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7 months ago
On his dying breath after saving the woman he loves, Jian Shen throws his sword away to find him in... Read more On his dying breath after saving the woman he loves, Jian Shen throws his sword away to find him in his next life. And using the same sword he’ll start his next life’s journey on the path of Sword and Women. Collapse R-18, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Sexual Cultivation Technique, Handsome Male Lead, Sword And Magic, Sword Wielder, Multiple Realms, Male Protagonist, Transformation Ability, Weak to Strong, Beautiful Female Lead, Second Chance, Reincarnation It is on of my favorite... And do you know what? All my favorite novels has hiatus 😭😭😭 500-2400 chapters they has... I want more chapters! It's bad. The further the story goes the dumber mc gets. Especially when he ascends, all his decisions are so f#cking stupid. Instead of focusing on getting more powerful he runs after women. Cmon only japanese mcs are stupid enough to think with their dicks not heads. This mc on the same lvl.Furthermore mc runs after every woman he meets but the ones, who are already in his harem are forgotten.2/5 for experienced readers3/5 for others Where are you, author? I liked it very much. Does he have a child further on? Please tell The child died in the womb That puts me at ease, much appreciated kind sir. If you want to waste your time be my guest.The protagonist is an immature and almost brainless character. Can someone please recommend more novels like these....(Action+harem+r18) Has the author announced when he will restart the novel?? good cultivation novel, mc is talented and the journey is interspersed by harem + r18, mc's character is also very well made, the character is cold, knows the situation, 'not perverted like a virgin in japanese manga', the drawback here is that mc doesn't have much time for romance with the harem already obtained, the romance story is obtained only when mc conquers the woman who will be made into a harem. 'I think this novel is 8/10' Quote: SopitaCxa big harem (40+ women), good r-18 scenes, incest, also the rhythm of the novel is fast and satisfactory for a cultivation novel, what a cultivation novel takes 1500+ chapters, this one does it in less of 400 chapters (I'm talking about cultivating from the mortal realm to the immortal realm and all that)Realy incest?Which who? Mom? Aunt only aunt? xqcdespair Yeah only aunt, if you want romance with mom then read the other novel by this author