The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Chapter 566

Chapter 566: Flesh Demon (4)


Salgwi collapsed.

Seeing him spread out on the floor and not moving, Roman Dmitri stood up.

The body was drenched in blood.

It was blood spurted out by the flesh, and when I looked around, I saw people looking at me with shocked expressions. They will still be confused.

Why did Salgwi engage in slaughter? What were the words he uttered in a sudden madness?

I couldn’t understand the situation right in front of me, but I was certain that Roman Dmitri had appeared and punished the evil being.

“Yeah too!”

“Your Majesty, Emperor Roman Dmitry! thank you!”

“Thanks to you, my life was saved!”

People went crazy.

I was relieved that the risk factor had been removed.

He showed no sympathy for the death of Salgwi.

It was natural.

The sudden rampage of Salgwi committed an indiscriminate murder, and there was no one to feel sorry for him because he uttered strange words for a moment.

But Roman Dmitry could not respond to the people’s cheers. I stared at the bloody corpse with a cold face in silence.

The world of weak meat.

Roman Dmitry was always adamant.

In any case, there were no exceptions, but my heart was shaken for the first time when I faced Kevin’s successor.

The words that I spit out as if I was pleading with my flesh. It remained intact in Roman Dmitry’s mind.

I felt shaken even though I knew that the other person was not the real Kevin in the harsh life Kevin had lived after he left. I wanted to save him.

I didn’t mean simply to be merciful, but I wanted to study Kevin’s successor and uncover the truth about how the successor and Kevin were connected.


I swallowed the truth.

Knowing what was right, I thrust my sword into the stomach of the flesh with a feeling of being sorry.

Even if it was the real Kevin, it wouldn’t have been any different.

From the moment he indiscriminately murdered innocent people, there was no reason to show mercy to the being in front of him.

‘It’s something I have to do.’

I raised my head.

In front of the enthusiastic people, the figures of the guardians who were sacrificed to prevent the flesh could be seen.

If you show mercy based on your personal feelings, the sacrifices of the guardians who fought tenaciously to protect people will be meaningless.

For Roman Dmitri, the life of one person who believes in and follows him is more important than 100 others.

And among them, Kevin is a person with a really special meaning, but he knew better than anyone else that a single exception could break the system and cause cracks in blind trust.

Iron man politics.

He had to be strong.

Although he was violent and brutal, he always acted with a clear purpose so that people could trust him.

This was also the case.

The flesh looked like Kevin.

In an instant, the boundaries of reality collapsed.

Despite the far-flung emotions, Roman Dmitri did not show any signs of wavering.

reigning life.

it’s a lonely road

If you open up your hardships to your subordinates and show them wavering, even if you get a moment of comfort, your subordinates will realize that the monarch is not absolute.

Microscopic cracks cause anxiety.

When facing a reality that common sense cannot handle, a single consolation will surely cause problems.

I approached Kang Min-ho.

Shaking off the blood on the sword, he asked with a calm face.

“Are you okay?”

“… it’s okay.”

“Thanks to that, we were able to prevent a lot of damage. Put down your guard duty for the time being and concentrate on your treatment. And the guards, from now on, collect the corpses and verify the identity of the dead. We will hold funerals for those who died innocently, and the soldiers who lost their lives in this incident will remember their sacrifice as men of national merit.”

The soldiers moved busily.

This ended the situation.

Roman Dmitry left after all the problems were resolved, leaving behind people’s thanks.

It was perfect.

As always, the existence that solves the problems of the Korean Empire.

People praised and thanked Roman Dmitri.


“… .”

For some reason, Kang Min-ho felt that Roman Dmitri’s back was really lonely.

* * *

That day.

A top-level meeting was convened in Incheon.

Roman Dmitry did not attend, and conducted an analysis of the Salgwi incident, led by Kim Jun-hyeok.

Park Ki-tae, head of the information department, said.

“As you know, the runaway of the successors is an incident that has been occurring steadily. According to research results, there is a thesis that if memories are flooded excessively in the process of accepting memories beyond the dimension, the transmitters run out of control. Salgwi is no different. In the life he has lived, he uttered incomprehensible words, and in particular, the repeated mention of ‘Emperor Dmitry’ is a typical form of runaway.”

“How to prevent a runaway?”

“doesn’t exist. System Awakening Successor Chosen One. Currently, the elements that make up this world are beyond the control of human will. It is possible for us to find and analyze the evidence of what mankind has experienced, but that only ends in analysis and there is no way to solve the fundamental problem.”

“… What a beggar the world is.”

Kim Jun-hyeok showed a miserable expression.

Many people died.

It was an incident that occurred despite the full preparation of the capital’s security, and people described an incident like this time as a natural disaster.

Just because there is a possibility of runaway successors, they cannot be suppressed.

A runaway is an event that is unlikely to happen, and if the successors who are of great help to the safety of mankind are treated as preliminary criminals, there will definitely be a problem.

As Park Ki-tae said.

There was no way.

All you have to do is adapt and accept.

Park Ki-tae continued.

“The thing to pay attention to in this case is Salgwi’s remarks. Maronism has been steadily claiming the world of Dmitri and the advent of Maron Dmitri, the emperor there. In fact, as their remarks turned out to be true, Maronism secured a significant number of followers, but over the past 20 years, as meaningless time passed, it was argued that their remarks were in fact a fraudulent play using the memories of the transmitters. But this case adds strength to their argument. The fact that the demon of Dmitri mentioned a long time ago was proven to be real, and the flesh demon mentioned ‘Dmitri’s Emperor’ in a state of outrage. As Maronism claims, if Emperor Maron Dmitri exists, he may be a person with enough power to solve the problems facing mankind.”

“If what the Maronists say is true, nothing bad will happen to mankind. For the time being, use the power of the Ministry of Information to the fullest to keep an eye on the Maronist movement. If the existence of Maron Dmitri is mentioned, they will definitely move.”

“All right.”

After that, we talked about several issues.

Despite solving the problems in turn, people seldom showed a refreshing expression.

In fact, everyone was curious.

Roman Dmitry.

He had a conversation with Salgwi.

I wanted to ask what the hell they were talking about and where the name of Roman Dmitri, whom I had been curious about for a long time, came from.

But no one spoke the truth out of their mouths.

Roman Dmitry suddenly appeared in the world and saved people who were left with nothing but despair from hell.

Before being the emperor of this country.

It was a benefactor.

I waited for Roman Dmitri to speak first.

Currently, Dmitry Roman was in his residence and ordered not to come to him except for special occasions.

Joonhyuk Kim said.

“I will end the meeting with this.”

* * *

The sun has set.

Roman Dmitri looked at the bloodstained sword in the moonlight outside the window.

It was the flesh’s blood.

I felt complicated feelings about the dark red color that remained like a stain even after I brushed off the blood.

It’s not the skinny Kevin.

He couldn’t look at himself because he was blind, and he looked like a doll repeating the memories imprinted in his head. Even so, the emotional agitation was unaffected.

When he penetrated the abdomen of the being who cried out for His Majesty, Roman Dmitri felt a shock unlike any other murder he had ever experienced.

‘… What do I live for.’

A question that has always been repeated.

The answer was reign.

He always had to be above everyone else’s head and willingly accepted a life of struggle in order to dominate.


Will it be the same now?

Roman Dmitry could not be assertive.

When I was living as Baek Joong-hyeok, I struggled not to die, and I spent anxious nights every night thinking that I might die.

Perhaps that is why, even if they had the strength, they could not stop the life of struggle.

He whipped himself up not to allow even the slightest element of anxiety, and always aspired to be strong and moved to a higher level.

The life of Roman Dmitry was no different.

When he was born as Dmitry’s eldest son, he looked down at his frail body and once again embraced a life of struggle.

And now.

Roman Dmitry knew he had changed.

If he had been himself in the days of Baek Joong-hyeok, he would have immediately cleaned up countries like France, no matter how important the cause was.

But it didn’t.

People in this world have already gone through enough stages that people will accept them even though they have unimaginably mighty powers.

It has changed.

it has changed

As he experienced his previous life, Roman Dmitri’s heart unknowingly harbored a new desire.

I wanted to coexist.

He did not exist alone, but wanted people to live a life worthy of human beings, starting with himself. I hoped that the desire to become stronger was not only for individuals.

At first, he didn’t know his true feelings.

I cherished people like Kevin, but I never thought I would remember the life I lived with them so much.

The deficiency showed reality.

It became even more certain because he left Salamander.

I just found out

That simply being human is not enough.

good people.

Only with them was there any real meaning.

It was not an empty shell with nothing, but the relationship formed between humans was a truly human life.

Because he wanted such a life, he refused Woowha Deungseon.

As Roman Dmitri, I was able to fulfill the life that Baek Joong-hyeok could not fully fulfill, and it was only after leaving Salamander that I realized how precious that life was.

I wanted to go back.

It was arrogance to be able to accept the sacrifice.

Even if it was as painful as Kevin’s cry in his skin, he should have found a way to tell people the truth.

I accepted it because I was used to dealing with it alone.

I believed it was right then.

In fact, now that I think about it, the reason I accepted Kang Min-ho when I first met him was because of the vacancy of the lost people.

I had to accept someone new to fill the hole in my heart.

Kang Min-ho Kim Jun-hyeok Getting to know people one by one like that, Roman Dmitri relieved a little of the longing for his previous life.

I was lost in thought for a while.

The sun sets, the sun rises, the sun sets, the sun rises.

Be honest with yourself.

I didn’t turn away from the truth anymore.

As the sun shone through the window again, Roman Dmitri accepted what he really wanted.

‘Ten cataclysms. I absolutely cannot wait that long.’

It became clear.

I hoped to reunite with Dmitri as soon as possible.

Even 1 minute 1 second.

any faster.

Roman Dmitry created that huge presence.

* * *

Once again a meeting was convened.

All the leaders of the Korean Empire were seated.

It was the first time since the Salgwi incident, so they showed a nervous look at Roman Dmitri’s appearance.

Something was different.

I didn’t know exactly what it was, but it was clear that something special had happened to Roman Dmitri.

said Roman Dmitry.

“I had a question while experiencing this situation. Why do we have to play on the board made by the absolute? No matter how divine they are, in order for mankind to regain peace, they must deal with the Absolute. And this situation proves a clear fact. A new world exists beyond the dimension. Numerous beings, including Dmitri’s successors, prove that the dimension is not limited to one. If so, the fact that the Absolute, who had not appeared in the present life, suddenly presented a disaster can be interpreted as meaning that they have crossed the dimension and reached this place only now.”


He let out a strong tone.

Overwhelming people, Roman Dmitry expressed the parts that he had been agonizing over and coming to conclusions for the past few days.

“After the cataclysm, mankind is trembling with anxiety. The 10 great disasters foretold by the absolute. Humanity could not enjoy perfect peace even for a moment due to a catastrophe that could strike anytime and anywhere. I will ask you. Why do we have to wait for that time. Rather than accepting 10 catastrophes one after another, if we find the absolute that exists beyond the dimension in the first place, mankind can solve the root cause of the problem.”

People were astonished.

Roman Dmitry’s remarks.

beyond common sense

In the meantime, mankind has been imagining a vague reality in which the transcendental power of the absolute might one day deal with him.

Victory was unpredictable.

Since he showed ability comparable to that of a god, he thought that even the faintest hope would be granted only if he had the most powerful power by then.

And now.

Roman Dmitry broke the realm of common sense.

“I will break down the boundaries of the dimension. And furthermore, I will directly find out the existence of the Absolute and eradicate him.”

A realm that no one dared to imagine.

People were in shock.

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