

As soon as he was about to start talking, a strange sound came from outside the door.

What were you talking about?


He heard a loud yell and the sound of bustling movement. Alex quickly lifted Ciels body and hid it behind a window curtain.

Hide. Dont make any noise or come out.

The situation was not good. Fortunately, Ciel nodded calmly.

With a sigh of relief, Alex slowly approached the door. He didnt expect to meet that woman on a day like today.

It will probably be difficult to get through her safely. Alex clenched his fist and looked at the music room door.

TL/N : I wanna hear him play the violin T T

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